

所有公司收取或支出的款项以及该等收取或支出相关的其他事宜; 公司所有的货物买卖;

公司的资产和负债 如果账簿未能真实、有效的反映公司状况或未能解释相关交易的情况,则该等账簿不




110. The Directors shall from time to time determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places and under what conditions or regulations the accounts and books of the Company or any of them shall be open to the inspection of Members not being Directors and no Member (not being a Director) shall have any right of inspecting any account or book or document of th e Company except as conferred by Statute or authorized by the Directors or by the Company in general meeting.

110 董事应当是不是决定是否、在何等承担上,在何等时间和地方,以及在何等条件下将公司账簿提供非董事的股东审 阅,此外,非股东(亦非为董事)应当无权检查公司的账簿以及其他文件,但如果相关法令赋予检查的权利,或者董事 或公司在股东会上授权的除外。

111. The Directors may from time to time cause to be prepared and to be laid before the Company in general meeting profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, group accounts (if any) and such other reports and accounts as may be required by law.

111 董事应随时促使损益表、资产负债表、集团报表(如有)以及该等其他法律可能要求的报告和报表在公司股东大会 召开之前准备并陈列妥当。


112. The Company may at any annual general meeting appoint an Auditor or Auditors of the Company who shall hold office until the next annual general meeting and may fix his or their remuneration.

112 公司应在每次年度股东大会任命一名或数名公司审计师在公司任职至下一年度股东大会,并确定其薪酬。

113. The Directors may before the first annual general meeting appoint an Auditor or Auditors of the Company who shall hold office until the first annual general meeting unless previously removed by an ordinary resolution of the Members in general meeting in which case the Members at that meeting may appoint Audito

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