

听力 1-5 ABBCB 6-10 BBACC 11-15 BCACA 16-20 BBACB

阅读理解 21-23 BBC 24-27 BCAB 28-31BBBA 32-35 CABC 36-40 BCEDF 完形填空 41-45 ABABA 46-50 ACBBB 51-55 DBDCD 56-60 ADBCB 单选 61-65 CAABA 66-70 BADCB 单词填空

66. encounters 67. satisfaction 68. signal 69. briefly 70. confused 71. queuing 72. edition 73. omitted 74. sharpened 75. plain 短文改错

In common to other new mommies, I find that difficult to balance career with motherhood. with it Comparing with my life before, my present life is always in∧ hurry. In an attempt to be a Compared a

qualified teacher, I work hard in school. At the same time, I want to be referred ∧ as a qualified to

mother as well. Therefore, back at home, I have to stay with my baby until she fell asleep. But falls

sometimes I am on the point of falling asleep while she wakes up. Exhausted as I am, but the

when moment I catch sights of her smiles, I feel everything I have gone through for the past few months sight

are totally worthwhile. is

书面表达 Dear Tom,

How are you? Last time you told me that you started an online shop, so I was wondering if you could help me to sell some wooden fridge magnets made by myself.

The details are as follows. First, the magnets are of different colors and shapes, each measuring approximately 5 centimeters in length and 3 centimeters in width. What ‘more, as many as three series are provided. They are celebrity series, scenery series and Chinese character series, among which Chinese character series remains the best seller. In terms of the price, I think 2 dollars for each will be a reasonable price. The one who buys more than 3 at a time will be given a discount. I am strongly convinced that these distinctive fridge magnets are sure to have a good

market in the US as Chinese culture enjoys increasing popularity worldwide. People can either give them to their friends as gifts or use them for home decoration.

It will be greatly appreciated if you could generously help me with my business. And if you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you again.


Li Hua

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