All about you:
– Why do you want to teach at our school? Why should we hire you? – What has been your most positive teaching experience?
– What has been your most negative teaching experience? What would you change?
– What is your philosophy of education?
– What have you recently done in education of an interesting or innovative nature?
– What motivates you?
– What professional books, blogs, or journals have you read to keep abreast of educational news and best practices? – How would your students describe you?
– What is your greatest strength/weakness as a teacher?
– What are 3 words that your students/admin/close friends would use to describe you?
– Describe a typical lesson in your classroom. (Going through the step by step overview)
– Describe a successful lesson and how you knew it went well. – Why did you want to be a teacher?
– What is a difficult situation you faced and how did you deal with it? – What do you want to teach__________(grade level) students? What do you like about them?
– How do you use technology in your classroom?
– How do you use assessment in your classroom? Describe how you used the information you gained from an assessment in your instruction. – How do you address the needs of English language learners? – How do you integrate other subjects into your units? – How do you approach classroom discipline?
– What is your favorite essential question (UBD model)? Parents
– How do you communicate student progress to parents? – How do you normally communicate with parents? – How have you involved parents in the learning process? Students
– How do you handle the different abilities of students in your class? – What techniques have you found useful in individualizing learning in your class?
-Describe one or two techniques you use to motivate students. How do you motivate a student to learn a concept they do not do well in? – Describe a difficult student you had and how you handled it.
– How do you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem in your class?
– If you met your students 20 years from now, what would you want them to remember about you?
– Why do you want to teach at __________ (school)?
– How have you contributed to the development of the total school program in your current position?
– How do you structure your classroom to achieve maximum benefit from teacher/student contact?
– What kind of extracurricular activities would you be interested in being part of?
– What are the talents/expertise you can bring to your team? – Why are you leaving your current school?
– What did you like the most about your current school? – What was the most difficult thing about your current school?
– How would you implement the school’s core values into your classroom? – What are your thoughts on collaboration with other staff? Country/City Specific
– Why do you want to live in __________ (country)?
– Tell me what you already know about the country and culture. – What kinds of things do you like to do outside of school? – Do you have any concerns about moving to this country? The End of the Interview
– Is there anything else you feel that you want me to know about you, that we haven’t had a chance to talk about?