
正保远程教育(美国纽交所上市公司 代码:DL)

2016职称英语考试重点语法辅导:虚拟语气之if的省略与条件句的倒装 1)Were I you, I would have accepted the job. 2)Were she here, she would support us.

3)Were you to go fishing with me, you would have a much happier time.

4)Were men angels, no government would be necessary.(如果人人都是天使,政府就没有必要了。)

5)Were she my daughter, I wouldn't allow her to study abroad. 6)Had you come earlier, you would have met my girlfriend.

7)Had I time, I would come.(本句中had是实意动词,而非主动词。)

8)Had I been informed earlier, I could have done something to prevent it from happening. 9)Many persons in the worls would have succeeded had they not wasted their valuable time. 10)Should it be fine tomorrow, we would go outing. 11)Should you change your mind, no one would blame you. 12)We would gone to your birthday party had you invited us. 13. I would go should it be necessary.

14)What would have happened had Bob walked farther, as far as the river bank? 15)Had it not been for you, I would have lost my way. 16)Were it not for water, no plant could grow.

17)Be they common people or high-ranking officials, they stand equal before the law. (Whether they be…)

18)Be the weather what it may, I will leave tomorrow. (Whether the weather be what it may, …) 注意:在这一结构中,若条件句为否定句,not应被放在主语之后,而不能缩写成weren't, shouldn't或hadn't而置于居首。如例15,16。



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正保远程教育(美国纽交所上市公司 代码:DL)




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