
1. 当她意识到皮夹被偷了,她的脸色一下子就白了。(realize) 2. 在那个十字路口,他不知道应该朝那个方向走。(at a loss) 3. 在西方国家,人们乐于在各种活动中当志愿者。(be ready) 4. 大学生很有必要读一些育他们专业无关的书。(relate) 5. 如果你乘飞机出国,必须提前至少两个小时到达机场。(in advance) 6. 出席会议的人并不都支持她提出的建议。(favour) 7. 他脸上的神色表明他对此事毫不介意。(suggest) 8. 今年夏天的气温比人们预料的高得多。(expect) 9. 那个地区以优质葡萄酒而闻名于世。(famous) 10. 只有经过严厉训练的人才能从事这项工作。(undertake) 11. 如果你合法权益没有得到保障,你可以打官司。(fail)

12. 由于地震发生时人们正在睡梦中,成千上万的人在地震中丧生。(occur) 13. 有一些业余爱好可以使你生活更充实。(develop) 14. 他勇敢地与抢劫者搏斗,最后腹部受了重伤。(fight) 15. 据宣布,明年年底前又有三条地铁将建成。(announce) 16. 掌握一门外语,仅仅靠短时间的努力是远远不够的。(by)

17. 我不明白为什么有些父母硬要五、六岁的孩子学钢琴、绘画。(have) 18. 据信相当比例的美国人经常去看心理医生。(consult) 19. 经常熬夜会损害你的健康。(stay)

20. 事实证明,中国缺电问题已经解决了。(prove) 21. 他想订购一套与房间颜色相配的家具。(match)

22. 应该鼓励大学毕业生到贫穷的地区工作一段时间。(graduate v.) 23. 感冒会引起许多疾病,许多人还未意识到这一点。(aware) 24. 治病救人是每一位医务工作者的责任。(duty) 25. 政府采取了一系列措施来保护文化遗产。(series) 26. 他们决定为失学儿童募集钱款。(afford)

27. 开车时,一时疏忽可能引起重大事故。(bring about)

28. 30年前买一只普通手表要花去一个人一年的积蓄,这是真的吗?(cost) 29. 许多大学生到申请工作时才意识到他们缺乏很多方面的知识。(realize) 30. 在订立合同时,签名前一定要看清所有的条款。(go through) 31. 绿茶里是否真的含有可以防癌的物质?(contain) 32. 夏天牛奶不放在冰箱里保存就会很快变质。(keep)

33. 这些大城市的孩子初次来到农村,一切对他们都很新鲜。(since) 34. 政府正在着手解决许多人看不起病的问题。(set out) 35. 如今人们比以往任何时候都注意食品安全。(ever before)

36. 对于智力中等的学生来说,好的学习方法和习惯是成功的关键。(key) 37. 警方对这个人的犯罪无十分的把握,可是怀疑他这么做了。(be sure) 38. 事故对两辆车均未造成严重伤害。(do damage)

39. 她几次三番说要走,可是我们还是说服她留下了。(attempt)

40. 我很抱歉,由于事先已有约会,我只能辞谢你的邀请。(previous) 41. 我想买一条红领带来配这套新西服。(go)

42. 这猎人的耳朵对树林里的任何特别的声音都十分敏感。(sensitive) 43. 她因那病开过三次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。(so…that) 44. 他们胸有成竹地赴国外参加竞赛,最后摘取了桂冠。(in the end)

45. 早晨交通拥挤,十字路口更有可能发生交通事故。(likely) 46. 你不能想象社交聚会结束后房间里有多么脏乱。(mess)

47. 儿童接近成年时,他们常常发现同父母在许多问题上想法不一致。(approach) 48. 他个人的意见经常导致他与老板发生冲突,这是他得不到提升的原因。(conflict) 49. 我们期待更多的人来申请这个职位,但是符合要求的人并不多。(meet) 50. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到了许多关于花卉的知识。(enable)


1. en she realized that her purse had been stolen,her face went white. 2. At that crossroads,he was ar a loss which direction he should go in.

3. In western country,people are ready to be volunteers in different kinds of activities.

4. It is necessary for university students to read some books that are not related to their majors. 5. If you go abroad by plane, you should arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance.

6. All the people present at the meeting are not in favour of the suggestion he made/put forward. 7. The expression on his face suggested that he didn`t care about it.

8. This summer the air temperature was much higher than people had expected. 9. That area is world famous for its wine of good quality.

10. Only those who have been strictly trained can undertake this job.

11. If your legal rights and interests fail to be protected, you can go to court.

12. Because the people were asleep when the earthquake occurred, thousands of them lost their

lives in it.

13. If you develop some hobbies, your life will be richer. / Developing some hobbies will make

your life richer.

14. He fought against the robber bravely and eventually he was seriouly wounded in the stomach. 15. It is announced that another three subways / three more subways will be completed / will have

been completed by the end of next year.

16. It is far from enough to grasp / master a foreign language only by working hard for a short

period of time.

17. I don't know / understand why some parents have their children of only five or six years old

learn how to play the piano or paint pictures.

18. It is believed that a certain proportion of Americans often consult the psychologists. 19. If you often stay up late, it will do harm to your health.

20. The fact proves that the problems of the lack of electricity in China has been solved. 21. He deired to place an order for a set of furniture that matched the room in colour.

22. The students who have graduated from universities ought to be encouraged to work in the

poor areas for a period of time.

23. Having a cold will cause many dieases, but many people are not aware of it. 24. It is every medical worker’s duty to treat the patients and save their lives.

25. The government has taken a series of measures to protect the cultural heritage. 26. They decided to raise money for the children who could not afford to go to school. 27. When you drive a car, a monent of carelessness will bring about a serious accident.

28. Is it true that it cost a person a whole year’s savings to buy an ordinary watch thirty years ago? 29. Many university students didn’t realize that they lacked knowledge in many fields until they

applied for jobs.

30. While making a contract, you must go through all the items before signing your name. 31. Does green tea really contain the substances that can prevent cancer? 32. If milk is not kept in a refrigerator in summer, it will go bad soon.

33. Since this was the first time the children from big cities had come to the countryside,

everything was new to them.

34. The government is setting out to settle the problem that many people can not afford to go to


35. Today people pay more attention to the safety of food than ever before.

36. For a student of average intellect, good ways and habits of learning are the key to success. 37. The police were not absolutely sure that the the man had committed a crime, but suspected

him of doing so.

38. The accident didn’t do much damage to either of the motorcars.

39. She made several attempts to go, but we succeeded in persuading her to stay. 40. I am sorry I must decline your invitation owing to a previous appointment. 41. I want to buy a red tie to go with this new suit.

42. The hunter’s ears are highly sensitive to any unusual sound in the woods.

43. Having been operated on three times for that disease, she was so weakened that she could hardly stand up.

44. Full of confidence / Confidently they went abroad to take part in the competition, and in the end won the first place / prize.

45. In the morning when the traffic is heavy, road accidents are more likely to happen at a


46. You can’t image what a mess the room was after the social party.

47. As children approach adulthood, they often find that they think differently from their parents on a number of issues.

48. His personal opinions frequently caused him to conflict with his boss, which was why he couldn’t get a promotion.

49. We are expecting more people to apply for the position, but there are not many people who can meet our requirements.

50. Working with the gardeners enables / enabled us to learn a lot / gain / get / gain / a lot of knowlegde about flowers.

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