张剑考研英语训练:资料来自经济学人7月刊财政篇 美国加州财政(二)



Consumer goods:

Invasion of the bottle snatchers


For a hint of the problem they face, take the example of Daniel Lubetzky, who began peddling his fruit-and-nut bars in health-food stores: his KIND bars are now ubiquitous, stacked in airports and Wal-marts. Or that of Michael Dubin and Mark Levine, entrepreneurs irked by expensive razors, who began shipping cheaper ones directly to consumers five years ago. Their Dollar Shave Club now controls 5% of America’s razor market.

Such stories abound. From 2011 to 2015 large CPG companies lost nearly three percentage points of market share in America, according to a joint study by the Boston Consulting Group and IRI, a consultancy and data provider, respectively. In emerging markets local competitors are a growing headache for multinational giants. Nestlé, the world’s biggest food company, has missed its target of 5-6% sales growth for three years running.

—— The Economist, P53, Para. 2&3



hint n. 微量,少许,点滴 (a hint of 少许,一点点)

peddle v. 叫卖;兜售

ubiquitous adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的

stack v. 堆积,堆叠

consultancy n. 咨询服务公司,咨询机构

respectively adv. 各自地,分别地


competitor n. 竞争者

running adj. & n. 连续(的),不间断(的)(重要,翻译和阅读中都出现过)


fruit-and-nut bars 水果坚果条

irk v. 使恼怒;激怒;使厌烦,使厌倦


take the example of 以??为例

Such stories abound. 这种故事颇多,随处可闻。such 向上指代,指代上文描述的现象,并作出了评价(abound v. 大量存在);后面则会继续展开论述。该篇文章确实和考研作文颇为类似,第一段描述现象或故事,二段则开始展开议论,而二段首句的衔接则经常用到Such stories abound. 这样的短句,使得文章长短句镶嵌,短句开头,气势恢宏。

market share市场份额

emerging markets 新兴市场

multinational giants 跨国大公司







这部分文章的行文模式可用于考研英语一大作文的描写。昨天在讲到such story abound 的时候也稍有提及。在我们看到图画时,第一段肯定是描述现象,并稍稍与自己所要表达的中心挂钩。 然后在第二段用Such stories abound.,随后又再说明与图画类似的另一情况,之后可以论述产生这种现象的表面原因啦,深层原因啦等等。那么在最后一段作总结,根据原因给出相关的建议即可。所以考研英语一的大作文这样写的话,在写作逻辑方面就显得非常清晰了。


For a hint of the problem they face, take the example of Daniel Lubetzky, who began peddling his fruit-and-nut bars in health-food stores: his KIND bars are now ubiquitous, stacked in airports and Wal-marts.

分析:they face是定语从句,修饰先行词a hint of the problem;take...的内容是插入语;who引导的是定语从句,修饰Daniel Lubetzky;“:”后面接了一个解释说明的句子。



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