八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版13



I. 单项选择(15分)

1. —What’s the weather like in Qinghai in winter? —There is ________snow and it is ______cold. A. much too, much too B. too much, too much C. much too, too much D. too much, much too 2. —I think______is not easy to draw this picture. —I think so.

A.that B. this C. these D. it 3. —_____do they go to movies? — Once a month.

A. How often B. When C. These D. It 4. —Are you busy this weekend?

— Yes, my mother wants me ____the house.

A. cleans B. to clean C.cleaned D. cleaning 5. —____she is very tired, ____Sue doesn’t stop working. A. Although, but B. But, although C. Although, / D. / , /

6. —It ____Mark’s watch. ____your watch is in your bag. A. may be, Maybe B. maybe, Maybe C. may be, May be D. maybe, May be

7. She looks very ____because she has a ____weekend. A.bored, bored B. boring, boring C. bored, boring D. boring, bored

8. ____students can answer the question, because it’s very difficult. A. Little B. A little C. Few D. A few 9. A ____habit is very important in our everyday lives.

A. health B. unhealthy C. healthy D. unhealthily 10. They go to the movies_____ a month.

A. three times or four times B. three or four times C. three and four times D. three times and four times 11. Hot tea ____honey is good for you.

A. with B. in C. has D. Of 12. Is there ____in today’s newspaper?

A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything 13. ____books in bed is bad for your eyes.

A. Read B. Reads C. Not read D. Reading 14. You should try____a little junk food every day.

A. eating B. eat C. eats D. to eat 15. — Excuse me. Where is the stair?

— Ok. Go straight ____that door under the EXIT sign. A. in B. through C. over D. across


One day Mary __1_ shopping with her mother. When they got __2__the supermarket, Mary was very __3__. There were many nice things and many people __4__it.

Mary’s mother told her __5__her. They walked __6__and they __7__something for lunch. When they came to one shelf(货架), Mary __8__some boxes of chocolate. Mary wanted her mother to buy some __9__her.

Her mother gave her a box of brown chocolate. Mary shook(摇头) her head and said “ I want a box of white chocolate, mum.”

“Why do you want a box of white chocolate?” her mother asked.

“ I won’t bite my fingers(咬到手指)when I eat them at night.” Mary answered. _10__hearing this Mary’s mother laughed and they left the supermarket happily. ( ) 1. A. went B. goes to C. to go D. going ( ) 2. A. for B. on C. to D. with ( ) 3. A. sad B. exciting C. good D. happy ( ) 4. A. on B. for C. in D.at

( ) 5. A. follow B. follows C. to follow D. following ( ) 6. A. away B. to C. around D. by ( ) 7. A. bought B. take C. carried D. made ( ) 8. A. looked B. watched C. read D. saw ( ) 9. A. with B. for C. to D. about ( ) 10. A. Since B. So C. That D. After

III. 阅读理解(30分)


Everybody wants to be healthy. Everybody knows food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not healthy food. Healthy food can make you strong and happy. Remember there is an old saying, “An apple a day keeps a doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy. ( ) 1. Which is right?

A. Everybody is healthy. B. We want to be healthy. C. We are important. D. Only food can keep us healthy. ( ) 2. What are healthy foods?

A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Bananas, apples and chocolate. C. Fruits and chocolate. D. Chocolate.

( ) 3. Why are healthy foods good for you?

A. They make you happy. B. They make you grow strong. C. They make you strong and happy. D. They are delicious.

( ) 4. What the meaning of the sentence --- “An apple a day keeps a doctor away!”? A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy. D. You eat an apple every day and you can be a doctor. ( ) 5. What can keep you healthy?

A. Only doctor. B. Both healthy foods and sports

C. Only healthy foods. D. Only sports.


Everyone must go to bed early and get up early, or we won’t be healthy and clever. Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children of your age need ten hours’ sleep every day. If you don’t go to bed early, you won’t have enough sleep. Then you can’t think properly and can’t do your work properly. You’ll not be clever.

Some people go to bed late and get up late. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when is is dark. The dark helps us to sleep soundly. When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. If you lack exercise, the body becomes weak. Exercise keeps a strong body.

Exercise helps the blood(血液)flow(流动) around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our body. The brain also needs blood. If we keep our body healthy and take exercise, we can think better.

( ) 6. If we want to be healthy and clever, we must go to bed____. A. late and get up early B. early and get up late C. early and get up early D. late and get up late ( ) 7. Children of your age need____.

A. ten hours’ sleep B. nine hours’ sleep C. twelve hours’ sleep D. eleven hours’ sleep ( ) 8. The best time to sleep is when____. A. daytime comes B. it is dark

C. we are taking exercise D. it is late afternoon

( ) 9. If you lack exercise, the body becomes weak. “Lack” means “______” A. 加大 B. 坚持 C. 丰富 D. 缺乏 ( ) 10. Exercise ______.

A. makes more blood B. helps the blood to flow C. makes food for our blood D. makes our brain tired


Mr. Smith teaches English in a university(大学). He is often busy with his work. When summer

or winter holidays come, he often goes out to take vacations to relax. Usually he goes to France because he thinks it’s an interesting country. And he can speak French very well. But last month he said to his wife, “ I’m not visiting France this time. I want to go to a different country. I choose China. But I can hardly speak Chinese, so I’m going to study it for a month before I go.” he studied pretty hard for a month, and then his vacation began. Ten days later, he came back home. His wife asked him, “ How about your short vacation in China? Did you have any trouble with your Chinese there?” “No, I didn’t.” answered Mr. Smith. “But the Chinese did!” ( ) 11. Mr. Smith goes out to ____when it’s summer or winter holidays.

A. have a rest B. learn languages C. look for interesting jobs D. visit musuems ( ) 12. The unlined word “choose” mean____.

A. learn from B. arrive in C.work for D. decide on ( ) 13. Mr. Smith stayed in China for ____.

A. a month B. two weeks C. ten days D. The author didn’t mention it. ( ) 14. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mr. Smith works as a math teacher in a university.

B. Mr. Smith takes vacations in different countries every year. C. Mr. Smith can speak English and French very well. D. Mr. Smith went to China with his wife.

( ) 15. What can we know from the last paragraph(段落)? A. Mr. Smith’s Chinese is quite good. B. The Chinese were friendly to Mr. Smith. C. Mr. Smith speaks Chinese well.

D. Chinese is difficult to learn.

IV. 词汇运用(10分)


1. I h____ have junk food. Because it is bad for health. 2. Of all the books, I think this one is the m___difficult. 3. I like the p___Running Man, because it’s funny and relaxing.

4. You’d better go and see a ____(牙医) and have your bad teeth pulled out. 5. The ____(结果) of the English exam makes me happy. B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

6. Last year my father ____(feed) more than 100 pigs. 7. Let us talk about the ____(different) between the twins.

8. Tony and I are best friends. We ____(usual) learn a lot from each other. 9. There ____(be) many sheep on the hill last year. 10. Doing eye exercises____(help) you to be in good health.

V. 句型转换(10分)

1. Claire likes vegetables very much, so she always eats all kinds of them. (对划线部分进行

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