
毕 业 设 计

题目: 自动加料机控制系统设计

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摘 要




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Automatic feeding machine control system designed in this paper is made up of STC89C52RC single chip and LCD1602 display, pressure sensors and other components, its working principle is: when the material pressure sensor sensing material pressure, analog 24 bit AD converter chip HX711 to collect the AD conversion, the transformed data processed by the single-chip microcomputer to the LCD display shows the current value of pressure, single-chip display comparative material pressure range of the current pressure and chip set, so as to realize the automatic control of material in the set range, to realize intelligent control material greatly improves the efficiency of cost saving.

The design of the automatic feeding machine control system is adopted to realize the function of automatic control technology, it can greatly improve the working efficiency, the whole process is fast and stable, the design of automatic feeding machine can greatly save manpower resources control feeding process and the production efficiency is increased and the production of automatic quality control, and household use automatic feeding machine for production farming can save human resources to create greater interest, bring convenience to people's production and life, bring great benefit and efficiency for industrial production.

Key words: STC89C52RC single chip microcomputer; Automatic feeding machine; Control system

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