
In those days the poor people had a hard time.在那些日子里,穷人生活很苦。 2)有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物,this和these则指下面将要讲到的事物。如:

I had a bad cold. That's why I didn't come.我伤风很厉害,所以我没有来。 Those two statements are not true.那两种说法是不真实的。

What I want to say is this:Pronunciation is very important in learning English.我所要说的是:语音在英语学习中非常重要。

chairman Mao honoured Lin Hulan with these words:\death\毛主席用下面的话表彰刘胡兰:\生的伟大,死的光荣。\


The climate of shenyang is just as good as that of Beijing. 沈阳的气候跟北京的一样好。(that代替climate)

The county's grain output of 1981 was double that of 1970.这个县1987年的粮食产量比1980年增加一倍。(that代替grain output)

Television sets made in Nanjing are just as good as those made in Shanghai.南京出产的电视机和上海的一样好。(those代替television sets)

4)This和that有时作状语用,表示\程度\,意谓\这么\和\那么\。如: The book is about this thick.那本书大约有这么厚。 I don't want that much.我不要那么多。

It指人时亦用作指示代词。指示代词it在汉语中不必译出。 如:

Who is it?――it's me.是谁?--是我。

Oh, it's you,Lao Wang.哦,是你呀,老王。

Such和same也是指示代词,其单、复数的形式相同。它们在句中可用作: 1)定语

The foreign Visitors said they had never seen such a beautiful city before.外宾说他们从来没有看过这样美丽的城市。

We are not talking about the same thing.我们谈的不是一回事。

[注] such作定语时,它所修饰的名词之前如有不定冠词,这个不定冠词应放在Such之后,如上面第一例。

2)相当于名词,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等成分。 Such were his words.这就是他讲的话。(作主语)

The same can be said of the Other article.另一篇文章也是同样情况。(作主语) Take from the drawer such as you need.你需要什么,就从抽屉里拿吧。(作宾语) His name and mine are the same.他和我同名。(作表语) [注]注意在same之前一般须用定冠词the。 疑问代词概说




Who is going to speak to us tomorrow?明天谁来跟我们讲话?(who作主语) Who told you so?是谁告诉你的?(who作主语)

Whom are you talking about ?你们在说谁?(whom作宾语,但在句首时口语常用


Whose umbrella is this ?这是谁的伞?(whose作定语) What is that? 那是什么?(what作表语) What did he say?他说什么?(what作宾语)

Which is yours,the blue pen or the redone?蓝笔和红笔哪一支是你的?(which作主语)



What ever do you want?你到底想要什么? Who ever is she looking for ?她究竟是在找谁?

[注三]which表示在一定范围之内的选择,what则没有这种限制。如: What do you usually have for lunch?你们午饭通常吃些什么? Which do you like best?你最喜欢哪一个?

Which of you comrades come from the Northeast? 你们同志们中间谁是东北人? 疑问代词可以引导一个间接疑问句


Who will be in charge of the work is still not decided.谁将负责这项工作,现在还没有决定。(疑问代词who引导一个主语从句,它本身又在从句中用作主语。)

Do you know what his name is?你知道他叫什么名字吗?(疑问代词what引导一个宾语从句,而它本身又在从句中用作表语。)

[注一] what所引导的名词性从句(即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句) 有时不是间接疑问句。如:

What he says is quite true.他所讲的话很对。(what相当于that which。它引导一个主语从句,这个从句不是间接疑问句。)

Children do what the nurse tells them to do.保育员让孩子干什么他们就做什么。(what引导一个宾语从句,这个从句也不是间接疑问句。)

[注二] whatever,whoever,whichever等词可引导名词性从句。这些名词性从句也不是间接疑问句。whatever,whoever,whichever也可引导表示让步的状语从句。见15.65和15.72)如:

They eat whatever they can find.他们找到什么就吃什么。(whatever引导一个宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。)

I've got plenty of books 1eft.Whoever wants an extra copy can get one from me.我还剩下许多书,谁还想再要一本可来拿。(whoever引导一个主语从句,并在从句中作主语。)






The man who is talking with Mr. Brown is an eye Specialist和布朗先生谈话的那个人是个眼科大夫。(关系代词who在从句中用作土语,它的先行词是man)

He is the comrade whom you have been looking for他就是你要找的那位同志。(关系代词whom在从句中作宾语,它的先行词是comrade,whom在口语中一般可省去)

The old man whose son is in the navy used to be carpenter.儿子在海军的那位老人过去是个木匠。


The film which I saw last night is about a young teacher.我昨晚看的那部电影说的是一个年轻教师的事。(关系代词which在从句中用作宾语,先行词为film, which在口语中可省略)

This is the plane that will fly to Tokyo in the afternoon.这是下午要飞往东京的飞机。(关系代词that在从句中用作主语,先行词为plane)


不是指明代替任何特定名词(或形容词)的代词叫做不定代词。不定代词有: some 一些(可数或不可数) somebody 某人 someone 某人 something某物,某事 any一些,任何(可数或不可数) anybody任何人 anyone任何人 anything任何事物

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