华师一附中九年级英语单元综合测评(十) (1)


(总分:120分 时间:120分钟)

Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(三节,共25分) 第一节(每小题1分,共4分)


( )1. A. Nothing serious. B. Yes, of course. C. No, I don‘t. ( )2. A. They are good friends. B. They have no time to greet.

C. They are supposed to bow.

( )3. A. I went to New York for vacation. B. Very far from my home.

C. It was fantastic.

( )4. A. You are supposed to arrive late. B. Yes, you are late. C. Yes, it‘s late. ( )5. A. It is famous for watches. B. It is famous all over the world.

C. Yes, it‘s the land of watches. 第二节(每小题1分,共8分)


( )6. What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? A. They‘re supposed to shake hands. B. They‘re supposed to bow. C. They‘re supposed to kiss.

( )7. What is the boy supposed to do after school?

A. He is supposed to hang out with his friends. B. He is supposed to go home.

C. He is supposed to clean the classroom.

( )8. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. Tim lost his home.

B. The man went to his friend‘s house last night. C. The man was lost.

( )9. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. It‘s polite to make noise when you are eating noodles in Japan. B. It‘s rude to make noise when you are eating noodles in Japan. C. Japanese people eat noodles every day.

( )10. How is the man going to Shanghai?

A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By train.

( )11. When did the man arrive?

A. At 5∶00. B. At 5∶15. C. At 5∶50.

( )12. What does the man mean?

A. He agrees with the woman. B. He doesn‘t agree with the woman. C. He thinks the woman is very serious. 第三节(每小题1分,共13分)




( )13. What would Peter do if he lost his job?

A. He‘d find another job. B. He‘d improve himself. C. He‘d take a short vacation.

( )14. What would Kate do if she lost her job?

A. She‘d take a vacation to relax herself for some time.

B. She‘d find a new one. C. She‘d stay at home to relax herself.

( )15. What would Kate do to get another job?

A. Study something more. B. Ask their parents for help. C. Go to as many job interviews as possible. 听第14段材料,回答第15至第17题。

( )16. Who‘s going to Beijing?

A. Tina. B. Frank. C. Frank‘s father.

( )17. When is the plane taking off?

A. At 8∶00. B. At 8∶15. C. At 8∶45.

( )18. What is he going to Beijing for?

A. On vacation. B. On business. C. For his further education. 听第15段材料,回答第18至第21题。

( )19. What is the relationship between the man and Mrs Black?

A. Son and mother. B. Husband and wife. C. Good friends.

( )20. What was the weather like when they had the picnic?

A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Windy.

( )21. Where did they have the picnic?

A. In a park. B. On a mountain. C. On an island.

( )22. What did the man mean by saying ―What a day‖?

A. It was a great day. B. It was a boring day. C. It was a tiring day. 听第16段材料,回答第22至第25题。

( )23. Where is Mexico?

A. To the south of America. B. To the north of America. C. To the east of America.

( )24. In which part of Mexico is there much desert?

A. In the north. B. In the south. C. In the east and west.

( )25. How many people live in the Mexico City?

A. Over 89 million. B. Over 70 million. C. Over 19 million.


Ⅱ. 选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)


( )26. —I think you should have a good rest at noon. You‘d better not do your homework.

—Perhaps you are right. But I ________ doing my exercises at noon.

A. used to B. have used to C. got used to D. have got used to

( )27. —Look at the exercise book. How tidy the handwriting is!

—Oh, it‘s Mary‘s. She has ________ a good habit at a very early age.

A. made B. formed C. got D. found

( )28. —In China, we often just ________ our friends‘ homes.

—But in the USA we never visit a friend‘s home without calling first. A. make up B. pick up C. drop by D. walk up

( )29. —It‘s ________ to put your chopsticks into my food while having dinner.


—I‘m sorry. I won‘t do that again.

A. polite B. rude C. kind D. generous

( )30. —What was it like when you were in China?

—My host family tried to make me ________. They were really nice.

A. feel at home B. feel like living C. feel free D. feel lucky

( )31. —What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in Korea?

—They are supposed to ________.

A. shake hands B. bow C. kiss D. hug

( )32. —I‘m sorry my alarm clock failed to go off this morning.

—There is no ________ for your coming late to the meeting.

A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. course

( )33. —We ________ Brazil to win the match. They had so many great players.

—What a pity! They lost!

A. hoped B. expected C. made D. decided

( )34. —Do you know that some people don‘t have enough food to eat?

—Yes. I can‘t ________ what poor life they are living.

A. know B. understand C. wonder D. imagine

( )35. —Don‘t be so rude. You should ________ as a gentleman.

—Sorry. I will follow your advice.

A. behave B. perform C. pretend D. dream

( )36. —I didn‘t know ________ I was supposed to do in a western restaurant.

—You‘d better ask Mr.Liu. He knows a lot about that.

A. what B. how C. when D. if

( )37. —Maybe the biggest challenge is to learn how to behave in a foreign country.

—Yes. As you can ________, things are really different there.

A. point B. believe C. imagine D. expect

( )38. — What do you mean by saying ―When in Rome, do as the

—I mean we should follow the A. action B. behavior C. customs

D. habits

( )39. —What rules do your Chinese people have?

—We shouldn‘t ________ anyone with our chopsticks.

A. stick into B. beat C. point at D. talk with

( )40. —Whose advice should I take, sir?


A. Help yourself. B. That depends. C. It‘s up to you. D. See yourself. Ⅲ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Angel is a white woman with a six–year-old child named Bob. She works at a college. Last Sunday afternoon, Angel took Bob to play in the nearby park, where he would be 41 to play with other kids in the neighborhood. While they were walking along the road towards the park, they met an English professor named Tony. He was 42 towards the library of the college. He is a black man from South Africa.

As the English professor was about to pass Angel and her son, the child suddenly 43 his mother‘s hand. She was surprised and looked down at him.


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