
found when we need them, perhaps they're not really forgotten. Still, as time goes on, we gradually but unquestionably become strangers to future people.

(1)Why are smart machines likely to increase our biases? A.Because they go off course in testing and scoring. B.Because we control the training process on them, C.Because we offer them too much information. D.Because they overuse the provided answers.

(2)The ease of accessing information from the Internet ? A. frees us from making efforts to learn new skills

B. prevents civilizations from being lost at a high speed C.misleads us into thinking we already knew the knowledge

D.separates the facts we have from those in the smart machines (3)The word \ \. A.a sudden failure B.the basic rule

C.a disappointing start

D. the gradual development

(4)What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage? A.To question about the standards of information storage. B.To discuss our problems of communication with machines. C.To stress the importance of improving our memorizing ability. D.To remind us of the risk of depending on machines to remember.

57.(2019?荆门)Terry Fox was only seventeen when he got a cancer(癌症).He must have felt hopeless when the doctor said his right leg would have to be cut off 6 inches above the knee.

But to everyone's surprise,Terry Fox made up his mind to become a long﹣distance runner and do something about the cancer.What a dream!

Although it seemed impossible,Terry decided to run across the whole country.He hoped to raise one million dollars for cancer research.Few believed he would make it.Anyway,on April 12,1980,Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope.For the first days of his marathon,Terry Fox was alone.He started running at 4:30 am.Day by day,people began to realize that something big was happening on the lonely road.As people saw Terry,they stopped and donated(捐赠)money for cancer research. However,his health took a rapid turn for the worse several months later.He had to give up his marathon on September 1,1980.Terry died three months


later,at the age of 22.In his short life,he raised ﹩24 million for cancer research﹣one dollar for each person in his motherland.

Since his death,the yearly Terry Fox Run,first held in 1981,has grown to be the world's largest one﹣day fundraiser(筹资活动)for cancer research.

(1)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean? A.The dream was very strange. B.It was such a silly dream.

C.The dream was easy to achieve. D.It was almost an impossible dream.

(2)Terry gave up his marathon in 1980 because . A.he found it too tiring B.nobody supported him

C.he was too sick to continue D.he raised enough money

(3)When did Terry Fox get a cancer? A. In 1975. B. In 1980. C. In 1981. D. In 1958.

(4)What is the writer's purpose in writing the passage? A. To tell us when Terry Fox Run was first held. B. To tell us not to give up when facing difficulties. C. To advise us to donate money for cancer research. D. To call on us to take part in Marathon of Hope. 58.(2019?黔南州)Robert was a boy of eight years old. One day, when he was doing cleaning at home. He thought he should move the box out of the house. The box made of wood was very heavy. And it was much bigger than he. He tried, but he could not move it. After resting for a short time, the boy started once more, but failed again. He couldn't even move it a bit. He felt very tired and hopeless.

Just then,his father came home from work and saw his son work hard. He didn't help Robert and asked, \, have you done your best? And are you doing everything you can?\ \ \.

\, you're not. \, \you. Asking for help is not a weakness. At some point, even the strongest of us needs help. It is important to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it. Never be afraid to ask others for help when you're in trouble. Robert nodded with a big smile.

(1)What did the boy want to move away? A.A stone. B. A box.


C.A wood. D. A toy.

(2)Robert couldn't move it out because it was too . A. heavy B. tall C. low D. high

(3)How did Robert feel after he tried again and again? A.He hoped he could move it sometime later. B.He thought he could ask for help. C.He felt very tired and hopeless. D.He became very proud of himself. (4)Which of the following can be put in in the seventh line of the article? A. I hardly did! B. Yes, I do! C. No. I am not! D. Yes, I am!

