
五 年 级 下 册 英 语 教 案


Unit 1 Draw a cat on the roof.

编写日期: 执行日期:


1. Able to understand and say the new words: a roof, above, a chimney, in front of, understand the word pin.

2. Able to grasp new sentence form: Draw a cat on the roof.” 3. Able to use correctly “ There be…” and repositions. 教学重点及难点:

重点: Grasp the four--skilled words; grasp the affirmative of imperatives 难点: Use “ There be….” To describe position relation. 教学准备:

Word card, picture, drawing tools, tape recorder etc. 教学方法: 情景法, 演示法 教学步骤: Step 1. Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song

3. Game---What?s missing? Step 2. Presentation and drill

1. Continue the previous game--what?s missing? And teach new words: roof, chimney, tree. 2. Game----Patting flies.

3. Organize the pictures into a complete drawing.

T: Look, There is a cat on the roof. There?s a bird above the chimney…. What a beautiful picture!

Write and teach the sentence: There is a cat/ ….on/…/.in front of….the roof/….tree/……”

4. Change some places in the picture therefore to make it different from the old. Let students describe the picture with: There be…..

5. Game---Listen and draw.

T: Draw a house with a chimney. / Draw a bird bird on the roof./ Draw a tree beside the house./ Draw a cat on the tree. / Draw a car in front of the tree./ Draw a bird above the car. Then check some pictures.

6. Listen to recorder of part A and part B, and repeat. Step 3. Practice 1. Act out Part A.

2. Team work: Make the class some groups of four, and have a talk and draw something as they want. Choose some students to introduce their pictures by saying “ There is a………” Step 4. Homework

Copy new words. Recite new text. Try to make yourself more clear of the sentence form: There be….

板书: cat on the roof. Chimney on the house.. There is a bird above the chimney.

boy behind the tree.

A dog by the car. 课后记:

Period 2

编写日期: 执行日期:


1. Able to recite the text.

2. Able to describe location with: on in front of, in, behind.

3. Raise good habit for study and good virtue of being kind and helpful.

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