(北京交通大学 交通运输规划与管理1403班14120880,北京10004)
摘 要: 本文以地铁13号线龙泽站为地铁客运系统调查对象,进行数据调研,统计并整理了龙泽站客运设施的客流数据,对早高峰的客流到达规律进行分析。根据《枢纽通行能力和服务水平手册》TCQSM中,对服务水平的定义和标准,对龙泽站进站口、闸机、楼扶梯和站台等主要客运系统设施进行服务水平评价,针对客运系统现状,提出优化设计方案,并利用Anylogic软件进行仿真,对比优化前后的服务水平评价,选择较优的方案设计。 关键词:轨道交通;客运系统服务水平;Anylogic仿真;地铁;优化设计
The optimal design of passenger traffic system of
Subway Line 13, Longze Station
SONG Zi-hang
(Transportation planning and management Class 1403 14120880, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044,
Abstract: In this paper, we investigated and research Subway line 13 Longze station for a week and collect the passenger flow data of passenger transportation facilities, analyse passenger flow rule of the morning rush. According to the definition and standard of TCQSM level of service, we estimate the level of service of Longze station passenger facilities like entrance gate, staircase and platform. The ability of passenger service facilities is calculated to find that if the ability of passenger station facilities can match passenger’s demand of current situation. According to the result of research, we put forward the optimal design on the passenger transport facilities.
Keywords: rail transit; level of service;TCQSM; metro; optimal design
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