

题目: Analysis of language transfer in second language acquisition

姓名: Kerwin

学号: 1210401239

班级: 国贸2班

Analysis of language transfer in second language acquisition

Abstract: The study of second language acquisition show that mother tongue transfer is one of

the most important factors in second language acquisition, it will affect the learning of all the subsystems of second language of phonology, lexis, lexical, syntactic and discourse. This article will review the development process and present situation of language transfer, and contact the specific problems in the Chinese students writing as an example to analyze the role of language transfer in two language acquisition. The use of positive transfer and avoid the negative transfer, which can improve the efficiency of foreign language learning, achieve the ideal effectKey words: second language acquisition of foreign language teaching


For Chinese students, in the case of the Chinese language for the Chinese language to carry out the second foreign language learning, most of them are after the mastery of the language, then the two language will produce a certain similarity and difference. \educational psychology term, acquired knowledge, skills, learning methods and learning attitudes to new knowledge and new skills acquisition and solve new problems arising from the effects of. Odlin (1989) summarized the research in this field for many years, and made a concise and accurate summary of the definition of \language and other languages that have been acquired (or not fully learned). The theory of language transfer is 50 years. It refers to the phenomenon that learners use their mother tongue in the second language or foreign language learning. They are not familiar with the target language. Language transfer is divided into positive transfer (transfer positive) and negative transfer (transfer negative). In the learning process, if we know that knowledge and experience have a positive effect on the knowledge acquisition, it is positive transfer; in turn, if we have a negative effect on knowledge, knowledge and experience we have learned, it is negative.

Ⅰ The theoretical background of language transfer

In the first stage, the study of language transfer in second language acquisition theory, language transfer in the three language acquisition theory, it is a comparative analysis of the theoretical basis; the second stage, due to the influence of Chomsky's universal grammar point of view, many linguists have proposed the contrastive analysis hypothesis and language transfer theory. In the third stage, it is considered as a hot topic in the field of language learning, which is regarded as an important topic in the field of language learning. So the study of language transfer is not only pay attention to the comparative analysis, but also pay attention to the pragmatic environment, cognitive psychology and individual differences of learners. We must have a more systematic and clear understanding of the various constraints.

Ⅱ English writing, language negative transfer performance

1 Grammar

Each language have their own groups of words in a sentence rules, due to both in English and Chinese languages belong to two different language families, the group of words, sentence rules are very different. Due to the impact of the Chinese language, the following grammatical mistakes in the composition of the students:

(1) An improper use or improper use of leakage with articles, is the most common errors in students' compositions. Here are two sentences for the students: Is a information society. Today (information society an)

Passing the door smell, of delicious dishes will come to you. When (should be smell the)

In Chinese, there is no corresponding to the words of English articles, therefore in the native language is Chinese learners. The frequency of the misuse of articles is very high. (2) Noun plural error

Chinese students are more prone to make mistakes in the use of nouns and plural nouns. English and Chinese have the grammatical category of count nouns, but Chinese only that people's concrete nouns, ending the can be attached in person noun plural. The grammatical category of nouns in English also includes the concrete nouns, the plural and the rules and regulations. The number of Chinese nouns in English is not necessarily a number. In the primary stage of English learning, students can understand the grammatical rules of English nouns and plural nouns, but they will not be aware of their mistakes in the use of language. For example: On TV give us informations. Advertisements Make me tired. Homeworks

Cities there, are many other public equipments in order to make people life s happier. In 2.Words

Chinese as a native language of English learners' interference is also reflected in the use of words. The following several cases of student use of words: (1) Not to pay attention to part of speech

Many Chinese words are words, grammatical functions of words does not depend on an inflected form. For example, the word \verb. In English is different, \parts of speech to use different parts of speech. In the case of students' composition, the neglect of the part of speech often occurs. See next case:

You success or not you, should work hard. Whether Can choice from them and buy what we like. You

Students think of the word \Ⅲ Language transfer research on foreign language teaching

In vocabulary teaching, using a variety of methods to help students enlarge their vocabulary, memorizing words, which can reduce the dependence on native language to a certain extent, avoid the use of limited to the mother tongue and the target language corresponding to the single word In addition, the use of the words used in the teaching of collocation is essential, can help students to eliminate the interference of their mother tongue, foreign language learning is to master the language, has a more complete cognitive basis, the learning of the mother tongue, the general knowledge of language and the overall cognitive ability will have an impact on foreign language learning.

On the one hand, teachers should give full play to the subjective initiative of foreign language learners, using the positive factors of the learning strategies and cognitive means, the use of mother tongue knowledge. On the other hand, to make the students realize that learning strategies and cognitive means such as the use of inappropriate will have some negative impact. Such as avoiding the difficulties caused by the differences between the mother tongue and target language, the students can not grasp the new knowledge, and it is not conducive to the timely detection of problems. Teachers should actively guide students to correctly deal with the difficulties in learning, and gradually move towards the direction of the target language. Ⅳ Concluding

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