


学 号:

题目类型:设 计 (设计、论文、报告)



专业班级: 电气自动化 10-2

学生姓名: 符杰克

学 号:

指导教师: 林晓东


教 研 室: 电气自动化教研室

2012 年12 月





关键词:混凝土搅拌站;IO分配;可编程控制器(PLC);自动控制The designing

of the controlling and monitoring program for concrete

mixing stations which based on PLC

Student:LI Cheng--zhi

Abstract:Concrete mixing stations were producted and developed with the birth of cement. It is the construction of the necessary equipment for buildings, bridges, roads, dams and other projects.It’sconstructed from storage materials, ingredients, stirring, discharge, and other structural components,and it is a subject to the constraints of the complex multi-link system. As China's economic construction and the rapid development, Comprehensive national strength constantly enhance the state's infrastructure construction investment increased to boost the city's rapid development of ready-mixed concrete, so that the concrete mixing stations only in the form of stand-alone, self-mix concrete-occupied, with the construction of infrastructure facilities for large-scale, a lot of ready-mixed concrete market was developed, the demand for mixing stations are larger and larger, and measures are increasingly demanded, so the mixing stations with various forms of measurement devices were developed, thereby the modern concrete mixing station was

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