

1. 地图题(由大到小,由外到内)

The two maps of … give information about the city currently and in the future. Overall, a lot of modifications can be observed during the forecast development.

First of all, according to the current map (大概说一下原来的布局)

说一下变化(therefore /moreover /the next point)

To sum up,将会有很多变化.On the one hand,有了什么.On the other hand,没了什么.The city will have changed a great deal.

2. 条形图(有数据一定要用数据)

Show=illustrate=visualize during the same period

in these segments 在这些领域 It’s clear that

be most popular in 2018 and least popular in 2017

As a whole, the peak of … be reached in 2018 in contrast with 2017

3. 饼状图


Significantly increased 显著增加 refurbishment=reconstruction a negative pattern dissatisfied declined

an upward trend

comparing the amount of…we can also see To sum up

4. 折线图

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