

Unit 1: Where were you last month? 重点单词:

1.good好的 2.bad坏的 3.tasty 美味的,可口的b5E2RGbCAP 4.yucky难吃的,味道不好的 5.spicy辣的 6.food食物p1EanqFDPw 7.Canada加拿大 8.Thailand泰国 9.snowy下雪的DXDiTa9E3d 10.circus马戏团 11.many许多 12.place地方 13.week星期14.month月 自…,从… 16.come from从…来17.Here comes… ……来了RTCrpUDGiT Sounds and words:

1.dog狗 2.clock 钟 3.top顶部5PCzVD7HxA 4.jog慢跑 5.knock敲 6.shop商店jLBHrnAILg 重点句子:(Target)

1.Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪里? I was in Canada.我在加拿大。

2.What was the food like? 食物怎么样? It was tasty.很好吃。xHAQX74J0X (Conversation):

3.Look! Here comes a circus! 看!马戏团来了!

4.Where did you come from? 你们从哪里来? Many places! 很多地方!LDAYtRyKfE 5.Where were you last week/month?上个星期/月你们在哪里? We were in Beijing/Thailand.我们在北京/泰国。

6.Come on! Let’s go to Thailand.走吧!让我们去泰国。 Unit 2: What did you eat this morning? 重点单词:

1.go(went)去 2.eat(ate)吃 3.write(wrote)写 4.read(read)读Zzz6ZB2Ltk 5.make(made)制作 6.ride(rode)骑 7.sing(sang)唱dvzfvkwMI1 8.drink(drank)喝,饮 9.morning早上 10.afternoon下午rqyn14ZNXI 11.evening晚上 12.beautiful美丽的 13.desert沙漠 14. rest休息EmxvxOtOco 15.sick不适的,患病的 16.feel觉得 17.chocolate巧克力SixE2yXPq5 18.chicken鸡肉 19.anything任何事物,任何东西 20.bottle瓶子6ewMyirQFL 21.water水 22.genie妖怪 23.What a…!多么…啊 Sounds and words:

1.tall高的 2.ten十 3.tea 茶kavU42VRUs 4.teacher教师 5.twelve十二 6.toast吐司,烤面包y6v3ALoS89 重点句子:(Target)

1.What did you do this morning? 今天早上你做过什么? I read comic books.我看了漫画书。

2.Did you go to the beach after that?那之后你去过海滩吗? No, I didn’t.不,我没去。(否定回答) I went to the park.我去了公园。 (Conversation):

3.What did Gogo do on Monday morning? 星期一上午Gogo做了什么?M2ub6vSTnP He went to the swimming pool.他去了游泳池。 15.from4.Wow! What a beautiful desert! 哇!多么漂亮的沙漠啊! 5.I feel sick.我感觉不舒服。 Let’s rest.让我们休息吧。0YujCfmUCw 6.What did you eat this morning? 今天上午你吃了什么? I ate cheese, chocolate, chicken and ice cream. 我吃了奶酪,巧克力,鸡肉和冰淇淋。

7.Did you drink anything this morning?今天上午你喝过什么? No, I didn’t.不,我没有。(否定回答) 8.Oh, a bottle of water! I’m thirsty.哦,一瓶水!我口渴了。 9.That’s not water! That’s a genie!那不是水!那是妖怪! Unit 3: Typhoon Meiling came last week.重点单词:

1.see(saw)看见 2.blow(blew)吹,刮 3.fall(fell)倒塌eUts8ZQVRd 4.sit(sat)坐 5.break(broke)打破 6.sweep(swept)扫sQsAEJkW5T 7.take(took拿) 8.come(came)来 9.happen(happened)发生GMsIasNXkA 10.mess混乱,杂乱 11.typhoon台风 12.wind风 13.hat帽子TIrRGchYzg 14.boat船 15.coat大衣,外套 16.say(said)说7EqZcWLZNX 17.blow away吹走 18.in the air在空中 Sounds and words:

1.cat猫 2.cap帽子 3.mad愤怒的 4.fat肥胖 5.nap小睡 6.sad伤心的lzq7IGf02E 重点句子:(Target)

1.What a mess! 多混乱啊! 2.There was a typhoon.有台风。

3.What happened? 发生了什么事? Many trees fell.很多树都倒塌了。zvpgeqJ1hk 4.The wind blew away my hat.风吹走了我的帽子。 (Conversation):

