《机械工程专业英语》测验题(18-22) 将下列词组译成汉语 the base circle(基圆)
the pitch curve(啮合曲线) the contact force(接触力)
the intermittent motion(间歇运动) the common normal(公法线) the conjugate profiles(共轭齿廓) the cycloidal profiles (摆线齿形) the involute profiles(渐开线齿形) the spur gear(直齿轮)
the herringbone gears(双螺旋齿轮) the face gear(端面齿轮)
the radial distance(径向距离) the addendum circle(齿顶圆) The tooth thickness(齿厚) the tooth space(齿间隙) the cap screws(螺钉)
the setscrews(固定螺丝钉)
the engineering graphics(工程力学) mechanical design(机械设计)
the installation techniques(安装技术) the bolted joint(螺栓连接)
the hardened washers(强化垫圈) the fatigue resistance(抗疲劳强度) the modulus of elasticity(弹性模量) the antifriction bearing(减摩轴承) the rolling bearing(滚动轴承) the rolling contact (滚动接触) the sliding contact(滑动触电)
the corrosion resistance(抗腐蚀性) the machining tolerances(加工公差) the fatigue loading(疲劳载荷) the radial loads(径向负荷) the thrust loads逆负荷 the ball bearing球轴承 the roller bearing滚子轴承
the single-row bearings单沟轴承 the double-row bearing双沟轴承 the needle bearing滚针轴承 the bearing life轴承寿命 The rating life额定寿命
the axis of rotation旋转轴 The helix angle螺旋角 a right-hand helix 右旋 a left-hand helix左旋
an involute helicoids螺旋面 an involute curve渐开线
the shaft centerlines轴中心线 worm gear蜗轮
the hypoid gear准双曲面齿轮 right angle直角
worm gearing蜗杆传动 the lead angle导角 shaft angle轴线角度 bending load弯曲载荷 tension load张力负荷
compression load压缩负载 torsional load扭转负荷 the bending moment弯矩 the bending stress弯曲应力 the shot peening喷丸法 the actuating force工作力
the coefficient of friction摩擦系数 An electromagnetic coil电磁线圈 the magnetic circuit磁路 将下列短语译成汉语
disk or plate translating (two-dimensional or planar) 盘形传动凸轮(两维的,即平面的) cylindrical (three-dimensional or spa