
Shanghai Oriental High Quality Education 培育东方精英,打造优质教育!

复合句含有两个或两个以上主谓结构,其中一个主谓结构作另一个的成分。(而并列句的两个主谓结构间是并列关系, 而不是从属关系。) 当简单句的一个成分从词或词组变为句子时,整个句子就成为复合句了。 I. It is wrong. (只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。) What he said is wrong. (what he said,是一个主谓结构,he为主语,said为谓语,what是宾语。What he said is wrong. 是另外一个主谓结构,What he said作主语,是主语从句;is wrong系表结构作谓语。因此,本句是复合句。) II. The boy over there is my brother. (只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。) The boy who is wearing a hat is my brother. (The boy over there is my brother.只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。当over there变为 who is wearing a hat时(也是一个主谓结构),整个句子就变成了复合句,who is wearing a hat是定语从句。) III. I was doing my homework at six. (只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。) I was doing my homework when he came in. (I was doing my homework是一个主谓结构,he came in也是一个主谓结构。后面一个主谓结构作前一个的时间状语,是时间状语从句。因此本句是复合句。) 从上面这几个句子,我们可以看出: 一个句子如果含有从句,如名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)、定语从句和状语从句等,这个句子就是复合句。 复合句的从句和主句之间要用连接词连接。 在上面句1中,what是连接词;在句2中,关系代词who就是连接词;在句3中,when起连接作用。 判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句。 We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon. The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom. There is a chair in this room, isn’t there? My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at seven in the evening. He is in Class One and I am in Class Two. He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child. Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so. What he said at the meeting is very important, isn’t it? The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music. Right now it is the summer vacation and I’m helping my Dad on the farm. It is the time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark. Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors. We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. Although the farm is large, my Dad has only two men working for him. 引导的是什么从句,不仅要根据连词,还要根据句子结构和句意来判别 说出下列复合句中,where引导的是什么从句。 You can find it where you left it.( ) Tell me the address where he lives.( ) I don’t know where he comes from.( ) Where he was born is not known yet.( ) This place is where they once lived.( ) 一个句子有两个主谓结构时,要考虑它们之间的连接问题 一个句子如果出现两个主谓结构,那它就不是简单句了,要么是并列句,(答疑qq 329950885)要么是复合句。这时我们就要考虑连接词的问题。直接用逗号连接的两个简单句是错误的。这时,我们有四种方法来改正这个错句: 改为并列句:我们可以使用and, so, but等并列连词来把它们连接起来。 改为复合句:加上从属连词,把其中的一个分句改为状语从句、定语从句或名词性从句。 改为简单句:把其中的一个主谓结构的谓语破坏掉,从而使其变成独立主格结构。 改标点:把逗号改为分号(根据句意有时也可用冒号、破折号等)。 I like English, my English is very good. × I like English and my English is very good. √(并列句) As I like English, my English is very good. √(含有原因状语从句的复合句) I like English; my English is good. √(用分号) I liking English, my English is very good. √ (把一个分句改为独立主格结构) I have a house, its windows are very big. × I have a house and its windows are very big. √ (并列句) I have a house, whose windows are very big. √ (含有定Shanghai Oriental High Quality Education 培育东方精英,打造优质教育!

语从句的复合句) I have a house; its windows are big. √ (用分号) I have a house, its windows very big. √ (后面为独立主格结构) A. To look C. Having looked B. Looking D. Look 利用英语句子结构规律做下列各题。 【2015徐汇区】Five people won the “China’s green figure” award, a title ______ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection. A. is given B. was given C. being given D. given All the preparations for the task ______, and we’re ready to start. A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed 【2006杨浦区】I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ______ Chinese in the school, most ______ were from Germany. A. study; of whom B. study; of them C. studying; of them D. studying; of whom 【2013徐汇区】Everywhere you can see people in their holiday dress, ______ with smiles. A. their faces are shining B. whose faces shining C. their faces shining D. faces shining whose 【2016浦东】Many students ______ around, I explained the story into details. A. stood B. standing C. to stand D. were standing 【2013闵行区】I have five friends, some of ______ are businessmen. A. that B. whom C. they D. them 【2014普陀区】I have five friends, but none of ______ are business- men. A. that B. whom C. they D. them 【2013上海】________ at the photos, illustrations, title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about. Shanghai Oriental High Quality Education 培育东方精英,打造优质教育!





1.vi. 2. vt. 3. vi. 4. vi. 5. vt. 6. vi. 7. vi. 8. vt.;vt. 9. vt. 10. vi. 指出下列斜体单词是实义动词还是助动词。

