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With the fast development of Internet, the speed of network transmission has a large effect on the world .Therefore, under the optical network technology development, effectively improve bandwidth allocation is one of the key problems. Firstly, in the introduction part of this paper, it outlines the development of the access network technology, and proposes the problem that the access network exists the \mile\bottleneck in the high-speed information network. In addition, it also introduces the structure, functions, features of the access network and the optical access networks (OAN), and has a description of the current status of bandwidth allocation technology. Secondly, the paper presents the structure and the function of the passive optical network (PON) as well as the advantages of the PON technology. Then leads to the Ethernet passive optical network(EPON) technology that combines the advantages of Ethernet technology and PON technology.
Thirdly, EPON technology as the next-generation broadband access technology, it will be the best solution for the candidates. The paper will have a launched study on the EPON technology. EPON system will be described follow details: the basic structure, frame structure, function, basic working principle and technical nature, and the advantages of EPON technology. The paper also has the longer talk about some key technologies of EPON technology, and there are two aspects in detail: one is multi-point MAC control , the other is multi-point control (MPCP) protocol.
Then, the paper puts the EPON bandwidth allocation technique as a single chapter, that focuses on the theme, and introduces two methods of bandwidth allocation , one is static bandwidth allocation, the other is dynamic bandwidth allocation. For EPON, it is necessary for different users and different business offers different quality of service. Studying and discussing the dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms are also important. Made some EPON system existing DBA algorithm, comparison of various dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm of advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, to adopt a dynamic time slot allocation EPON algorithm design, illustrates the polling mechanism and maximum transfer window.
Finally, the introduction of the OPTNET8.0 optical simulation software simulation and OPNET Molder select the desired model, set up in the edit window, two star and tree topology model, process model, network model. Through modeling, EPON deepen the understanding of dynamic bandwidth allocation program. Also EPON Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm design summarized, and future views of EPON technology.
Keywords: EPON, DBA(dynamic bandwidth allocation),Simulation, Modeling