

八年级 英语试卷

第一部分 听力 略 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A The car rental(出租) desk at Paris Charles de Gaule Airport are open from the first flight of the day until the last flight lands, with desk located around the various terminals(航站楼). The larger companies have a desk in more than one terminal, for example, Avis (Terminals 1C, 2B, 2C, 2F) and Hertz (Terminals 1D,2A,2B,2C). Car Rental Companies: The following companies have operations at Paris Charles de Gaulle. Avis Paris-CDG Terminal 1C,2B,2C,2D,2F Europear Paris-CDG Terminal 1A,1D,2B,2C,2D,2F Hertz Paris-CDG Terminal 1D,2A,2B,2C, National/ Citer Paris-CDG Terminal 1A,2B,2C,2D,2F Sixty Paris-CDG Terminal 1E,1F,2B,2C,2D,2E,2F TT Car Transit Paris-CDG Terminal 1E,2B,2C,2D,2E,2F Of course in busy times it is advisable to pre-book. You can fill in the chart online to book a car. 16. How many companies have desks at Paris CDG Airport according to the passage? A. Nine B. Seven C. Six D. Eight 17. You can find _________ in Paris-CDG Terminal 1A, 2D. A. Hertz and Citer B. Sixty and TT Car Transit C. Avis and Europear D. Europear and National 18. What is the best title for the passage? A. Car Rental Service at Paris CDG Airport. B. Pre-booking a Car at Paris CDG Airport. C. Different Terminals at Paris CDG Airport. D. Desk information at Paris CDG Airport.


If you are feeling angry, sad or lonely, you might reach for a snack. But imagine there is a vending(售卖的) machine nearby. You tell it how you are feeling and it gives you something that may help you feel better. Doesn’t that sound like a cool idea?

There is actually a vending machine like this in Sydney, Australia. It has no potato chips or chocolate bars. What you will find inside are things like maps, notes and the pencils to help you vent your terrible feelings, for example, you can tell the machine your sadness.

Two Australian artists designed the machine. Each item inside costs two Australian dollars

(about 10 yuan). The items come in packets that have different labels like “friendship”, “bravery” and “imagination”. you can choose the one that most suits your feelings.

For example, in the “friendship” packet, there is a piece of piece of paper that lists 10 daily activities you can use to keep in touch with old friends. That “imagination” packet has a pencil and asks you to draw a series of unusual things. Will you turn to vending machines to cheer yourself up?

19. Why is the vending machine in Sydney special? A. Because it brings back different feelings to people. B. Because it can sell snacks and other unusual things. C. Because people can buy things for only 2 dollars each

D. Because people can get something to cheer themselves up. 20. What does the underlined word “vent” mean in the passage? A. Do something to learn B. Do something to express C. Do something to choose D. Do something to understand 21. What might people find in the vending machine?

A. Potato chips B. Chocolate C. Activities D. Toys 22. What might you be asked to do in the “friendship” packet? A. Draw a laughing dog. B. Call you friends on weekend. C. Go to watch a comedy. D. Say sorry to your friends.


A rich boss owned a busy restaurant. On one holiday, he needed to hire extra workers. Early that morning, he went out find some. He saw a man. He was looking for work.

“I will pay you $75 for the day. Would you like a job?” the boss asked.

“Ok, well, that sounds fair.” said the man. So followed the boss to his restaurant to wash dishes.

At noon, the boss went out again. He saw a woman. He promised to pay her well. At last the woman also went to work in his restaurant. Late in the afternoon, the boss went out one more time. He saw a man on a street corner.

“Why are you doing nothing?” he asked. “I have no job.” the man answered sadly.

“Well, then,” said the boss, “come and work in my restaurant.” And he promised to pay him for his time.

When the restaurant closed, the boss called the three workers. “It’s time to pay you wages,” the boss said.

“I will pay the one who started in the late afternoon first.” The boss gave $75 to the last worker. The man who had worked since early morning saw this and was very happy. He was certain that he would be paid more. But the boss handed $75 to the woman who had started at noon and to him. He took $75 but complained to the boss.

“The man who was hired last worked only a few hours,” he said. “I worked hard the whole day washing dishes but you paid me the same amount as you paid him.”

“Listen, friend,” said the boss. “I have not cheated you. You agreed to work a whole day for $75. now take your money and go home. Can’t I do what I like with my own money? Or are you upset because I am generous(慷慨的)? Each person agreed to work for the wage I offered. You will never be happy if you compare yourself with others. Comparing and complaining always

makes people unhappy.”

23. When did the woman start to work in the restaurant? A. Early in the morning C. Late in the afternoon B. Right at noon D. Near the closing hour 24. What’s the right order according to the passage? a. The boss found a man on the street corner. b. The boss handed $75 to the woman.

C. The boss paid the man who last came to the restaurant. d. The restaurant closed.

A. a-d-b-c B. c-b-a-d C. b-c-a-d D. a-d-c-b 25. Why did the man feel happy when he saw the last man get $75?

A. He was happy to have a good boss. B. He was sure he would get more. C. He could finish the work soon. D. The last man was his good friend. 26. What can we learn from the passage? A. We can’t cheat other people like the boss. B. We must work hard to achieve our dream. C. We should be generous to people around us.

D. We should learn to be satisfied with what we have.


Starting from 2019, French parents will no longer be able to choose not to send their kids to kindergarten(幼儿园). It will be a must, as kindergarten will become part of the country’s compulsory(义务的)education.

On March 27, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that children in France will start school at 3 instead of the current starting age of 6.

This change means that France will have one of the lowest compulsory school starting ages in Europe, along with Hungary.

Macron said this move aims to fight inequality(不公平) in education. Parents in poorer areas of France are less likely to send children to kindergarten. With the change, they will not have to worry about the money for schooling, because all French kids will go to kindergarten for free.

The change will also help stop terrorism in the future. The earlier children start school, the higher their chances of success and fitting into society. Macron pointed out that by building schools full of kindness and happiness, France will teach young kids not to be involved in acts of terror.

However, not everyone welcomes the move. There are a lot of debates across the country about when children should begin their education.

For example, there is a study that found children who start school later are more likely to focus on learning. On the other hand, some parents think starting school even earlier, for example, at 2 years old would be better.

27. What will be the starting age for compulsory education in France in 2019?

A. At the age of 2 B. At the age of 3 C. At the age of 5. D. At the age of 6. 28. What is true about the move in France according to the passage? A. Parents need to pay much for their kids’ schooling.

B. Parents can still decide when to send kids to kindergarten.

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