





1.______ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ (二)听句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。 6. A.It makes rile tense

B.I always listen to loud music in the morning C.I like soft music 7. A.The Yellow River

B.The Yangtze River C.The Nile

8. A.I missed a friend of mine

B.I overslept

C.Sorry.r forgot m turn off the light. 9. A.Sure.There are many hospitals

B.Let me see.What do you like to eat? C.There is a good nearby. 10.A.Congratulations!

B.That’s all right C.Wish you 8 good trip. 11.A.It doesn’t matter

B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.Be careful next time

12.A.I’11 go across the road quickly

B.I’ll stop to wait for the green lights C.I’ll ask the police for help 13.A.OK Let’s go!

B.When shall we go there? C.Yes,it was relaxing but crowded

(三)听对话,选择正确的答案。每个对话读两遍。 14.A.Fifteen minutes

B.Five minutes

C.Four minutes

15.A.Because he didn’t know the way. B.Because he went to another place.

C.Because he had to prepare for the coming exam 16.A.At 7:00 17.A.He overslept 18.A.In l876

B.At 7:45

C.At 8:00 C.He was ill.

B.He missed the bus

B.It was Alexander Bell C.In l867

19.A.He rode his bike this morning

B.He hurt his leg C.He fell oil his horse 20.A.In the library

B.In the Summer Palace C.On the sleet


21.A good way to pass an exam is to ____ every day in a year A.work hard

B.stay at home

C.play computer games

22.If people want to learn English well,they __________

A.must often practice English B.have to go to England C.should go to bed early

23.It’s Important to ______ a few days before the exam.

A.study deep into the night B.have a good preparation C.read the question papers

24.When people have finished the exam, they should _______ A.read carefully over the question papers

B.make sure that they have not missed anything out C.answer a few more questions

25.The best tide for this passage is“________” A.Get Ready for an Exam

B.An Important Exam C.How to Pa an Exam


when I first in a western restaurant.I didn’t know 26 I was supposed to do.Everything was unfamiliar.I was used to 27 with chopsticks and a spoon,but I had to eat with a knife.A fork and a spoon.And I had not just one set to use,but two or three of each.Questions 28 my mind.Was I supposed to begin with the 29 ones or the smallest? Was I supposed to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work out? Was I supposed to 30 the spoon in my left hand or my right hand? 二、语言基础运用

31.His little son was born ______ a rainy night last year A.on




32.He can hardly swim,_______? A.couldn't he

B.can’t he

C.could he

D.can he

33.You are welcome to _______ my home. A.drop by

B.pick up

C.help out

D.set up

34.一We’ve waited for the two singers for two hours.Will they be able to come here? 一I’m afraid _____ of them will come today





35.Many boy in our class find ______ difficult to learn English well. A.that




36.一Would you mind putting out the cigarette? 一_______ A.Yea, I do

B.No,it doesn’t matter

C.Sorry, I’ll do it soon D.Sorry, I won’t

37.The ______ man works in a restaurant _______ a waiter A.20-year-old, as C.20-years-old, for

B.20-year-old,for D.20-year-olds,as

38.一I called you at six yesterday,but there was _____ answer.

一Did you? I _______ dinner at my friend’s home

A.not an; had

B.no;was having

C.not; was having


39.一Excuse me, where is Miss Brown?

一She _________ Paris She win come back next week. A.is going


C.has gone to

D.has been to

40.I can’t buy the dress because I have just ______ money A.a little


C.a few


41.—Do you know _______ move into our new house?

一We will move there as soon as the key ______ to us

A.when we can, is given C.if we can, is given

B.when can we, will be given D.when we can, will be given

42.Many students have trouble ______ English in China. A.to learn




43.When I got up,my mother _____ up for an hour. A.got

B.had gotten D.has been getting

C.had been

44.I usually forget ________ the door,but I remembered ______ it when l left yesterday A.closing, closing C.closing.to close

B.to close,to dose D.to close, closing

45.My glasses are broken.I will have to buy ________ A.a new one

B.new ones

C.another one

D.a new pair

46.Yesterday I came to school late because my alarm clock didn’t _________ A.wake up

B.come up

C.go off

D.get up

47.一Do you know _______ the population of Sichuan is? 一sorry, I really don’t know

A.how many B.how much C.which D.what

48.I prefer _______ face to face to ________ on the phone. A.talking.talk C.talking,talking

B.to talk,talking D.talk,talk

49.一Sleep well.Mary7?

一No, The noise the workers _________ me awake for hours A.made to keep C.made keep

B.made kept D.was made to keep

50.一Look! John is playing basketball over there —No, it be him He has gone to Beijing






An old friend from the US whom I was looking forward to staying with,telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived.I was still at the 5l at that time,but I had got everything ready for his arrival After letting him know where my house was。I told him that I had left the 52 under the door-mat(门垫).53 I was likely to be home rather late, I told him to go into the 54 and help himself to food and think

Two hours later[11v friend 55 me from the house At the moment,he said,he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful 56 .He had found a cooker and 57 two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the ice box.Now, he said,he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would 58 him when I asked him if he had reached the house without difficulty.he answered,“I was not able to find the key. 59 luckily the living-room windows just by the apple tree were left open and you know what I could do”

I listened to all this in 60 In front of my living-room there was no apple tree at all. 51.A.living-room 52.A.address 53.A.As 54.A.store 55.A.invited



D.house D.traveling plan D.Though D.kitchen D.telephoned

B.telephone number C.key B.When

C.If C.fridge

B.restaurant B.asked


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