

班级______ _学号 姓名 得分 一 单项选择 25%

1.We are playing football. Do you want to _______ us? A.join B.join in C.attend D.take part 2._______ he eats, the _______ he gets. A. The more, fatter B. Many, fatter C. The many, fatter D. The more, the fatter

3. I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she _______, she would have met my brother. A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come 4. The bike________ me 350 yuan.That’s to say I spent 350 yuan _______it. A.spent, on B.cost, on C. cost, for D. spent, for 5. This kind of plants died ________ because of pollution. A. of B. out C. from D. for 6. _______ bright girls they are! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 7. His sister had a bad cough, ________she? A. wasn’t B. doesn’t C. hadn’t D. didn’t 8. If you leave, I have _______ friends here, so I will _______ stay here. A. no more, no longer B. no longer, no more C. no more, no more, D. no longer, no longer

9. Before the child went to bad, his father asked him to ______ all the toys. A. put out B. put away C. put off D. put up 10. Students can be hard ________ themselves in judging such behavior. A. by B. for C. at D. on 11. If a person shows no fear in face of danger, he or she is _______. A. bossy B. ambitious C. self-centred D. courageous 12. Take the medicine, it will ______ you a lot of good. A. make B. do C. do good to D. give 13. When the old woman woke up, she didn’t know what had _______. A. come about B. come across C. come around D. come over

14. Those young men who abandon themselves to the net games _______ some silly things. A. are likely to doing B. are like to doing C. are likely to do D. are like to do 15. The man ______ hair is yellow is the thief. A. who B. whose C. that D. which 16. The question is _______ we will have our sports meeting next week. A. that B. if C. when D. whether 17. If they refuse _______ so, they should be ordered _______ them down. A. doing, to pull B. to do, pull C. to do, to pull D. doing, pulling

18. Never _______ till tomorrow what you can do today.

A. put off B. put up C. put away D. put on 19. After the thief was caught by the police, he admitted _______ a woman’s wallet. A. to steal B. steal C. to have stolen D. having stolen 20. The boy _______ on the ground ______ to me that he had ______ the book on the shelf. A. lying, lay, laid B. lay, lied, lain C. lain, lied, laid D. lying, lied, laid 21. ______ had the football game begun _______ it started raining. A. Hardly, than B. Scarce, when C. Hardly, when D. No sooner, when 22. He asked me _______during the summer holidays. A. where I had been B. where I went C. where had I been D. where did I go 23. I _______ 900 English words by the time I was ten. A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learn 24. The advertising campaign didn’t have much effect ______ sales. A. in B. on C. with D. to

25. Tom was surprised that most of the guests _______ when he ________ at the party. A. left, had arrived B. left, arrived C. had left, had arrived D. had left, arrived 二、 阅读 40%


Directions: The following is a list of public signs. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should mark the corresponding letters with a line through the center in order of the numbered blanks, 53 through 57, on the Answer Sheet.

A--- School zone B—Vendors Prohibited C--- Pass on Left D--- Don’t Step On E---- Keep Away for Safety F--- Service Area G--- Administrative Area H—Watch Your Hand

I ---- Please Don’t Leave Valuables Unattended J—Maintenance in Progress K--- Out of Service L--- Stand on Right M—Break Glass in Emergency N--- Don’t Touch

O--- Keep Clear of the Door P—Don’t Exceed Speed Limit Q--- Icy Road

26. ( )当心夹手 27.( )请勿登踏 28. ( )服务区 29.( )勿靠车门 30. ( )严禁超速 31.( )正在检修 32. ( )前方学校 33.( )靠右站立

34. ( )路面结冰 35.( )紧急情况击碎玻璃



Job Advertisement A B Are you looking for a part time job? We Part Time work available: We are looking require 3 part time shop assistants to for retired adults who would like to work work during the evening. No experience part time at the weekend. Responsibilities required, applicants should be between include answering the telephone and 18 and 26. Call 366-76564 for more giving customers information. For more information. information contact us by 576-86534. C Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working

with computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is YES, give us a call at 876-34221

( ) 36. What is the required position in Job A?

A. secretary B. shop assistant C. customer service ( ) 37. Which number would you call if you would like a full time job?

A. 366-76564 B. 576-86534 C. 876-34221 ( ) 38. Which of the following is not TRUE about Job B?

A. It is a full time job.

B. The work time is on Saturdays and Sundays. C. It requires communication skills.

( ) 39. Which job requires experience with computer?

