
专题限时集训(八) 单项填空 特殊句式


1.(2017·南通市高三三模)It's necessary that not only________to see a doctor but

also have a good rest. A.will Bob go C.should Bob go

B.Bob will go D.Bob should go

C [考查虚拟语气和倒装。句意:鲍勃不仅要去看医生,还要休息好,这是必要的。在“It's necessary that...”句型中,主语从句常用“should+动词原形”;本题的主语从句中,not only置于句首,因此用部分倒装语序。] 2.(2017·镇江高三一模)Anne lost her wallet and mother wasn't surprised

that________as she was too careless. A.she was so C.so did she

B.so was she D.she did so

D [考查省略句。句意:安妮丢了钱包,(她的)妈妈对此毫不惊讶因为她太粗心了。根据语境及句中的“Anne lost her wallet”可知,此处为省略句,do so常用来表示同一主语的同一动作,可以替代动词加宾语。故本句中谓语动词应用did so代替lost her wallet。故选D项。]


3.(2017·南京高三三模) It is not only blind men who make such stupid

mistakes.People who can see sometimes act________. A.just foolishly C.as foolishly

B.less foolishly D.so foolishly

C [考查固定用法和省略句。句意:犯这样愚蠢的错误的不只是盲人。看得见的人有时表现得(和盲人)一样愚蠢。本句考查了as ...as ...结构,含义为“和……一样……”。句中省略了as blind men,补充完整则为...act as foolishly as blind men。]

4.(2017·南京、盐城高三一模)In any case,parents should make clear what,

________, the child is expected to pay for with the pocket money. A.if ever

B.if so

C.if any D.if anything

D [考查省略句。句意:在任何情况下,父母都应该明确,要说有什么的话,他们期望孩子用零花钱来支付什么。if ever意为“假如,要是”;if so意为“如果是这样的话”;if any意为“如果有什么的话”;if anything意为“要说有什么的话”。根据语境可知应选D项。]

5.(2017·南通市高三三模)Quantities of soil________in the area,resulting in the

increasing number of natural disasters. A.is washed away B.have washed away C.was washed away D.have been washed away

D [考查主谓一致。句意:该地区大量的土壤已被冲走,导致越来越多的自然灾害。a quantity of和quantities of后可接复数可数名词或不可数名词,所构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词一般与quantity的单复数形式保持一致。] 6.(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(考点卷二))Never before________the first prize in

my hands,but through sweat and determination the achievement was mine at last. A.had I held C.did I hold

B.I had held D.held I

A [考查时态和倒装。句意:以前我从来没有得过一等奖,但是通过汗水和决心,成就最终是我的了。根据was可知此处描述的是发生在过去的过去的事情,应用过去完成时;never是表示否定意义的副词,置于句首时,句子需部分倒装。故选A。]

7.(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(题型卷))Not only________five gold medals in a

row,but they also have not lost a single game since the 1992 Olympics. A.has the team won B.the team has won C.did the team win D.the team won

A [考查倒装和时态。根据第二分句的时态可知,第一分句也应该用现在完成时;同时,not only放在句首,句子要用部分倒装。]

8.(江苏省2017届高三第二学期六校联考) Small and distant from

cities________my hometown is,there is always something different to catch your eye. A.though C.however

B.even if D.while

A [考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管我的家乡不大并且远离城市,但是总会有别样的东西吸引你的注意。分析从句的句型结构不难看出,此处考查的是让步状语从句的倒装,具有这样用法的连词有as和though,故本题答案为A。]

9.(江苏省2017届高三第二学期六校联考)________the destruction of the old

temple that we have to take immediate measures to deal with it. A.So is the severity of B.However severe is C.As severe is

D.Such is the severity of

D [考查倒装结构。句意:古庙的破坏程度如此严重以至于我们不得不立即采取措施来应对。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处考查的是so/such ...that ...结构中的so或such位于句首时用倒装的情况;再结合选项可知应选择D。]

10.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(四)) Not only________to apologize to

his opponent,but also he made an aggressive gesture,which made him blamed by the media.

A.the swimmer refused B.did the swimmer refuse C.the swimmer had refused D.had the swimmer refused

B [考查倒装。句意:那位游泳运动员不仅拒绝向对手道歉,而且还做出挑衅的手势,这使他受到了媒体的指责。not only ...but also ...连接两个分句,当not only位于句首时,前面的分句要用部分倒装,即把助动词置于主语之前。根据句意及后面的“made an aggressive gesture”可知,此处应用一般


11.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(五))John talked with me for about an

hour yesterday.Never________him talk so much. A.I heard C.I had heard

B.did I hear D.had I heard

D [考查时态和倒装。句意:约翰昨天和我谈了约一个小时的话。我以前从未听过他说那么多话。根据句意可知,hear所表示的动作发生在talked所表示的动作之前,表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时;又因表示否定意义的副词never位于句首时,句子需用部分倒装,故选D项。]

12.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(六))________something to help me

grow,but I wanted something I could profit from financially. A.Not only do I want B.Not only did I want C.Not only I wanted D.Not only I want

B [考查时态和倒装。句意:我不仅想要一些能帮助我成长的东西,而且我还想要一些能从中得到经济利益的东西。本句是not only ...but (also) ...句型,该句型中的not only放到句首时,其后的分句要用部分倒装,排除C和D两项。根据第二分句用的一般过去时可知,第一分句也用一般过去时,故选B项。]

13.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(七))Ancient Indians moved from Asia

to what is now the U.S.mainland thousands of years ago and not until the 16th century________to settle there. A.Europeans began B.began Europeans C.did Europeans begin D.had Europeans begun

C [考查时态和倒装。句意:古印第安人几千年前就从亚洲移居到了现在的美国大陆,直到16世纪欧洲人才开始在那里定居。当not until位于句首时,句子要部分倒装;再结合句中的“the 16th century”可知,应用一般过去


14.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(九)) Hardly________to give his lecture

when the audience in the lecture hall interrupted him. A.did he begin C.had he begun

B.he began D.he had begun

C [考查倒装和时态。句意:他刚开始发表演讲,报告厅里的听众就打断了他。在hardly ...when ...“刚……就……,一……就……”句型中,主句通常用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时;而hardly位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。]

15.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(十)) Not until his grandmother told him

everything about his mother________why his mother hadn't been back home for years.

A.Jack understood B.did Jack understand C.had Jack understood D.Jack had understood

B [考查倒装。句意:直到奶奶告诉杰克有关他母亲的一切,他才明白母亲好几年都没有回家的原因。Not until引导的时间状语从句置于句首,主句要进行部分倒装。根据句中的“Not until his grandmother told him everything about his mother ”可知,此处应用一般过去时。故选B。] 16.(江苏省2017届高三第二学期六校联考) Over the past five years,the Chinese

government________addressing PM2.5,which is the most critical pollutant for public health. A.have focused on B.has been focused on C.have been focusing on D.has been focusing on

D [考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的五年中,中国政府一直在致力于解决PM2.5的问题,它对于大众的健康是最危险的污染物。由句子中的时间状语“Over the past five years”和句意可知,此处表示从过去某一

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