【配套K12】九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated


Unit 3 Integrated skills

学校________ 班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字__________

一、 教学目标

1.从听力材料中摘录一些信息并做笔记. 2. 谈论自己的烦恼并尝试去解决 3. 发展学生听,说,读,写的能力. 教学重点、难点

1. 新词和短语: chemistry, progress, worried, aloud, pronounce, correctly, pronunciation, laugh at, pay no attention to, go over

2. 句型: Perhaps you should go over what you’ve learnt as often as possible. Try to pronounce all the words correctly. Don’t mention it. 二、词汇、短语 1pronounce v. 发音; 名词pronunciation ;chemistry n. 化学 . worried adj. 焦虑的;动词或名词worry;worry about / be worried about2 担心 3 laugh at 嘲笑 laugh at sb./ sth. correctly adv.正确地;adj.& v. correct 4 the correct answer / answer the question correctly 5 go over 复习 / revise pay no attention to sb. /sth. / doing sth. 不注意\\不在意…… 6 pay attention to sb./sth. /doing sth. 注意……


1. Perhaps you should go over what you’ve learnt as often as possible. as... ...as possible / as...... as one can 2. Try to pronounce all the words correctly. 3. Don’t mention it. K12小学初中高中


九年级上册Unit 3 Integrated skills

主备:张云 审核: 日期:2018-8-1

学校________ 班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字__________


1、预习: 读背单词,熟读课文。

2、Read the article and answer some questions: (1). Do you have any problems in your life? (2). What are your problems? (3). How do you deal with them? 3. 词汇运用。

(1). Jim can’t spell the new word ______________. (正确地) (2). --- Why are they so ___________ now?

---Because their only son hasn’t come back home. (担心的) (3). There are two different _________________ of “read”. (发音) (4). We should read English _____________ every morning. (大声地) 【课堂学习】 Step 1. Speak up

1. Talk about your own problems.

2. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

3. Learn some useful expressions, then make new conversations. Step 2. Listening.

1. Listen to the tape, complete the table below:


小初高试卷教案类 Nora loves in Grade _____________ English, Maths and__________________ do well in ______________________ one of the ___________ students problems hopes make ________ ___________ not very good at _____________ don’t have many ________ friends

2. Finish Part A1 on Page


3. Listen to Part A2,choose the correct answers: ( ) Nora isn’t good at sports, because she________. A. can run fast. B. can’t swim fast.

C. dislikes swimming. D. doesn’t enjoy the exercise. ( ) Why doesn’t Nora have any good friends? Because _________. A. she isn’t friendly. B. she is a bookworm.

C. she doesn’t like to study. D. her classmates laugh at her. ( ) Which of the following suggestion is NOT true? A. Talk to your best friend when feeling sad B. Share your problems with your best friend

C. Pay attention to those students who laugh at you D. Be proud of your schoolwork

4. Listen again, complete Part A2 on Page 43. 5. Finish Part A3. Step 3 Language points:

1. I’m very worried. 我非常担心。

worried adj. 担心的, 烦恼的 可用于系表结构, 主语一般是人。 be worried about sth. /sb

worrying adj. 令人担忧的, 令人担心的 主语一般为事物。 worry v. 担心 worry (about) sth. / sb. K12小学初中高中

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