实验中学初二年级英语学案 (2)


课题:8AU2Grammar(I) 编者:吴环环 审批:朱彩霞 使用时间:2008/10

一、 翻译下面词组、句子:

1. 她的花比你的少。 我的CD比她的少_______________________________________________________ 2. 他的果汁比我的少。_____________________________________________________________________ 3. JOHN学的科目比我的少,可是他参加的兴趣小组比我的多。___________________________________ 4. 她的空余时间比我的少。_________________________________________________________________ 5. 她是我们班最好笑的女孩,她比我们讲的笑话多。___________________________________________ 6. 他得的分数最少。_______________________________________________________________________ 7. 我种的树是我们三个人中最少的。_________________________________________________________ 8. 昨天我们在他家里吃的晚饭,我吃的牛肉最少。_____________________________________________ 9. 在阅读周中,他读的书是所有学生中最多的。_______________________________________________ 10. 我在CD上花的钱比你少。________________________________________________________________ 11. AMY喝的牛奶在三个女生中是最少的。______________________________________________________ 12. 她有8个网友,我比她少两个。___________________________________________________________ 13. 美国的学校生活和英国的学校生活不一样。_________________________________________________ 14. 我的时间表和他的是一样的。_____________________________________________________________ 二、 完成句子

1.We can compare amounts using “more. ..than”, “fewer. ..than”, and “less than”.我们可以用“比……多” 和“比……少”来比较数量。 (1)more 是 much, many的比较级, many后接可数名词,much 后接不可数名词。

more than=over “多于,超过”

_______ _______sixty students / _______ sixty students (六十多个学生)) (2) fewer 是few的比较级, few 后接可数名词复数。

I picked______ _______ _______ you. (我摘的苹果比你少。) (3)less 是little的比较级,, “较少的, 较小的”

She _________ ________ ________than her sister. (她喝的咖啡比她妹妹少。) less than “不到, 少于”

Last month I ________ English _________ ________ a week. (上个月我学习英语不到一个星期。)

2. When we are comparing more than two things, we use “the most” for the largest amount and “the fewest/ the least” for the smallest amount. 当我们比较两件以上的事物时,我们用“the most” (最多)来表示最大的数量。“ the least” “ the fewest”(最少)来表示最小的数量。much、many的最高级是 most “最多,大多数”, little 的最高级是least,修饰不可数名词,few的最高级是 fewest“最少”,修饰可数名词。 (1)We did ______ ______ the work. (我们已做了大部分工作。)

(2)She spent______ ______ time ______ housework of the three. (三个人中她花最少的时间做家务。) 3. “the same as” “和……一样”与“be different from” “与……不同”

The dress is______ ______ ______my mother’s.这件裙子与我妈妈的裙子一样。

The _______ ______ your bag is ______ ______ ______ of ______. 你的书包的颜色与我的不一样。 三、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. Simon has______(little) water than Jim.

2. His grandfather is ill. He was even______(ill) this morning. 3. I am old enough to look after________(I).

4. Which subject is____________(interesting), History, Geography or Science? 5. Please practise as________(much) as you can.

6. This pair of shoes is as_________(expensive) as that pair, but_____________(beautiful) than that pair. 7. She always tries her_______(good) to do everything.

8. Whose homework is______(good), Bill’s, Millie’s or Kate’s? 9. Most of the people are very______(friend) to me.

10. Kitty often helps others. She is ____________(help) student in their class.


课题:8AU2 Grammar(II) 编者:吴环环 审批:朱彩霞 使用时间:2008/10


1. Millie’s handwriting is more beautiful than Judy’s; Judy’s is more beautiful than Kate’s. (改为含有最高级的句)

Millie’s handwriting is______ ______ ______ ______ the three. 2. Lucy has big eyes and Kitty has small eyes.(同义改写)

Lucy’s eyes are______ ______ Kitty’s.

3. John would like to learn how to cook. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ John ______ to learn?

4. There are only five subjects in the most students’ ideal school. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ subjects are there in the most students’ ideal school? 5. English is the most important subject.( 改为同义句)

English is______ important than______ ______ subject. 6. Simon is clever. Nancy is clever, too. (合并句子)

Simon is______ ______ ______ Nancy. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. Do you think he’s much ________(clever) than the other boys? 2. I’m only one year________(young) than you.

3. Tina joins________(few) clubs than her best friend in her class. 4. Can you show me________(near) supermarket here?

5. I think English is as________(important) as Maths in middle schools. 6. Jane has________(little) free time than Betty.

7. Jim scored________(many) goals in the baseball match last week. 8. Annie drank______(much) milk than I.

9. I think Lesson One is________(easy) of all the lessons.

10. He does the most work, but his boss gives him________(little) money. It’s unfair! 三、用动词的适当形式填空:

1. Listen! Someone __________(knock) at the door. 2. Lu Xun was good at__________(write) articles. 3. __________(not play) football in the street, boys. 4. Why__________(not play) football with us?

5. The woman didn’t know what__________(do) with the coffee. 6. How soon______there______(be) a sports meeting?

7. I like _______(take) a taxi. Because it’s faster than________(catch) a bus. 8. ________(live) in a big city________(be) very interesting. 9. I__________(read) an interesting story-book at present.

10. When something________(worry) me, I always go to my teacher for help. 11. Young people should________(give) seats to old people on buses.

12. Usually Chinese students spend more time________(do) homework than American students. 三、翻译句子。

1、 英国的天气与澳大利亚的天气不同。_______________________________________________________ 2、 我的鞋子尺码跟你的鞋子一样大小。_______________________________________________________ 3、 你的学校生活是什么样的?______________________________________________________________ 4、 我课桌里的书比你课桌里的少。__________________________________________________________ 5、 南京是中国最古老的城市之一。___________________________________________________________ 6、 难道你将来不想成为一名医生吗?是的,我讨厌医院的味道。_________________________________ 7、 她做作业很细心,上次的数学考试中她犯的错误最少。________________________________________

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