

Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Aaron: The necklace is so well suited to you. It looks very nice. Ida: __________ I have been working for five months to buy it. A. Yeah, it is very expensive. B. Yeah, a friend gave it to me. C. It is just so ordinary. D. Thank you so much.

2. Harriet: Did you hear the weather forecast? __________

Jodie: The temperature tomorrow will reach 35 degrees. I think a drought has set in. We haven’t had a drop of rain for two months.

A. What is the temperature tomorrow? B. Is there a storm?

C. How is the weather going to be tomorrow? D. How high will the degrees be?

3. Customer: Excuse me, can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China? Clerk: __________ How much do you draw? A. It depends. B. Certainly, sir. C. Wait a minute. D. Sorry, sir.

4. Clerk: It’s your turn, Miss. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Customer: __________ I want a new hairdo. A. I haven’t waited for so long. B. It doesn’t matter.

C. It hasn’t cost me much time.

D. I have been waiting for just a few minutes. 5. Herbert: What do you think of classical music?

Teddy: __________ I enjoyed listening to Mozart or Bach in the evening after having worked for a whole day.

A. I find it too loud.

B. I find it very relaxing. C. It is just OK. D. It is so lively.

6. Betty: I’d like to intern during this summer holiday. __________ Nancy: Fill in the application and give it back to me. A. I wonder whether there is any vacancy.

B. What about the payment?

C. How many hours should I work per day? D. How can I apply for it?

7. Sally: Have you received the email from the International Students Office? Kelly: __________What’s the matter? A. No, I haven’t. B. Yes, I have.

C. I haven’t checked my email for several days. D. It has not yet arrived.

8. Ruth: Where do you intend to spend your National Day holiday? Gloria: __________ Could you give me some advice? A. I haven’t decided yet.

B. I am afraid that I will stay at home. C. I will ask my wife about it.

D. I have planned to visit Beijing for a long time.

9. Nigel: Hi, Philip. Could you lend me ten yuan? I want to buy a packet of cigarette, but I don’t have enough money. My parents don’t give me allowance anymore. Philip: __________ Well, come to my house this afternoon. A. Sorry, I don’t have enough money, either. B. Of course.

C. I want to know the exact amount. D. You always say that.

10. Clerk: Welcome to Cafe Greenery. Did you make any reservation? May I have your name please? Customer: Kathleen Fox. __________ A. Have you found it?

B. Could you give us the seats next to the window? C. I have been your customer for long. D. Haven’t you found it?

11. Roland: Haven’t seen you for ages. How is it going?

Albert: __________, thanks, and you? Have you and Jane married? A. Good

B. It is going well C. Excellent D. Fine

12. Clerk: Good morning, and welcome to Bank of China. How can I help you? Customer: __________ What kind of accounts do you have? A. I’d like to withdraw some money.

B. I’d like to borrow a loan from the bank. C. I’d like to open a savings account.

D. I’d like to deposit some money into my account.

13. Louis: Bert, our company is not allowed smoking. You must smoke outside. Bert: __________ I just want to refresh myself. A. That’s all right. B. It’s fine. C. All right. D. I’m sorry.

14. Emma: What’s the matter, Kevin? __________

Kevin: There are so many courses on the website. I don’t know which ones to take. A. You look very excited. B. You seem very tired.

C. You look very disappointed. D. You seem very puzzled.

15. Christine: Would you mind if I open the door? It’s really stuffy and hot in here. Violet: __________ I can’t wait to breathe in fresh air. A. Absolutely yes! B. Sure. C. Not sure. D. Of course not.

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One

Finding fresh drinking water was not a problem in the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans built aqueducts (from the Latin words aqua, meaning \and ductus, meaning \The pipes and channels wound down hills and valleys, transporting freshwater from remote lakes and streams to cities. Engineers designed each aqueduct so that water would drop precisely 24 feet per mile. A steeper slope would bring too much water too quickly. Less of a slope would cause the water to stagnate. Stone bridges with multiple arches were built to support aqueducts where the land dipped too sharply. Many of the bridges can still be found in Europe. At the Roman Empire’s peak in the first and second centuries, nearly 200 cities had water supplied by aqueducts.

Rome, the empire’s capital, had 11 aqueducts for its estimated 1 million people. When the water reached Rome, it flowed into large containers, or tanks, on high ground. From there, it was distributed through pipes to different areas of the city. Some water was sold to rich citizens for their private use; some went to supply large public baths; the rest went to public fountains, located at crossroads throughout Rome that were never more than 109 yards apart. Experts say that each citizen of Rome could have used an average of 265 gallons of fresh, clean water per day — more than what’s available in some cities today.

16. The Roman Empire had plentiful supply of fresh drinking water because __________. A. many bridges were built to in Europe.

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