A. Job A B. Job B C. Job C

( ) 40. Jane Page, recently retired, is looking for a part time position. She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is ______.

A. Job A B. Job B C. Job C

C Driver Wanted House for Sale Drive for busy restaurant, some evening and ¥150, 000, built in 2005. weekend work. The house with 3 bedrooms, a All meals are free. bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and Ring 63335678. a breakfast room. It’s in the south of

the city. Yingbin Supermarket, the biggest shopping centre Rose’s Special Concert in our city will open on July 8, 2015. Everybody with Time: 2 p.m., July 3, Saturday today’s Nanjing Daily will get a small present that day. Place: People’s Stadium Tel: 67984321 Ticket Price: RMB 150 yuan for Add: No. 6 Hunan Road adults; 70 yuan for students Nanjing Daily June 1, 2015 June 25, 2015 ( ) 41. If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you may ______.

A. never pay for meals B. pay a little for meals C. pay for meals ( ) 42. If you buy the house, you ______. A. may pay $150, 000 for it

B. have to take a bath in the public bathroom C. may live in the south of the city

( ) 43. Any customer with a Nanjing Daily of June 1, 2015 will get a small present from ______. A. Hunan Road B. Tianjin Daily C. Yingbin Supermarket ( ) 44. When will the concert be? A. June 8, 2015.

B. July 3, 2015.

C. June 25, 2015.

( ) 45. If two adults and two students want to go to the concert, the tickets will cost RMB ______. A. 440 yuan B. 270 yuan C. 370 yuan

三、 词组 10%

1. 集中注意力于…__________________ 2. 拒绝做某事______________________ 3. come over ________________________ 4. regard…as…______________________ 5. stand out__________________________ 6. 偶遇某人_________________________ 7. 解出,算出_______________________ 8. 背后讨论某人_____________________ 9. 对…过分严厉_____________________ 10. in my situation_____________________

四、翻译 10%

46. We deal with a lot of foreign customers and are considered to be one of their most reliable agents.

A) 我们同许多国外客户打过交道,被一致认为是国内外首屈一指的代理商。 B) 我们与国外许多客户保持联系,而且我们为他们寻找国内最好的代理商。


C) 我们与许多外国客户有业务往来,并被认为是他们最可靠的代理商之一。

47. Anything you want to know can be found in seconds if you use the right keywords to search for it.

A) 如果使用正确的关键词,就可以即可搜索到你想知道的任何事情。 B)你搜索的关键词如果准确,这样才能很快地找到你所要的数据。 C)你先要知道使用关键词搜索的方法,才能从事你所做的研究工作。

48. We have all been so impressed with your abilities and potential that we are pleased to offer you a position.

A) 我们面试过的所有求职者中,你的能力最强,潜力最大。 B) 我们都对你的能力和潜力印象深刻,乐于为你提供职位。 C)我们很欣赏你的能力和潜质,很高兴能有机会和你共事。

49. The aim of our website is to control or reduce noise at work without stopping people from enjoying music.

A.) 本网站的方针是不断阻断或减少噪音,同时又能够使人们欣赏音乐。 B)本网站的目的是控制或减少工作中的噪音,却不妨碍人们欣赏音乐。 C)本网站的优势是用播放人们喜爱的音乐的方式,来缓解和抵消压力。

50. According to a recent survey, there is demand for medical assistants in different areas of medicine.

A)各地区统计报告表明,许多地方的医院都急需补充医疗设备。 B)调查清楚表明,在许多不同的医疗领域,都需要有医药助理。 C)根据最近的一项调查,不同的医学领域对医辅人员都有需求。 五、作文 15%

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a MEMO according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation\\Composition Sheet. 送达: 全体员工

发自: 经理 Ioan Blackburn 主要内容: 关于奖金

发件日期: 2015年6 月14日 内容:


Words for reference: 奖金: bonus

业绩: achievement

做贡献: make contributions

MEMO Date: 1 .From: 2. To: 3. Re: 4. Message: Signature: 英语学科期中试卷答题卡

班级______ _学号 姓名 得分


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 二、 阅读 40% 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 三、 词组 10%

1. __________________________ 2. ___________________________

3 __________________________ 4 ____________________________


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