江苏省涟水县红日中学牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching (教学案7,无答案)


编写人:辜菊玲 审核: 殷信秀 日期:10.08 班级: 姓名: 得分:

课题:Unit6 Birdwatching (Task)


1.了解申请表的填写方法。 2. 学习申请信的写作。


1. 通过预习,了解申请表的写作方法。2. 复习本单元的关键词汇和语法。



如:Can you tell us _____ ________ _____ the human society? 你能告诉我们人类社会的起源吗? ★birthday作____词,意为“生日”birthplace也作____词,意为“诞生地”。

在出生时______________:give birth to出生,产生,生(小孩); 出生日期_______________ 他出生时有7磅重。He weighed seven pounds _________ __________

我的出生日期是1998年6月8日。 My ________ ________ _________was June 8th 1998 2.First let me introduce my myself


如:让他做一下自我介绍。Let him introduce ______________ 她把我介绍给她的朋友She __________ me _________ her friend 3.call sb. on+电话码,意为“按照……码给某人”。

If you have any difficulty, you can call the ________ _________ 110 如果你有什么困难,你可以打“110”找警察。 ★如果是电话码直接做宾语则不用介词on。如:

The house was _____ ______ . We called 119 at once. 那间房屋着火了。我们立即拨打了“119”。 ★email sb. at +电子邮箱意为“发电子邮件至……”。如

Please email me______ ghsoe163.. 请给我发电子邮件至ghsoe163..


1. 加入观鸟协会 2. 介绍我自己 3. 对。。。感兴趣 4. 我喜欢大自然。 5.成为。。。一员 6. 积极参加活动 [来源:学,科,]

7. 按照。。。打电话给某人 8. 按照。。。发邮件给某人 选择


[来源学科|] ( )1.Please call me 021-8932 5678 or e-mail me nanjingren126..

A. in; at B. on ;at C. at; at D. to; at ( )2.I think it is important for me protect birds.


A. do something to B. to do something C. to do something to D. do anything



1.The Birdwatching (协会) is very popular among the students . 2. There is no need to (介绍) yourself . We hear of you for a long time . 3.I’ll give you my (details of where sb. lives ) and my telephone number . 4.This term we all chose him to be the of the Students’ Union (学生会). 5.The (表格) you are filling in is very important . 6.Humans are part of the n world . 7.He is fat w his wife is thin .


8.The camera r all that happened in the earthquake . 9. His article is very (完美的). Everyone likes reading it . 10.Can you (描述) what you saw yesterday in clear language ? (二).选用方框里合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。

clear they nature fish play visit 1.Are you interested in the violin ? 2. They need to introduce to all the students . 3.It’s that he helps me because I often help him . 4. Maybe these bags are those .

5.I remembered that I swam here three years ago . 6.Some like in the river . (三).单项选择

( ) 1.We call a chick’s mother

A. cock B. chicken C. chick D. hen

( ) 2.Seventy per cent of us this song .

A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like

( ) 3.He provides some rooms us . A. with B. for C. on D. to ( ) 4.He went to the factory find his son .

A. for B. in order to C. to D. B and C ( )5. Please email me dig75sina. .

A. for B .at C . with D . by

(四).选用方框里合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。 lead not believe stay be lie happen change

1.His parents prevented him from outside for night . 2.She a blind man into the room just now . 3. The weather very often in London .

4.Look ! Someone on the ground . What to him ? 5.We all know 97 per cent of water seawater on Earth . 6.When they saw these , they their own eyes .


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