


Key map cousin brown library radio model great boring tomato fruit trousers (pl.) shorts (pl.) volleyball geography dinner pair cool free thirty June December twelfth Wednesday third August under for sure in English What about...? a set of How much...? Here you are. Have a good time! think about from… to How old…? thank you for come on 二、汉译英 1、单词

早晨,上午: 杯子 用字母拼;拼写 遇见、相逢: 电话/电话机 号码;数字 父(母)亲: 兄/弟 家;家庭 女儿: 照片、图画 铅笔 老师、教师: 计算机;电脑 教室 在哪里/到哪里 桌子: 有趣的 困难的 体育运动 面包


生日 蔬菜 正确的;适当的 早餐/早饭 衣服;服装 问题 商店 会演节;节日 完成/做好 课;一节课 科学 数学 历史 因为 午餐 十一 十二 十三 十五 二十 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 第一 第二 第三 第五 第八 第九 第十二 第二十 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 2、短语

下午好 你好吗? 中学;初中 劳驾;请原谅 处处;到处; 一双 三、根据句意和所给的首字母填空

1.—What’s your f mane? -- I like green. 2.—What’s his phone n ? – 62678906. 3. Tim is a good boy, he is my f . 4. My father and my uncle are b . 5. My parents’ s is my brother.


6. Take the camera with you ,I’d like to take some p in the park. 7. What’s the P of this skirt? –It’s 100 yuan. 8. I can't f my pen.Where is it?

9. I don’t have a w _.I don’t know the time. 10. Can you bring my notebook to school? 11. Your father’s father is your g

12. We should eat lots of v _to keep our health ,like carrots and tomatoes

13. If you can’t speak English well,you can j the English club. 14. The students should l to the teacher in class carefully 15. This book is so i that all the people like reading it 16. There are 28 or 29days in F . 17. A key can lock and o the door 18. There are twelve m __in a year

19. He was late again so his teacher didn’t want to listen to his e ____any more.

20 My best friend is Jim Allen Green.Green is her _ f name. 21. We are very excited when we heared the good n . 22. It is very difficult for him to finish the work on t . 23. There are a lot of beautiful flowers and g grass in my garden. 24、 An alarm(警报) can tell us the time and it can wake us up in the m .

25、I will write a l to my mother if I miss her.


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