
1.Are you getting a new flat this year? — _______ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.

A.Without question. B.You must be joking. C.Good idea! D.Ar 【参考答案】: B

2.How much did you ________all these things? -More than forty dollars.

A.spend B.cost C.give D.pay for 【参考答案】: D

3.On formal __________, people pay more attention to manners.

A.situations B.cases C.conditions D.occasions 【参考答案】: D

4.How can he _____ if he is not _____?

A.listen; hearing B.hear; listening C.be listening; heard D.be hearing; listened to 【参考答案】: B

5.We are sure of winning the match.______________. We'll meet at the match.

A.So are we B.I think so C.Don't be so sure D.It's out of question 【参考答案】: C

6.-- I'm sorry to trouble you. Can I borrow a pen, please?-- ___________.

A.Yes, you can B.Certainly! It is here C.She's welcome D.Thank you 【参考答案】: B

7.While ________ for the bus at the bus station, I met an old friend of mine whom I haven't seen for 10 years.

A.being waited B.waiting C.having waited D.waited 【参考答案】: B

8.Thank you for your nice gifts.- _____________________

A.I'm glad you like it. B.No thanks. C.It's very kind of you. D.I'm sorry to hear that. 【参考答案】: A

9.—Excuese me, is there any grocery store around here?—Yes, ________on Pine street .It’s not far from here.

A.you like it B.there is one C.you’ll catch it D.it’s warm and foggy 【参考答案】: B

10.Welcome to Beijing!( )

A.Thank you B.Oh, good C.How do you do? D.That's all right 【参考答案】: A

11.All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer.Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer.Games and sports often grow out of people's work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back to thousands of years ago, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person's character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.



12.内容提示:假如你叫张琳,你昨天(4月7日)在放学回家的路上发生了交通事故,你从自行车上摔了下来,被好心人及时送到了医院,医生叫你卧床休息三天,特此请假(ask for a sick leave) 要求:1、请根据以上内容,向班主任张老师写一张请假条; 2、以第一人称写,不能逐字翻译; 3、词数80左右。

【参考答案】: 暂无

13.How long will it take us to get there?

【参考答案】: 暂无

14.Economists study the way a society uses scarce resources such as land, labor and raw materials.

【参考答案】: 暂无

15.Transistors are small in size and light in weight.

【参考答案】: 暂无

16.China will build up a space station in ten years.

【参考答案】: 暂无

17.Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years.

【参考答案】: 暂无

18.A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.

【参考答案】: 暂无

19.I have no idea about it.

【参考答案】: 暂无

20.Let's try something different.

【参考答案】: 暂无

21.Stay here before I get back.

【参考答案】: 暂无

22.I’m going to visit a friend of mine this Sunday.

【参考答案】: 暂无

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