
学号 班级 姓名 装 · 订 · 线 2014-2015上学期第一次月考试卷七年级英语

七年级 英语第一次月考试题 (2014 ——2015学年度第一学期) 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 一.单项选择(15分)

( )1.Tim′s hobbies are____ basketball and ______ books. A. playing, to read B. playing, reading

C. to play , to read D. play, read ( )2 .I want to_____ John.

A make friends to. B. make friendly with C make friends with D. friendly ( )3.Every day, we go to school by____

A. a bus B buses C. the bus D. bus ( )4.Maths_____my favourite subject. A. am B .is C .are D. be ( )5.They are good at______

A. swim B. swiming

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C. swimming D. to swimming ( )6.I′m from__Germany. I′m_____ German girl. A. a ,a B .a, / C./, a D./ ,/ ( )7.Anna likes_____

A .drawing B. draw C. to draw D. draws ( )8.What do you usually do _____your free time ? A .at. B. in. C. on D. with ( )9.My sister has______。

A. short black hairs B. black short hair

C .short black hair D .black short hairs ( )10.There is ____”s” and” u” in the word ” house. ” A. a, a B. a, an C .an , an D .an ,a ( )11.What is your favourite sport?_________ A. Music B .Art C. Piano D. Volleyball ( )12.You and I______in the same class. A. am B .is. C. are .D .be ( )13.My teachers are friendly_____us. A. to. B. with C. for D. and ( ) 14.What____their____? Peter and Tom. A .is, name B .are ,name

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C .are ,names D. is, names

( )15._____city is bigger, Beijing or Shanghai? A Who B. What. C. Where. D. Which 二.句型转换(10分)

1. Lily has twenty story books.(特殊问句) ______ ______ story books does Lily have? 2.We go to school at 7:30. (特殊问句) ______ do you go to school?

3.My English teacher is Mr Black(特殊问句) ——— ————your English teacher? 4. Tom and John are good friends.(否定句) Tom and John_____ good friends.

5 They go to work by bus.(同义句) They ______ a bus ______ work. 6. Your hair is long. (同义句) ——— ——— long hair. 三.句子翻译(10分) 1.我和弟弟一起住。

I live _____ my ______ brother. 2.他们家离我们学校不远。

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