
全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT) 2011年春季测试六级试题参考答案

I. 句子应答(Responses)(共5小题,计5分) 1—5 CBABC

II. 对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分) (A) 6—10 CABCB (B) 11—15 ACBBB III. 短文理解(Passage)(共5小题,计5分)

16. tastes good 17. together 18. showing / expressing 19. smell 20. loved / happy 矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃。 基础知识(共五大题,计35分) I. 词义匹配(Vocabulary Matching)(共10小题,计5分) 21—25 HEDCA 26—30 BJGFI

II. 句型转换 (Rewriting Sentences)(共5小题,计5分)

31. because of 32. has been 33. said; was 34. dressing up聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸。 35. whose window III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共10小题,计10分)

36. something 37. break 38. piece 39. or 40. getting 41. where 42. invention 43. by 44. becoming 45. of / about残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭。 IV. 补全对话 (Dialogue)(共5小题,计5分) 46—50 CEDFA

V. 翻译 (Translation)(共5小题,计10分)

51. Even if you can’t persuade them, don’t lose heart. / Don’t lose heart even if you can’t persuade them.酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧。 52. It was a group of American visitors who came to our school last week. 彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒。 53. Mary wants to talk to you face to face.

54. Did he keep his word and show up at Li Hua’s birthday party last year?謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點。 55. I think my brother ought to eat a balanced diet and lose weight. 厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺。 阅读理解(共四篇短文, 计20分)

(A) 56—58 TFF 59. the beauty of this place 60. the sights on the moon茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀。 (B) 61. played the piano 62. to sing 63. in public 64. get paid / get money / bring money home 65. better than 鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴。鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈。 (C) 66. Because information is easier to find.

67. Books only contain printed information on the page (there are no moving pictures or sound).

籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨。籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠。 68. Electricity / Power / Electricity power. 69. A newspaper. 70. Increase.

(D) 71—75 CEABD

书面表达(共两大题, 计25分)

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A)(共1小题,计10分) One possible version: Uncle Wang,

I’m going shopping and after that will meet some friends. I won’t be home until 7 pm. I have prepared supper for you in the fridge. In the morning, a Mr. Chen called and said that he could not come by tomorrow but would call you again in the evening. I have fed the dog, but please give him some more water. 預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴。預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴買。 Li Hua B)(共1小题,计15分) One possible version:

I had given my friends some nicknames and my friends do the same thing, too. Most of the time my friends and people around like the nicknames that others gave them. Because nicknames make people feel close and comfortable. In my opinion, most nicknames are positive. When someone calls my nickname, I feel happy and like to talk to these people that I know. People spend time together and have a lot of sweet memory including some nicknames. Of course, there some nicknames with bad meanings. I think people should not give those to others which really could hurt others’ feelings. 渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦。渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇。 全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT) 2011年春季测试六级试题听力部分录音原文

PartI. Responses

Listen to the following sentences and choose the best response to each one. Each sentence will be read only once. 铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡。铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡缝。 1. Would you please close the window?

2. I heard your sister was in hospital. How is she now?擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷。擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷報。 3. Hi, this is Helen. May I speak to Mr. Li? 4. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

5. Which do you prefer, badminton or basketball? Part II. Dialogues

(A) Listen to the following mini-dialogues and choose the best answer to each question. Each dialogue will be read only once. 贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷。贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷鯛。 6. W: How long will your grandma be staying with you?坛摶乡囂忏蒌鍥铃氈淚。坛摶乡囂忏蒌鍥铃氈淚跻。 M: Just a week or so.

7. W: We can’t complain about the weather these days, can we?蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘。蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘籜。 M: You’re right. Sunshine day after day. I suppose the farmers wish it would rain.買鲷鴯譖昙膚遙闫撷凄。買鲷鴯譖昙膚遙闫撷凄届。 8. W: Why don’t you eat your chocolate cake, Sam? M: Oh, I am having trouble with a bad tooth. 9. M: Why are you leaving so early?

W: Well, I have to go shopping before I pick up the children from school.綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴。綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴飙。 10. M: Today is May 14, isn’t it?

W: That’s right. Only two days before Susan’s birthday.驅踬髏彦浃绥譎饴憂锦。驅踬髏彦浃绥譎饴憂锦諑。 (B) Listen to the following two longer dialogues and choose the best answer to each question.

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Each dialogue will be read twice. 猫虿驢绘燈鮒诛髅貺庑。猫虿驢绘燈鮒诛髅貺庑献。 Dialogue A

W: Lovely day, isn’t it? M: Oh, yes. Beautiful.

W: You are not English, are you? M: No, I’m from Italy.

W: How long have you been here learning English? M: For one year now.

W: For one year? Your English is very good.

M: I wouldn’t say that. There is still a lot for me to learn.锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔。锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔嗚。 W: How much longer are you going to stay in this country?構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛。構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛門。 M: Another two months. Then I’ll have to go back to Italy and start work.輒峄陽檉簖疖網儂號泶。輒峄陽檉簖疖網儂號泶蛴。 W: Really? I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your stay here.尧侧閆繭絳闕绚勵蜆贅。尧侧閆繭絳闕绚勵蜆贅瀝。 M: Thank you. I will. Dialogue B

M: Good morning, Emily. W: Good morning, Mr. River.

M: I have a morning meeting at 8:00 am, right?

W: Yes, in the A-1 meeting room. And there is a phone message for you. A 识饒鎂錕缢灩筧嚌俨淒。识饒鎂錕缢灩筧嚌俨淒侬。 Professor Han called and asked you to call him back.凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴。凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴铍。 M: Er... do you have his full name? W: Yes, Professor Leslie J. Han. M: Where is he now?

W: He’s staying in the Maple Hotel.

M: Thank you. Do you happen to have the number of the hotel?恥諤銪灭萦欢煬鞏鹜錦。恥諤銪灭萦欢煬鞏鹜錦聰。 W: No, but he left his mobile phone number. Here it is.鯊腎鑰诎褳鉀沩懼統庫。鯊腎鑰诎褳鉀沩懼統庫摇。 M: I see. Thank you. Part III. Passage

Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks. The passage will be read twice. 硕癘鄴颃诌攆檸攜驤蔹。硕癘鄴颃诌攆檸攜驤蔹鸶。 People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. This becomes a problem, because most families love home cooking!There are many reasons for this. First, home cooked food tastes good and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, meals are the only time everyone sees all family members at the same time. Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is a way of showing love. A parent who makes cookies for his or her children is sending a message. The message says, “I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes.” There is also something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking pleases people of all ages. It makes most of us feel good and loved—even if we are the ones cooking next time, we could stop for a moment and pay attention to our mood,

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