

课 题 8B Unit 7 International 2016 年5 charities 课时 1 授课时间 月25日 Welcome to the unit & comic strip To know about some famous charities in the world. To talk about how to help people in need. To lead students to set up the consciousness to help vulnerable groups. To know about some famous charities in the world. (Importance) To talk about how to help people in need. (Importance) To talk about how to help people in need. (Difficulty) To talk about how to help people in ne教学目标 教 学 重难点 预习要求 ed. 教学内容及活动设计 二次复备及教学随感 Step 1 Checking Let the students try to say the names of the charities of China. Step 2 Lead-in Ask the students to answer the questions: What will you do for the charities? What are Eddie and Hobo doing? Are they ready to help the charity?


Step 3 Learning Read and answer What is needed for charity? What does Hobo want Eddie to do? What does Eddie want to do first? Why? How far will they go? Step 4 Practice (1).Complete the following passage. Hobo hears that charity n______ money. He wants to donate Eddie’s p______ money to charity. But Eddie thinks it is lunch t____ because it’s 12 o’clock. He wants to have l_____ first. He pretends(假装) that he is too w_____ to walk any f_________. Finally, Hobo encourages (鼓励) Eddie they only have five k_________ left. (2)Work in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Step 5 Learning Learn some useful phrases Step 6 Lead-in What can we do for people? If Hobo and Eddie want to help people from other countries, what charities should they donate money to? What international charities do you know about? Step 7 Learning Introduce some international charities Step 8 Practice Finish Part A on Page 93 Step 9 Lead-in ﹠ Learning Mr Wu is asking the students about international charities. Listen to the tape and tell me how UNICEF helps


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