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A. How much B. How long 11. The 24 Winter Olympics th

a book.

C. was reading

D. read

C. How heavy in China in 2022.

D. How big

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´ÓÏÂÃæ¸÷ÌâËù¸øµÄ A¡¢B¡¢C¡¢D ËĸöÑ¡ÏîÖУ¬Ñ¡Ôñ¿ÉÒÔÌîÈë¿Õ°×´¦µÄ×î¼ÑÑ¡Ïî¡£1. My mother is a doctor. works in a hospital near our house. A. I B. She C. He

D. They

2. ¡ª When do you usually have the first class in the morning?

¡ª 8:00.

A. Of B. In C. On D. At 3. Jack usually goes to school by bike, today he walked to school.

A. and B. but C. or

D. so

4. ¡ª Who is in your class? ¡ª Bob is. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest

D. the strongest

5. ¡ª What does your father often do on weekends?

¡ª He often my grandparents. A. visits

B. is visiting

C. visited

D. will visit

6. ¡ª What¡¯s your brother doing now?

¡ª He the room£® A. cleaned B. cleans C. is cleaning D. has cleaned 7. Mr. Smith in this factory for 20 years already.

A. works B. will work

C. has worked

D. is working

8. ¡ª Excuse me, does Maria live here?

¡ª No, she to London last winter.

A. moves

B. moved

C. will move

D. has moved


A. hold B. will hold C. are held D. will be held 12. ¡ª Can you tell me ? ¡ª He lives in Shanghai. A. where Mark lives B. where did Mark live C. where Mark lived D. where does Mark live ¶þ¡¢ÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ£¨¹² 8 ·Ö£¬Ã¿Ð¡Ìâ 1 ·Ö£© ÔĶÁÏÂÃæµÄ¶ÌÎÄ£¬ÕÆÎÕÆä´óÒ⣬Ȼºó

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Mother's Day

When I was in the third grade, Mother¡¯s Day came around much too quickly; I found myself empty-handed with nothing to give my 13 on her special day. So I was 14 when an announcement over the loud speaker said that one of the older graders would be selling pins that said ¡°No.1 Mom¡±. It

may not sound like much, but to an 8-year-old, it¡¯s perfect.

So each day I told myself that the following day I would 15 the money to buy the pin, but I always forgot. And I was very disappointed when the principal and a few of the older kids selling pins came into my classroom and announced that it was the 16 day to buy them.

I was always afraid of my principal. If you stepped out of line, she was quick to set you straight. On this day, however, my principal was in a good mood. And she must have heard me tell my classmates I¡¯d forgotten my 17 again. I wasn¡¯t 18 , but she knew I really wanted to buy a pin. After she left, I got called to her office. I¡¯d never been there ¨C ever ¨C so I was terrified. When I arrived, she told me to come to her desk, and she pulled out the pin I¡¯d had my eye on for 19 . ¡°The kids gave me this to give to my mother,¡± she began, ¡°but my mom passed away, so I want you to have it.¡±

Taking the pin, I didn¡¯t know what to say. I probably thanked her. I proudly presented this free luxury to my mother.


I don¡¯t know if my mom still has the pin, and I don¡¯t know if the principal remembers giving it to me. But I will never forget that act of 20 from 21. How many volunteers are needed in SOS Children¡¯s Villages? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

someone I¡¯d never expected it from. 13. A. mother B. classmate C. principal D. friend 14. A. bored B. interested C. excited D. surprised 15. A. borrow B. bring C. collect D. save 16. A. exact B. big C. best D. last 17. A. schoolbag B. homework C. money D. book 18. A. crying B. studying C. talking D. playing

19. A. years B. days C. hours D. months

20. A. happiness B. patience C. support D. kindness

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Volunteers Are Needed Clean People¡¯s Park! Teach music! We need five volunteers who are We need three volunteers to work strong and can help clean up People¡¯s as music teachers in SOS Children¡¯s Park. We need help to collect rubbish. Villages. You need to be good at singing If you are free for four hours this and dancing, and open-minded with a weekend, come and join us! loving heart. Tele: 0398-8651518 If you are free for two hours every Email: park699@126.com Sunday, join us! Tele: 0398-8858518 Email: lovekids@sina.com Help old people! Do some gardening! We need four volunteers to help at We need two volunteers to work in Xinxin Nursing Home. You need to be Xinghai Garden. You need to be good at good with older people. Your job is to gardening. We need help from 2 PM to 4 wash clothes for them. PM every Saturday. If you can spare three hours on If you are free for two hours every May 6, come and join us! Saturday, join us! Tele: 0398-8656869 Tele: 0398-8858416 Email: homelove@163.com Email: garden535@sohu.com

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22. The volunteers at Xinxin Nursing Home need to . A. learn music B. wash clothes C. collect rubbish D. grow flowers

23. If you want to do some gardening, you can call . A. 0398-8858416 B. 0398-8858518 C. 0398-8656869

D. 0398-8651518


Hello, my name is Jimmy. One day my eighth grade friend said that he was taking the school geography bee (±ÈÈü) written test the next day. Something in his

tone told me that he was not looking forward to the bee. I could not understand! It sounded like a lot of fun to me.

