
2016-2017 学年 9A Unit 2 提优检测卷

(满分 :100 分考试时间 :90 分钟 ) 一 . 单项填空 (每小题15 分) l 分,共

— Would you likered dress as a birthday present, Mary?1. — Sorry, Mum. I preferorange one.

A. an; anC. an; aB. the; aD. a; an

2.Yesterday I was reminded by my motherlate for the exam. A. not beC. not to beB.not toD. don't to

— The students sitting at the back can t see the blackboard3.. 一 Why notthem move forward? A. clear enough; let B. enough clear; letting C. clearly enough; let D. enough clearly; letting

4.The oils shedifferent colours and smells.

B. is used to hasA. used hasC. used hadD. used to have 一 How much difficulty did you have5.this problem? 一.It's quite easy.

A. to solve; NothingB. to solve; None D. solving; NothingC. solving; None 一 Is the tie madesilk?6. 一 Yes, and it is madehand.

C. of; withD. from; byA. from; inB. of ; by

to school by bus , I preferredRather than7.a bike there. A. to go; to rideB. go; riding D. go; to rideC. going; to ride

一 She sold her treasures to cure her mother's illness,even

though it washer own8. wishes. 一 It's so kindher. B. above; ofA. against; of D. for; forC. on; for

of the students has solved the problem, so hardlyhas come out of the9. classroom.

A. None; anybodyB. None; nobody D. No one; nobodyC. No one; anybody

10. 一 Betty, do you know if Tonythe photo competition next month?

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