
2015 年长郡双语小升初招生真题卷

(时量:40 分钟 满分:100 分)

一、找出下列划线部分读音与其他不同的一项。(5 分)拼读 法 :长音 短音

两个元音一起走 ,发长音 短音 一个元音后接辅音 发短音 leaf boat pig a-e cake


bug apple

C. ship

B. k i te B. pear B. red B.p o st

bake ( )1.A.pick ( )2.A.bear ( (

)3.A .m e )4.A.box

C. n ear C. bread C. holiday ( )5.A.what C. Which B. wh o


二、看图或根据首字母的提示,填上合适的单词,使句子意思完整,注意所填词的正确形式。(15 分)

1.We can read books in the library (图书馆).


2.I usually have Chinese, Math (数学)and English on Tuesday. 句意:我周日通常有语文,数学和英语课。 3. It’s sunny(天晴)today. Put on your sunglasses. 句意:今天天晴,带上你的太阳眼镜。

4.I’d like some noodles (面条)for dinner.


5.I got a bad headache



身体部分+ache...表示....痛的 headache

stomache toothache Sore 痛的 eyesore 眼痛

sore throat 喉咙痛 6.Children’s Day is


June (六月)1st .

7.Look, the girl is watching


(观看)TV now.

Look,the bird is singing now.

Listen!The teacher is teaching English classes now.

fly (放)a kite this weekend.

8.I’m going to 一般将来时

句意: 我打算这个周末去放风筝。

be going to do sth/will do sth +将来时间(tomorrow,next,)

I am going to go to America tomorrow.

I will go to America tomorrow. 现在进行时:

be +Ving +现在进行时间(now,Look,Listen ,at 7 o’clock)

At 10 0’clock pm , Iam

watching TV.

9. My school is not far, so I often go to school by bike. 句意: 我的学校并不远,因此我经常骑自行车去学校。

10. He is 15. I am 14. He is older 最优答案

见 than 必用比较级 .... 比 比较级 -er ... more 他比我高。 这个房子比那个更漂亮。

than me. 句意:他15岁,我14岁。他比我更大。

He is taller than me.

The house is more beautiful than that one. Take pictures=take photographs

11. Tom took many nice pictures in the zoo yesterday. 句意:汤姆昨天在动物园拍了很多照片。 12. There is a post office next to the museum. 句意:博物馆旁边有一个邮局。

13. My uncle helps the sick 生病的people. He is a doctor



14. Yellow traffic light means waiting .

句意:交通灯黄色代表等待 15.My English teacher is serious/strict , but she is kind too.


U/ju:/ (

三、单项选择。(15 分) )1. My sister is A. a

university student. B.an

C. the 陷阱词

useful, hour, “m,f,x,l”

There is _an___”m” letter in the word.

)2. Our classroom is on the A. five

B. fiveth

floor. C. fifth

3F 4F 5F

( )3. I have a cute pet. a dog.

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