(5)What can be the best title of the passage? A. How to move a heavy thing away B. An interesting story about Robert C. Robert's hard work

D. Learn to ask for help when needed 59.(2019?黄石)Once upon a time, a wealthy old man lived alone in a big house. He was growing weaker day by day and was unable to take care of himself, so he decided to hire(雇佣) a nurse to help with housework and take care of him. One day, the old man interviewed two nurses﹣﹣Anthony and Peter.Anthony happened to be a handsome young man, while Peter looked quite ordinary (普通的). The old man asked Anthony to make tea for him. After Anthony left, the old man turned to Peter and said,\very bad account(描述) of you. He said you are rude(粗鲁的)and untrustworthy(不可信赖的). Is this correct?\

Peter thought for a minute and said, \, there must be something wrong with me. I should take some time to change these things.\

The old man was very impressed by Peter's character.Meanwhile, Anthony returned with a cup of tea for the old man. The old man sent Peter to make breakfast for him. He then turned to Anthony and told him, \very poorly of you while you were gone. What do you think about this?\hearing this, Anthony became angry and started cursing (咒骂). In the end, the old man hired Peter. Although Peter looked quite ordinary, he had impressive inner(内在的) beauty.

(1)What did the old man want a nurse to do? A. Live with him.


B. Help with housework and look afer his wife. C. Work as a doctor.

D. Help with housework and look after him. (2)What did Anthony look like? A. Handsome. B. Ordinary. C. Old. D. Ugly.

(3)The old man told Peter that Anthony . A. had had some bad words of him B. had praised him C. did not trust him

D. considered him to be not important

(4)How did Peter react (反应) when he heard the old man's words? A. He was angry.

B. He took it seriously. C. He didn't believe him.

D. He blamed(责备) Anthony.

(5)What can we learn from the passage? A. Ordinary people are more trustworthy. B. Handsome men must be good men.

C. Inner beauty is more important than appearance. D. Others' opinions are always correct.

60.Few words are spoken more often every day on the streets of Britain than \sorry\. This phrase has become such a common response(反应) that it has taken on a lot of meanings.

Saying \means to apologize(道歉). This is simple and easy to understand. We learn it both as a native speaker and as a student of foreign languages.

But in Britain, it takes on another meaning. It is a cultural expression. Imagine this: a man walks down the street, looking down at his phone. A woman is walking in the opposite direction, towards the man. She sees him, but she can't get out of the way in time. The man bumps (碰撞) into the woman. Who should say sorry? Naturally, the man should say sorry, because it was he who wasn't looking where he was going. Yet in Britain, it is common for both to apologize.

It is known that British people, like most people, do not enjoy conflict(冲突).So to quickly calm the situation, British people will apologize to each other. Other times it may sound funny to hear \. Some of my friends say it at restaurants, as they ask the waiter: \, but can I order another drink?\, but just to express that we need the waiter. In Britain, sorry doesn't always mean exactly what you think.

(1)According to the passage, \ .


A.the USA B.the UK C.the WWF D.the UN

(2)What does the underlined phrase \? A.从事 B.雇佣 C.呈现 D.拿起

(3)The example in the third paragraph is used to . A.describe a situation that people should avoid

B.describe how \C.explain why people should say sorry to each other D.show how polite British people are

(4)The restaurant example shows that \ . A.apologize

B.calm a situation down

C.explain what you're thinking about D.ask a waiter to bring something

(5)What might be a good title for this passage? A.\B.Traditional British Manners

C.How to Best Catch Others' Attention D.Finding a Way out of a Difficult Situation 61.(2019?荆门)In the eyes of many foreigners,Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world.And western hosts sometimes look rude(粗鲁的)in the eyes of Chinese guests.It is because the guest﹣host relationship in China is quite different from that in some western countries.

In China,guests are almost like gods.Whenever I enter a Chinese friend's home,there is always fruit on the table for me,and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water.In the west,generally the guest is not a god.Acting according to the host's way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.

My wife's mother,a very kind Chinese lady,doesn't smoke.When I see some of her guests smoking in her house,as a non﹣smoker,I feel unhappy.Usually,I want to stop them directly,but I must realize that in China,to be a good host,she must not do that.

In most North American homes,if you are a guest,and the hosts are not smokers,you should not smoke in their house.At the very least,you should ask,\?\,\,you can't smoke.\my culture,if you smoke in their house,you are a bad guest,but if they don't allow you to smoke in their house,they are not rude hosts.

In a word,no matter where you are,the best way to be a good guest is to adapt to(适应)the habits of your hosts.


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