All day, I found myself wishing I was in middle school, so I could take part in the geography bee. During my lunch break I walked up to my social studies teacher¡¯s classroom and asked her if I could take part in the bee for middle school. But she did hesitate (ÓÌÔ¥) a bit because I was too young, just a primary

school pupil. I told her that I really loved to learn about our earth, its rivers, mountains, all the human cultures on it. She was still not sure but finally said, ¡°yes.¡± I jumped at once!

That next morning I was going to be in the school bee as a participant (²ÎÈüÕß) and learn things I was really interested in. I was not nervous one bit, instead just very excited to be doing something I really loved. We had four written rounds ¡ª two on the United States and two on the world. I did surprisingly well and placed on the top ten, beating some of the strong seventh and eighth graders. I lost in the oral round the next day, but won my teacher¡¯s attention. I came home and looked up the answers to the questions that I and other students lost on.

I placed second in my school the following year, but more importantly, I realized that I really loved geography and enjoyed the time I spent learning it. I may have lost that first bee, but I won the world; a love for that world; love to explore that world ¡ª one country, one mountain, one river, one landform at a time; and that is certainly the biggest win for me truly!

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24. Jimmy was a(n) .

A. eighth grader B. geography teacher

C. primary school pupil

D. middle school worker

25. When the teacher agreed to let Jimmy take part in the geography bee, he was


A. surprised B. worried

C. excited

D. nervous

26. After Jimmy¡¯s first geography bee, we can infer that .

A. he fell in love with geography B. he felt excited to take part in bees C. he felt sorry to lose the geography bee D. he found it hard to learn geography well


Living and dealing with kids can be a hard job these days, but living and dealing with parents can be even harder.

If I have learned anything in my 16 years, it is that communication is very important, both when you disagree and

when you get along well. With any relationship, you need to let other person know how you are feeling. If you are not able to communicate, you drift apart (ÊèÔ¶). When you are mad at your parents, or anyone else, not talking to them doesn¡¯t solve anything.

Communication begins with the concern (¹ØÐÄ) for another. It means that you can¡¯t just come home from school, go up to your room and ignore (²»Àí²Ç)

everyone. Even if you just say ¡°Hi¡±, and see how their day was for five minutes, it is better than nothing.

If you looked up the word ¡°communication¡± in a dictionary, it would say ¡°the exchange of ideas, the expression of information, correspondence (ͨÐÅ), means of communication: a letter or a message¡±. To keep a good relationship, you must keep communication strong. Let people know how you feel, even if it¡¯s just by writing a

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When dealing with parents, you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as a parent. If you are trying to make them see something as you see it, tell them that you¡¯ll listen to what they have to say, but ask them politely to listen to you. Yelling or walking away only makes the situation worse.

This is an example: one night, Sophie went to a street party with her friends. She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks, but she didn¡¯t feel she could just ask to go home. That would be rude. After all, they had been nice enough to take her along with them. Needless to say, she was late getting home. Her parents were mad at first, not when Sophie explained why she was late, they weren¡¯t as mad and let the incident go. Communication is the key factor here. If Sophie¡¯s parents had not been willing to listen, Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.

Communication isn¡¯t a one-way deal: it goes both ways. Just remember: if you get into a situation like Sophie¡¯s, telling the other person how you feel ¡ª listening is the key factor to communication.

27. In the writer¡¯s view, dealing with parents is than with children.

A. more difficult

B. easier C. more important

D. funnier

28. From Paragraph 6 we can learn that .

A. getting home late would cause much trouble

B. leaving the party early would be rude to friends

C. communication is the key to keeping friendship

D. communication is the solution to misunderstanding

29. The writer probably agrees that .

A. you should write a note to let your parents know how you feel B. you are willing to talk to your parents shows your care for them C. you always have to listen to your parents to make them feel good D. you don¡¯t need to communicate with parents when you get on well

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