- Let's transfer some assets! 让我们传递有价值的资源 - Syphons ready 虹吸装置就绪 - Accepting donations! 接受捐赠 移动:
- Levitation units online 漂浮装置联线中 - Smooth ride 平稳得飘浮 - Spinning away! 旋转着移动 攻击:
- They are in our way! 他们当道了 - Laserbeam ready! 镭射光束准备就绪 - Set to destroy 设定摧毁的对象
- They have nothing of value 他们一文不值 窃取:
- Their systems are vulnerable 他们的系统如此脆弱 - I'd like to make a withdraw 我希望回收
- Yuri thanks them for their support 尤里感谢他们的提供 - They will make a generous 他们会很慷慨 Destroyer 驱逐舰 --------- 选择:
- Allied Ship reporting 盟军船只报到 - Navigation systems ready 航海系统就绪 - Captian on the bridge 舰长在舰桥中 移动:
- Speed to full 全速航行
- Main engines engaged 主引擎运转
- Rudder set for new heading 朝新的航向转舵 - Aye commander 赞成 指挥官
- Steady as she goes 她航行得很平稳 攻击:
- Enemy spotted 敌人被瞄准 - Attacking 开火
- Battle-stations! 战斗岗位 Allied Hovercraft 两栖登陆艇 ----------------- 选择:
- Welcome aboard 欢迎上船
- Having a nice day? 一天过得愉快么 - How about an adventure 冒险怎样
- Plenty of window seats 有充足的靠窗座位 - See the countryside 欣赏乡间吧 移动:
- We're on our way 我们上路了
- Let's take the scenic route 让我们走风景好的路线
- Wanna stop for a picture? 要停下拍张照片么 - What a view 多美的景致啊 - Enjoy the ride 享受旅途
Aegis Cruiser 神盾巡洋舰 ------------- 选择:
- Scanning for aircraft 扫描净空区域 - Aegis reporting 宙斯盾巡洋舰报到
- Protector of the Allied fleet 盟军舰队的守护着 - Allied cruiser ready 盟军巡洋舰就绪
- Missile systems operational 导弹系统运转正常 移动:
- Guiding system set 导航系统被设定 - Adjusting for current 对洋流作出调整 - Navigating water space 在水面上航行 - Plotting course 规划航线 - Rudder set 改变船舵 攻击:
- Bring' em down! 击落它们
- Rocket's red glare 火箭喷出耀眼的红光
- Let loose the allied furry! 发泄盟军的怒火吧 - Launch the heat seekers 发射热跟踪器 - Clearin' the skies 清理蓝天吧 - All hands on deck 所有人手就位
- Launching heat seekers 发射热跟踪器 - Target confirmed 目标被确认
Aircraft Carrier 航空母舰 ---------------- 选择:
- Aerocraft Carrier responding 航空母舰报到 - Flight-deck cleared 飞行甲板清理完毕
- Prepairing jets for takeoff 为飞机做升空准备 - Pride of the Allied Navy 盟军海军的骄傲
- The largest ship in the fleet 舰队中的大家伙 移动:
- Slow & steady 缓慢 平稳 - Hold the course 保持航线 - New heading set 新航向被设定 - Coordinates confirmed 坐标被确认 攻击:
- Hornets in the air 大黄蜂战机升空 - Commencing attack run 开始实施打击
- Release the swarm! 释放机群
- Naval airfleet engaging 海军航空机群接近中 - We have a target 我们得到目标
* Soviet Navy 苏军海军 ==============
Typhoon Attack Submarine 飓风级攻击潜艇 ------------------------ 选择:
- Typhoon attack sub 飓风级攻击潜艇就绪 - Caught under pressure 已潜入水中 - Torpedos armed 鱼雷就绪
- Hush! They maybe near! 嘘 他们可能很近了 移动:
- Running silent 无声无息
- They won't detect our approach 他们觉察不到我们接近 - Use stealth 采取偷袭 - Dive! 下潜
- Checking periscope 窥视潜望镜 攻击:
- Sink them 击沉它们
- Target verified 目标被确认 - Torpedos away! 发射鱼雷 - Fire torpedos! 发射鱼雷
- He's on our scope 他就在潜望镜里
Soviet Hovercraft 苏军装甲运兵船 ----------------- 选择:
- I'm not armed, you know 我没有被武装 您知道么 - Need a ride, anybody? 有人要乘坐么 - Where do you need to go? 您要驶向哪儿
- Shuttle, ready for passengers 运输船准备装载乘客 - Let's take an excursion 让我们旅行 移动:
- Don't get too close to combat 不要离战场太近了 - Let's keep it safe 让我们保持安全 - Checking with map 核对地图 - Planning course 安排航线中
Sea Scorpion 海蝎 ------------
- The water's warm, yes? 水真暖和 不是么 - Need a little speed? 需要加快航速么 - Good fishing here 在这儿钓鱼真好 - Nice day for a cruise 航行的好天气 - I love my boat 我喜欢我的船 移动:
- The quicker, the better 越快越好 - At weekend, get away 在周末放假 - Riding the current 在洋流上航行 - Sounds good 听起来真不错 - Running high! 高速航行 攻击:
- They want some flak, eh? 他们要防空炮火 呃 - I hope they can swim! 我希望他们会游泳 - I see them! 我看到他们了
- The sea can be dangerous place 大海是很危险的地方 - Let's make some waves 让我们激起浪花吧
Dreadnaught 无畏级战舰 ----------- 选择:
- Ship reporting 船只报告 - Vessel ready 战舰就绪
- Yes, commander? 什么任务 指挥官 移动:
- Captain confirming 舰长批准 - Course set 航线被设定 - Navigating 航行中
- Engines engaged 引擎运转 攻击:
- Target sighted 目标被瞄准 - Fire at will 遵命 开火 - Close and fire 接近 开火
* Yuri Navy 尤里海军 ============
Boomer Submarine 雷鸣级攻击潜艇 ---------------- 选择:
- Boomer systems operational 雷鸣潜艇系统运转中 - Maintaining position and depth 保持位置和深度
- Deep sea vessal standing by 深海船只待命中 - Engines primed 引擎启动
- Air pressure stabilized 保持舱压状态 移动:
- Adjusting rudder 改变尾舵 - Checking current 检查洋流
- Propeller systems engaged 推进系统启动 - All ahead, full 全速航行 - Thrusting forward 向前推进 攻击地面目标:
- Locking missile coordinates 锁定导弹坐标 - Missiles ready for launch 导弹准备发射 - Guidance systems checked 制导系统检查完毕
- They'll never see it coming 他们决不知道从哪儿来 - Yuri will be proud 尤里会感到骄傲的 - Let the missiles fly 准备发射导弹 攻击水中目标:
- Torpedos armed 鱼雷就绪
- This will be a sinker 它会沉入大海的 - Fire发射
- Bring them down to our level 让它们沉到我们下面去 - Launch initiated 开始发射 - Sharkbait! 鲨鱼之饵
Yuri Hovercraft 尤里装甲运兵船 --------------- 选择:
- I am loyal to Yuri 我效忠于尤里 - Turbines clear 气轮风扇完好
- Transport at your service 运输船为您效劳 - Awaiting Yuri's thoughts 等待尤里的想法 移动:
- I obey 我遵从 - Yes 是
- Transport in motion 运输船航行中 - Yuri commands me 尤里指挥我 - Your orders 您的命令
* Special Units 特色单位 ================
Sniper 狙击手 ------ 选择: