



exuse me, an i take the seat? thank ou!ould i start no? oka!good afternoon, teahers! it’s m great honor to introdue mself to ou. m name is li jin dong. i am from lass one, grade six of uan gang primar shool. i’m doing ell in m stud, i am good at english and i have got man prizes. i usuall pratie m english after shool. and i like reading english stor. no, m english is good, but there are so man pupils stud english better than me. so i have to learn english harder than before. there are 4 people in m famil. m father is a driver, he is handsome and hardorking. m mother is prett, and she is a houseife. e have a happil life. and i enjo it. i reall like english and i hope that one da i an talk ith an englishman. i have heard our shool is ver good and i like english ver muh. i hope i an improve m english at this shool. and that’s h i hoose for our shool. this is a little about me. and i believe i ill do ell in m future. thanks for our listening.

问题预计 一: projet

1. ho do ou think of health? important, e shoul

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d: fruits, exerise, i am health no.

ho do ou think about environment? important too. e shouldn’t: thro, ut trees. i often lean the house and plant trees.

3. ho do ou think of stud? funn and interesting, useful, feel happ hen e stud, good at it

4. do ou think vegetable is ver important? es, an keep us health, eat so man meats, e should eat vegetable more. i like vegetables, m mum likes them too.

5. do ou kno something about hristmas? deorate houses, hristmas tree, like hristmas.

6. do our kno something about estern food? deliious. i ant to eat them again.

二: favorite

1. hat’s our favorite subjet? hat? useful, funn, interesting. so i like it.

hat’s our favorite food? hat? good for us, an let us keep health.

3. hat’s our favorite hobb? handriting, father likes it, teah me, i think interesting. not good at handriting.

4. hat are our favorite animals? panda, it onl live in hina, ute, so i like it.

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5. there are so man novels in the orld, hih is our favorite?

6. hat’s our favorite musi? light musi. forget problems. make me happ. listen ever da.

7. hat’s our favorite sports star? jordan. pratie so hard. do a lot for his team. so i like him.

第二篇: 小升初英语面试



m name is lil. this is m house. there are five rooms in m house. this is m father and mother’s room. there are three pitures on the all. there is a desk near the indo. there are to hairs behind the desk. on the left of the room, there is a toilet. on the right, it’s m room. there are four pitures and a poster on the all.

questions: 1. hat’s our name?

ho man pitures are there in our father and mother’s room? 3. hat’s near the indo?

4. ho man pitures are there in our room? 5. hat’s the room on the left? 建议:


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