5.Typhoon Meiling came last week.上星期台风美玲来过了。 6.There were chairs in the air.空气中有椅子。

7.My stuffed animals blew away.我的玩具动物吹走了。 8.Jenny saw a boat in a tree! 珍妮看见一艘小船在树上。

9.No, Gogo. I said a coat in a tree!不,Gogo.我说是一外衣在树上!NrpoJac3v1 Unit 5: What are you going to do today? 重点单词、词组:

1.take a test做小测验 2.go on vacation去度假1nowfTG4KI 3.get a haircut理发 4.see the doctor去看医生fjnFLDa5Zo 5.shop for clothes买衣服 6.have a party进行晚会tfnNhnE6e5 7.write letters写信 8.meet some friends与朋友会面HbmVN777sL 9.tonight今晚 10.tomorrow 明天 11.the day after tomorrow 后天12.bored感到厌烦的 13.ask提问 14.question问题V7l4jRB8Hs Sounds and words:

1.ship轮船 2.big大的 3.trick魔术83lcPA59W9 4.trip旅行 5.pig猪 6.brick砖mZkklkzaaP 重点句子:(Target)

1.What are you going to do today? 今天你准备做什么? I’m going to write letters.我准备写信。

2.Are you going to write to your uncle?你准备写信给你的叔叔吗?AVktR43bpw No, I’m going to write to my aunt.不,我准备写信给我的姑妈。

3.What’s he going to do in the afternoon?下午他打算做什么? He’s going to meet some friends.他打算与朋友会面。 (Conversation): 4.I’m bored.我无聊。

5.Are you going to cook some food/shop for clothes/get a haircut?ORjBnOwcEd 你打算煮食物/买衣服/理发吗? No. I’m not.不,我不是。(否定回答) 6.I’m going to ask you questions.我准备回答你的问题。 Unit 6: It’s a vacation! 重点单词、词组:

1.have a picnic去野餐 2.visit relatives探访亲戚2MiJTy0dTT 3.help Dad帮助爸爸 4.take some photos拍照gIiSpiue7A 5.play with friends和朋友玩 6.make models制作模型uEh0U1Yfmh 7.surf the net上网 8.read some books看书IAg9qLsgBX 9.vacation假期 10.the Great Wall of China中国长城WwghWvVhPE 11.next下一个 12.fruit水果 13.do tai chi打太极拳asfpsfpi4k Sounds and words:

1.diary日记 2.dumplings汤圆 3.doll玩具ooeyYZTjj1 4.dictionary字典 5.doughnuts炸圈饼 6.dollar美元重BkeGuInkxI 重点句子:(Target)

1.What are you going to do on vacation?假期你打算做什么?

I’m going to surf the net/play with friends.我打算上网/和朋友玩。PgdO0sRlMo 2.What are they going to do? 他们准备做什么? They’re going to read some books.他们准备看书。 (Conversation):

3.What’s Gogo going to do? Gogo准备做什么?

He’s going to see the Great Wall of China.他准备去看中国长城。3cdXwckm15 5.Next week is a vacation.下星期是假期。 6.What are you going to do with your friends?你和朋友准备做什么?h8c52WOngM 7.We’re going to have a picnic.我们准备去野餐。 8.What are you going to eat on your picnic?野餐打算你们吃什么?v4bdyGious 9.We’re going to eat fruit.我们打算吃水果。

10.What are you going to do there, Gogo?Gogo,你在那里准备做什么?J0bm4qMpJ9 I’m going to do tai chi.我准备打太极拳。 Unit 7: What’s the matter? 重点单词、词组:

1.headache头痛 2.toothache牙痛 3.cold感冒 4.fever发烧5.earache耳痛 6.stomachache肚子痛,胃痛 7.should应该XVauA9grYP 8.hurt受伤,伤害 9.take some medicine服药 10. stay in bed躺在床上11.see the dentist去看牙医 12.well水井 13.dig挖bR9C6TJscw 14.them他们 15.worry担心 16.easy容易pN9LBDdtrd 18.be careful1小心 19.next time下一次. Sounds and words:

1.red红色的 2.mess混乱,杂乱 3.head头DJ8T7nHuGT 4.bed床 5.dress连衣裙 6.bread面包QF81D7bvUA 重点句子:(Target)

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