Unit 4 Psychology in Our Daily Life习题与答案

Unit 4 Psychology in Our Daily Life Exercise I Vocabulary and Structure Section A

Directions:Choose the best word that could fit in each blank and write down the corresponding letter in the box at the end of each sentence. Be sure to write ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS.

1. She is __________ to me by marriage. B A) associatedB) relatedC). addictedD) extended

2. A Russian space __________ is currently orbiting the Earth. D A) tabletB) caseC) shellD) capsule

3. This will __________ pressure on the trains to some extent. C A) revealB) recoverC) relieveD) reassure

4. The claim ______ the fact that every year more and more money is being spent on arms. C

A) backs downB) backs offC) backs upD) backs out

5. I'd like to _____ five hundred dollars to my current account. D A) shiftB) moveC) changeD) transfer

6. Rain is expected to __________ to all parts of the country by this evening. B A) expandB) extendC) extentD) expend

7. You need a very __________ manager to increase the rate of production. B A) adoringB) effectiveC) preferableD) dynamic

8. The final decision __________ the general manager. A A) rests withB) goes withC) relies withD) depends with

9. Your idea is good in theory, but it doesn't __________ in practice. D A) helpB) runC)reactD) work

10. __________, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. A

A) In a wayB) In some wayC) In other wayD) In no way

11. The study might __________ new possibilities for further breakthroughs. A A) open upB) close upC) wind upD) turn up

12. It is better to express your anger, __________ bottle it up. C A) other thanB) instead ofC) rather thanD) more than

13. He’s ___________a lot of people _________ he’s a millionaire. D A) fooled …to believe B) fool …to believe C) fooled …to believing D) fooled…into believing

14. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. __________ he had to be away from school for two or three months. B

A) NeverthelessB) As a resultC) FurthermoreD) Though

15. __________ I know is __________ I want to live a different kind of life. A A) All…thatB) All…whatC)All that…/D) All what…that

16. Nowadays many people are so___________ to mobile games that they become smart phone addicts(低头族). B

A) absorbed B) addicted C) concentrated D) attracted

17. A dark suit is __________ to a light one for evening wear. B A) more suitable B) preferable C) more flexible D) more practicable

18. The defendant(被告) couldn’t _________ for the fact that the money was found in his house. A

A) account B) allow C) answer D) apply

19. ____________ seasickness, stay outdoors on the top deck and focus on the horizon. C

A) In case B) In the case C) In case of D) In the case of

20. Tom __________ himself that everything was ready. D A) insured B) ensured C) assumed D) assured Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into one English word from Unit 3 or Unit 4. And change the form if necessary.

21. If people see others taking a short cut, they will find the wait ______________. (无法忍受的) unbearable

22. Vacations have been _______________________(延长) and the work week shortened. lengthened

23. More careful control of drug ________________________(处方) can cut costs and reduce overdoses of medication. prescriptions

24. I can understand your ___________(恼怒)--- I’d be furious if she ever treated me like that.annoyance

25. She is in a _______________________ (忧伤) over the death of her husband. misery depression

26. He would not have been proved _____________(无罪的) of theft if he had come from a different family background and had really been unemployed. innocent

27. She couldn’t ________________(忍住) laughing at him in those clothes. resist 28. They are able to assess (评价) and understand their strengths

and _______________ (局限性) in order to support their learning and personal development. limitations

29. Despite these challenges, we aimed to be responsive to the investors, and to _____________(使…降到最

小) the risks to the project, and ultimately be successful. minimize

30. Their disagreements _____________(消除了)over with time and they became firm friends. healed

ExerciseII Reading Comprehension

Directions: This passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and fill in the corresponding letters in the boxes after each question. Passage One

Questions 31 to 35are based on the following passage.

Immigration poses(提出,引起,产生) two main challenges for the rich world’s governments. One is how to manage the inflow (流入) of migrants; the other, how to integrate(整体,合并) those who are already there.