1. 助动词 实义动词 2. 助动词 实义动词 3. 助动词 实义动词 4. 实义动词 5. 助动词 实义动词

6. 助动词 助动词 实义动词 7. 助动词 助动词 实义动词 8. 助动词 实义动词


is是系动词,属于谓语部分;get up early在句中作主语,要用成非谓语形式;作主语一般用动名词,因此把get变为动名词getting。 want在句中作谓语;go home作宾语,而want后面常跟不定式作宾语,因此在go前面加to。 is是系动词,后面跟表语,把play变为playing构成动名词来作表语。

is为谓语动词,sings in the tree实际上是作bird的定语,bird和sing构成主动关系,用现在分词作定语,因此,把sings改为现在分词singing。 likes是谓语动词,“坐在那边”作后臵定语,“男孩”和“坐”构成主动关系,因此用现在分词作定语,把sits改为sitting。 谓语为has been sold out;“去年建的”作“The house”的定语,两者构成被动关系,用过去分词作后臵定语,因此,把was去掉。 are是句中的谓语部分,“singing over there”作the girls的后臵定语,去掉are。

wanted是谓语;work hard作wanted的宾语补足语,want后面通常跟不定式作宾补,因此在work前面加to。 remember是谓语;remember用在“记得以前曾经发生的事”时,后面通常跟动名词作宾语,因此,把saw改为seeing。 10. saw是谓语,(答疑qq 329950885) “走进那座建筑”是作saw的宾语补足语;看到某人做了某事,常用see somebody do something, 因此,把walked改为walk。 判断下列句中画线部分是否是宾语补足语。 1.


2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T




During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular.(名词)

We often speak English in class.(代词) One-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词) To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式) Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词) The rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词) When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.(主语从句) It is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式) That he isn’t at home is not true. (主语从句, that不能省略) 改正下列句中的错误,并说明原因。

在句首加that;因为引导主语从句的that不能省略。(他考试不及格是他辍学的原因。) 把句首的that去掉,因为why除去作主句的成分之外,还起着连接作用。 把lie改为lies; 介词短语不能作主语,主语是后面的a small village。 把is改为are;句子的主语是the days。


Give改为To give;在做决定时,放弃英语不是一个选择。give up指具体的某一次。 画出下列句中的表语,并说明由什么充当。 Our teacher of English is an American.(名词) Is it yours?(代词) The weather has turned cold.(形容词) The speech is exciting.(分词/形容词,这样的分词已形容词化了) Three times seven is twenty one.(数词) His job is to teach English.(不定式) His hobby(爱好)is playing football.(动名词) The machine must be under repairs.(介词短语) The truth is that he has never been abroad.(从句) 画出下列句中的宾语, 并说明由什么充当。 They planed many trees yesterday.(名词)

(How many dictionaries do you have?) I have five.(数词)

They helped the old with their housework yesterday.(名词化形容词) I wanted to buy a car.(不定式短语)

I enjoy listening to popular music.(动名词短语) I think(that)he is fit for his office.(宾语从句)

用下画线画出下列句中的宾语补足语,并指出是什么词充当。 His father named him Dongming.(名词) They painted their boat white.(形容词) Let the fresh air in.(副词)

You mustn’t force him to lend his money to you.(不定式短语) We saw her entering the room.(现在分词)

We found everything in the lab in good order.(介词短语)

Shanghai Oriental High Quality Education 培育东方精英,打造优质教育!

We will soon make our city what your city is now.(从句) I want your homework done on time.(过去分词短语)

口头翻译下列句子,用下画线标出定语部分,留意定语的位臵,并说明定语是由什么词性或结构充当。 The letter on the desk is for Mr. Wu.


The woman with a baby in her arms is his mother . 怀里抱婴儿的那个妇女是他的母亲。(with的复合结构作后臵定语) We need a place twice larger than this one.

我们需要一个比这个地方大两倍的地方。(形容词短语作后臵定语) She carried a basket full of eggs.

她提着一个装满鸡蛋的篮子。(形容词短语作后臵定语) It’s a book worth no more than one dollar. 那是一本仅值一美元的书。(形容词短语作后臵定语) It’s a city far from the coast. 它是一座距海岸线很远的城市。(形容词短语作后臵定语) He has money enough to buy a car. 他有足够能买一辆车的钱。(形容词短语作后臵定语) The man downstairs was trying to sleep. 楼下的那个人正在尽力睡觉。(副词作后臵定语)

There are lots of places of interest needing repairing in our city. 在我们城市有许多需要维修的名胜。(现在分词短语作后臵定语) Tigers belonging to meat-eating animals feed on meat. 属于食肉动物的老虎以肉为食。(现在分词短语作后臵定语) A boy calling himself John wanted to see you. 一个自称为John的男孩想见你。(现在分词短语作后臵定语)

He picked up a wallet lying on the ground on the way back home.


There are many clothes to be washed.

有许多(答疑qq 329950885)要洗的衣服。意译为:有许多衣服要洗。(动词不定式短语作后臵定语) Most of the singers invited to the party were from America. 大多数被邀请参加派对的歌手都来自美国。(过去分词短语作后臵定语) Then the great day came when he was to march past the palace in the team. 接着,他要列队游行经过宫殿的那一天到了。(定语从句修饰the great day) 指出下列画线部分属于什么状语。

1. 时间状语 2. 地点状语 3. 原因状语 4. 方式状语 5. 伴随状语 6. 目的状语 7. 目的状语 8. 程度状语 9. 程度状语 10. 结果状语 11. 让步状语 12. 比较状语 13. 条件状语 14. 时间状语;地点状语 15. 原因状语

选择正确答案,并说出句中那个是同位语。 1. B

2. A 3. C

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