


1.(2019?安顺) For many years, sales of garlic in California had been little because of the much cheaper garlic from China. This year, however, California garlic sales are rising because American government increases tariffs(关税)on Chinese products.

Christopher, a garlic grower in California, is manager of his company and he said, \, we would love to see the tariffs on China.\ Tariffs on Chinese garlic rose from 10% to 25% on May 9,2019,and the reason is that U.S President Donald Trump increased tariffs on Chinese products worth of $200 billion. Since then, Chinese buyers have almost stopped buying soybeans from the United States and American soybean farmers are now getting worried.

Not everyone likes the garlic tariffs in the U.S. Last July Christopher expressed his support on Trump's policy(政策). However, officials from McCormick and Company Inc. didn't agree with the policy. McCormick's CEO, Lawrence told Reuters(路透社)that without Chinese garlic America can't go. Actually ,the trade war(贸易战)between China and America is a sign of American hegemony(霸权),and it will destroy American economy and U.S government will lose its trust from other countries in the world.

(1)From the passage we infer(推理)that .

A. America is buying garlic from China as much as before B. American soybean farmers make money as much as before C. China is still buying crops from America as much as before

D. Garlic growers in California are making more money than before (2)Why is less Chinese garlic bought by America this year? A. Because enough garlic is grown in California.

B. Because American government has increased tax(税收)on Chinese garlic. C. Because China is not buying soybeans from America. D. Because companies support American government.

(3)What does the underlined word \? A. China B. the trade

C. American hegemony D. a sign

(4)How much tariff did American government increase on Chinese garlic On May 9,2019? A. 15% B.25% C. 10% D. 35%


(5)According to the passage, who disagrees with the America policy of having tariffs on Chinese products? A. Christopher B. Donald Trump

C. California garlic growers D. Lawrence

2.(2019?荆门)Canada shares the longest international border(边界)in the world with the USA,which is8,891 km long.The longest part of the border is shared with the US state,Alaska,and it is about 2,475 km long.Here is more information about Canada. Geography

★the largest waterfalls,Niagara Falls

★the second biggest country in the world,after Russia

★the highest mountain,the Mount Logan with a height of 5,959 m

★the longest river,the McKenzie River in the northwest,4,241 km long

★a large country with a small population

Attractions for kids ★going boating in the national parks,enjoying skiing,snow

﹣boarding and other winter fun activities in the mountains ★outdoor activities: riding,climbing and ice﹣skating in Toronto,Vancouver and so on

★interesting museums and wonderful city parks (1)How long is the longest border that Canada shares with Alaska? A.8,891 km. B.2,475 km. C.4,241 km. D.5,959 m.

(2)The largest country in the world is . A. China B. Canada C. the USA D. Russia

(3)Which of the following statements is true? A. The height of the Mount Logan is 5,959 kilometers. B. The McKenzie River lies in the northeast of Canada. C. Canada is a large country which has a small population. D. Kids can't go ice﹣skating in Vancouver.


4.(2019?百色)As we all know, English is an important subject in middle school. Everyone knows that they must learn English well, but some people don't know how to learn it well. Here are some suggestions which may help you with your English.

The biggest problem is people' s own fear. They worry that they won't say things correctly or that they will look foolish so that they don't speak English at all. Don't be afraid of being laughed at.Only if we aren't afraid of making mistakes can we learn English well.

The fastest way to learn something is to do it again and again until you get it right. Learning English needs practice. Don't let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.

The best way to learn English is to have a good environment. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English radios, watch English news, movies and TV programs. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English materials that you have around you, the faster you will learn it.

Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by doing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are making progress.

(1)The biggest problem of learning English is . A.not knowing how to learn

B.being afraid of being laughed at C.looking foolish D.making mistakes

(2)The fastest way to learn English well is . A.practicing over and over again B.listening to it every day C.going over the fear

D.going to a foreign country

(3)To create a good environment, you need to do many things except . A.putting English books around your room B.listening to English radios

C.watching English news and movies

D.speaking English with your friends only in class

(4)According to the passage, English exercises and tests are . A.very necessary B.not helpful at all C.very boring D.not important

(5)How many suggestions on how to learn English are mentioned according to the passage? A.Two B.Three


C.Four D.Five 5.(2019?烟台)In 1987,a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen.After more than 30 years of development,the company has now beaten Apple and become the world's second﹣largest maker of smartphones behind Korea's Samsung.It has also become the world's largest supplier(供应商)of 5G.

But recently,Huawei faced some difficulties.The U.S. government ordered a ban(禁令)on its sales in America.American officials said Huawei gave information that it collected to the Chinese government.At the same time,the U.S. government planned to stop selling parts and services to Huawei,which was believed that Huawei's business would be hurt.

\we have never tried to get into other systems to collect information.\Ren Zhengfei,Huawei's founder and president said. \.S. would have little effect on our company.Huawei has enough ability to deal with the problems.\.

In an interview several years ago,Ren Zhengfei said, \only £4,000 at the beginning,but now it has become a $100 billion company.The experience was not as romantic(浪漫的)as you imagine.\ Facing the ban of the U.S.,Huawei is growing.Huawei's smartphone sales around the world rose 50 percent compared to a year earlier in the first three months of 2019.At the same time,sales from both Samsung and Apple fell.So far,Huawei has grown into the world's largest telecommunications equipment(电信设备)supplier,selling in 170 countries!It may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near future.

(1)Which company is the largest supplier of 5G in the world? A.Apple. B.Samsung. C.huawei. D.Nokia.

(2)Why did the U.S. order a ban on Huawei?

A.Huawei's sales in America were growing faster than Apple. B.Huawei refused to supply services to the U.S.government. C.They didn't want Apple to sell parts and services to Huawei.

D.They thought Huawei,collected information for the Chinese government. (3)From what Ren Zhengfei said,we can learn that Huawei . A.is deeply affected by the ban. B.has go to the system of the U.S.

C.can solve the problems they are facing. D.is asked to supply information to China.

(4)The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means . A.Huawei's developing experience was hard.


B.it is romantic to start a company with £4,000.

C.the romantic experience was a large amount of wealth.

D.people can understand Huawei's developing experience easily.

(5)What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph? A.Huawei will grow slowly. B.Huawei is full of hope.

C.Huawei's sales will be doubled.

D.Huawei is the largest smartphone maker. 6.(2019?河北)School Activity: the \

A number of important school activities are coming up, and the biggest one is the \. What is our aim(目的)?

The \. The main aim of this activity is to improve our school members' knowledge about the importance of exercise. What are our activities?

The \Month\will take place from 15 December to 15 January. During this month, a lot of activities will be held to show the importance of exercise.

●Writing Competition The topic of the writing competition is \Me\. The length of the writing is 500 words for this competition.

●Talk The talk will be given on 18 December. The speaker will be Dr Chiu from St Stephen's Hospital. He will then answer our members' question about exercise.

●Exhibition(展览) The exhibition will be held from 19 December to 3 January in our school hall. The history of different kinds of exercise, and the winning and excellent writings from the competition will be on show.

●After﹣school Exercise Classes The after﹣school exercise classes will run from 18 December to 14 January. In these classes, experienced coaches from the local exercise clubs will also help our school members to make practical exercise plans.

(1)What is the passage mainly about? A. The aim of the school activities.

B. The different kinds of school classes. C. The introduction about Exercise Month. D. The school members' Youth Sports Club.

(2)What is the topic of the writing competition? A. Exercise and Me. B. A School Activity.

C. Practical Exercise Plans. D. After﹣school Classes.

(3)When will the after﹣school exercise classes start? A. On 15 December.


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