Whom, for example, to allow in? Already, many governments have realized that the market for top talent is global and competitive. Led by Canada and Australia, they are redesigning migration policies not just to admit, but actively to attract highly skilled immigrants. Germany, for instance, tentatively(试验性地,暂时性地,初步) introduced a green card of its own two years ago for information-technology staff. Whereas the case for attracting the highly skilled is fast becoming conventional(传统的,平常的) wisdom, a thornier(更为棘手的) issue is what to do about the unskilled. Because the difference in earnings is greatest in this sector(部门,领域), migration of the unskilled delivers the largest global economic gains. Moreover, wealthy, well-educated, ageing economies create lots of jobs for which their own workers have little appetite(欲求,嗜好).

So immigrants tend to cluster(集群) at the upper and lower ends of the skill spectrum(色谱,范围). Immigrants either have university degrees or no high-school education. Mr. Smith’s survey makes the point: Among immigrants to America, the proportion(比例,比率) with a postgraduate(研究生) education, at 21%, is almost three times as high as in the native population; equally, the proportion with less than nine years of schooling, at 20%, is more than three times as high as that of the native-born.

All this means that some immigrants do far better than others. The unskilled are the problem. Research by George Boras, a Harvard University professor whose parents were unskilled Cuban immigrants, has drawn attention to the fact that the unskilled account for a growing proportion of America’s foreign-born. Newcomers without high-school education not only drag down the wages of the poorest Americans; their children are also disproportionately(不成比例的,不对称的) likely to fail at school. These youngsters are there to stay. “The toothpaste is out of the tube,” says Mark Krikorian, executive(总经理) director of the Centre for Immigration Studies. And their numbers will grow. Because the rich world’s women spurn(摈弃,唾弃) motherhood, immigrants give birth to many of the rich world’s babies. Foreign

mothers account for one birth in five in Switzerland and one in eight in Germany and Britain. If these children grow up underprivileged(下层社会的,穷困的) and undereducated, they will create a new underclass that may take many years to emerge(摆脱) from poverty.

For Europe, immigration creates particular problems. Europe needs it even more than the United States because the continent(欧洲大陆) is ageing faster than any other region. Immigration is not a permanent cure (immigrants grow old too), but it will buy time. And migration can “grease(润滑) the wheels” of Europe’s sclerotic (硬化的) labor markets, argues Tito Boeri in a report published in July. However, thanks to the generosity(慷慨大方) of Europe’s welfare states, migration is also a sort of tax on immobile labor. And the more immobile Europeans are — the older, the less educated — the more xenophobic (恐惧外国人的) they are too.

31. It has become a generally accepted view that the rich governments should ________.D

A) introduce green cards of their own countries B) introduce skilled immigrants proportionately C) create more jobs for the unskilled immigrants D) try to admit and attract highly-skilled immigrants

32. The author cites Mr. Smith’s survey in order to show that ________.A A) most immigrants are either highly skilled or poorly unskilled

B) immigrants are mostly those who received little education before arrival C) immigrants take up a larger proportion of American population than the natives D) there are more highly-skilled immigrants in America than unskilled immigrants

33. The unskilled immigrants are the problem because ________.D A) most of them cannot find jobs B) crime rate among them is higher C) they don’t control births of babies D) their children might be poorly educated

34. By saying “The toothpaste is out of the tube”, the author probably means that ________.A

A) the younger generation of unskilled immigrants will see their numbers grow B) the unskilled immigrants have already been here and will certainly not return C) the unskilled immigrants have dragged down the wages and will continue to do so D) children of unskilled immigrants have done poorly in school and will likely to drop out soon

35. From the last paragraph we learn that ________.B A) Europe is more generous to immigrants than the United States B) immigration may slow down the ageing of Europe’s population

C) immigration may lead to instability(不稳定) of European labor market D) Europeans will become more xenophobic as more immigrants come in Passage Two

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

American schools aren’t exactly frozen in time, but considering the pace of change in other areas of life, our public schools tend to feel like throwbacks (倒退). Kids spend much of the day as their great-grandparents once did: sitting in rows, listening to teachers’ lectures, scribbling (乱涂) notes by hand, reading from textbooks that are

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