译林牛津英语六年级上册6A unit 3Holiday fun教案

牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 Holiday fun 教学设计 总第15-21 课时

Title Unit3 fun Holiday Grade 6 Teacher’s Name Wei Wen jun Period 1 Date Teaching Points 1. Enable the students to understand, say, read and spell the words and phrases : National Day holiday, Bund, Great Wall, Palace Museum, Shanghai Museum, Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square, holiday, call 2. Enable the students to understand, say, read the sentences: What did you/he do for the holiday? I/He… Did you/he…? Yes, I/he did./ No, I/he didn’t. Learn the story and try to act the story. Main Lesson Aims & Enable the Ss to use the words and sentences to talk about the story. Difficult Points Enable the Ss to share their travelling experience with others and enjoy their holiday. Teaching Aids PPT , some flash cards, real objects, tape … TASKS (What will the students do?) STAGE PROCEDURE (What will the teacher do) INTERACTION AIMS Warming-up 1. Sing a song < Rain, rain, go away> 2. Talk about the summer holiday. 1. Sing the song< Rain, T_Ss rain, go away> and talk about the weather. 2. Have a free talk with the teacher. Look at the pictures and T-Ss use past tense to talk about S-S the pictures and their own journey. 首先复习上个单元的歌曲,通过对天气的讨论,引导学生讨论暑假的行程,同时也为学新课做铺垫。 Lead in Show some places of interests of China T: Do you know the places in the picture?/Where did you go for the holiday? Pre-reading S: It is …./I went to… Present the pictures of Beijing and The students talk about the T-S 呈现中国著名风景名胜经典的图片,在老师的引导下用一般过去式谈论旅行经历,对一般过去式的疑问句产生初步的印象。 讨论图片单词,并给出范例,让 1

牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 Holiday fun 教学设计 总第15-21 课时

places Shanghai。 Ask the students to talk about the places. Ask and answer in pairs. T: Who went to Beijing this summer holiday? S: I went to Beijing. T: Did you go to this place?( Show the picture of Tian’anmen S: Yes. … While reading 1.Listen and find out.. Ask the students to listen to the tape and answer: Who are talking about their National Day? 2. Read the story picture by picture . (1) Read and answer: Who went to Shanghai? Where did he go in Shanghai? Where did Mike go for the holiday? What did Mike do on the farm? Why did Mike call Liu Tao? …. (2) Read and circle the new words (3) Read and imitate 3. Read the whole story after the tape and fill in the blanks on P28 4. Read in groups of two and choose 1. Listen to the tape and T-Ss then find out who are in dialogue. 2. Read the story (1) Read and answer (2) learn : National Day holiday, Bund, call, Shanghai Museum, holiday (3) Read and pairs. Try to imitate two boys. 3. Read and complete 4. Read in pairs and act. 孩子们对于一般现在时的疑问句进一步熟悉。 1. 听录音回答问题,整体理解故事。 2. 分段学习对话,在阅读中理解学习生词:National Day holiday, Bund, call, Shanghai Museum, holiday 3. 学生能有感情地朗读这个故事,能正确模仿对话中人物的语音语调并表演。 2

牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 Holiday fun 教学设计 总第15-21 课时

one picture to act. Post –reading 1.Read the dialogue with emotion, try to imitate the pronunciation and Homework intonation 2.Do a survey with the sentence patterns of this dialogue about their summer vocation. Blackboard Design Unit 3 Holiday fun Who Liu Tao Mike …. …. … 1. Sum up : Can you tell differences 1. answer the questions between big city and countryside? 2. Retell the story What do you learn from the story? 2. Retell the dialogue with the help of blackboard design S-S 通过总结复述对话,能正确理解对话大意,并懂得与大家分享自己出游的经历和趣事,开拓视野,认识更多的城市。 Where Shanghai A farm near Star lake Beijing Hangzhou … Places& Activities Bund, Shanghai Museum Pick up oranges, fishing Great Wall, Palace Museum, Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square West lake … 6 Teacher’s Name Wei Wenjun Period 2 Date Title Unit3 Holiday fun Grade Teaching Points 1、The students can master the rules wh-questions and Yes-no questions of past tense. (学生能掌握一般过去式的疑问句型) 2、The students can master past tense of some irregular verbs. (总结本单元出现的不规则动词的过去式) 3、The students can ask and answer by using the simple past tense (学生能试着 用谈论过去的经历。) Main Lesson Aims & 1、The students can master the rules of wh-questions and Yes-no questions of past tense. 3

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