


in order to目的在于;为了 *give sb advice给某人建议 *think about 考虑

*have an / the activity 开展活动

米give sb permission允许某人;批准某人 米from ... to ...从 ... 到 ..

* because of 因为

* pay for为??????付款 * close to离??????近 * change one^life改变某人的人生

米work as当??????;担任?????.(职务) 【巩固练习】

一、 根据句意用适当的介词填空。

1. In China, people usually go to work ____ Monday ___ Friday.

2. Houses in China are too expensive? Many people can't pay ___ them. 3? Do you live in a house close____ your school?

4.1 didn't go to school yesterday because ____ my illness? 5. I'm thinking _______ taking part in the voluntary activity.

二、 根据中文意思完成句子。

1. 听完这个演讲,我决定要改变我的人生。

After listening to the speech, I decided to ________________ ? 2. 为了赶上早班车,我每天早上不得不很早起床。

____ catch the early bus, I have to get up very early every morning.

3. 今天放学后我们会开展一个活动。

We are going to _________________ after school today. 4. 我不知道怎么办,你能给我一些建议吗?

I don't know what to do. Can you ___________________ 5. 我父母会允许我去做志愿者工作的。

My parents will _________________ to do voluntary work.

请仔细观察以下例句中的黑体部分,并掌握结论部分的内容。 【观察】

1. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien. 2.1 hope to see you again soon. 3.1 don't know where to go.

4. We taught them to tell stories?

5. Every Saturday, he went there to look after the patients. 6. We learn a Ianguage in order to communicate?

【结论】动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其构成形式为“to +动词原形”。它在句子中 可以作句子的主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、表语等。

动词不定式常在以下动词(短语)的后面作宾语:agree, arrange, decide, hope, plan, refuse, want,

wish, would like等,如例句1、2;另夕卜,\疑问词+动词不定式”也可以作宾语,如例 句3。

动词不定式常在以下动词(短语)的宾语后面作宾语补足语:ask, want, help, beg, expect, tell, teach,

need 等,如例句 4。

动词不定式作目的状语,如例句5;为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,常用短 语in order

to,如例句6。注:动词不定式在let, make, have等使役动词后作宾语补足语时, to省略。例如:I will let him go with us.我会让他跟我们一起去。 I made her cry.我把她弄哭了。

【巩固练习】 一、 同义句转换。

1. They got up early so that they could get there in time. They got up early ________________ there in time? 2. He hopes that he can visit the Canton Tower. He hopes __________ the Canton Tower. 3. His father went to Beijing on holiday. His father went to Beijing _________ his holiday.

4. Mary's brother decided that he would buy the T?shirt? Mary's brother decided___________ the T-shirt? 5.1 don't know what I should do next? I don't know _______________ next.

二、 选择最佳答案填空。

()1. Lucy wanted ____ an article on animals. A. write B. to write C. to writing D. writing

()2. Let your mother _____ what you have decided. A. know B. to know C. knowingD. known

()3. We must work hard ____ a better life. A. live B. living

C. to living D. to live

()4. Do you know when _____ tomorrow morning? A. leave B. left

C. to leave D. will leave

()5. Our English teacher often asks us _____ English in the morning. A. read B. reading C. to readingD. to read

★ We want to help her in some way.我们想用某种方法帮助她。

some在此句意为“某种;某一个”,表示未知的、非特定的人或事物,或知道的但不特别 指出的

人或事物,后面常接名词的单数形式。例如:She is talking to some boy?她正在和一 个男孩说话。 【随身练】根据中文意思完成句子。

1. 我在某本书上看过这个。 I have read it in __________ ? 2. 他去过澳大利亚某个城市。 He went to __________ in Australia.

★ He wants me to stay in hospital.他想要我住院。

in hospital意为\住院”,常与动词be或stay搭配使用。其中hospital表示抽象的概念, 前面不能

用冠词修饰。例如:He was badly ill. He had to be in hospital?他病得很厉害,不得 不住院。 【拓展】hospital前面加冠词则表示具体的建筑物 ------ 医院。例如:When I woke up, I found

myself in a hospital.当我醒来的时候,我发现自己在一家医院里。

用法类似的名词还有school和prisono例如:go to school 上学”,go to the school\去那 间学校”;in prison\坐牢”,in the prison“在监狱里”。


()3. My mother is in ______ hospital. I must stay in _____ hospital to take care of her. A. the; the B. /; / C. /; the D. the; /


4. 他虽然还在住院,但看上去挺精神的。

Though he is still ____________ , he looks well.

★?..aged from seven to fourteen, were unable to attend school. ........ 从七岁到十四岁,都不


unable意为“不能够”,由否定前缀un?加able构成。unable=not able,所以be unable to\不 能够??????\可以与be not able to互换使用。例如: I was unable to understand what my mother said. =I was not able to understand what my mother said.


attend school意为\上学;读书”,相当于go to school,两者可以互换使用。例如: Children usually attend school when they are six years old. =Children usually go to school when they are six years old.

孩子们通常6岁上学读书。 【随身练】同义句转换。

5.1 was not able to work out the Maths problem because I was poor at Maths. I __________________ work out the Maths problem because I was poor at Maths. 6.1 went to school at the age of seven. I ________________ at the age of seven.

★ Since then, the project has helped millions of girls return to school.从那时起,这个计划已 经帮


since then意为“从那时起”,表示“从那时一直到现在”,常放在句首或句末,句子的谓 语动词

要用现在完成时。例如:I haven't seen him any more since then.从那时起,我就再 也没有见过他了。 【随身练】选择最佳答案填空。

()7. Since then, he _____ to take care of himself.

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