七年级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school知识点总结

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?



get up起床 get dressed穿衣服 brush teeth/ brush one’s teeth刷牙 eat/have breakfast吃早餐 run跑步 take a shower洗澡;沐浴

go to work去工作 at a radio station在广播电台 radio show广播节目 go to school去上学 get to school到达学校

have English class上英语课 have Music class上音乐课

play the guitar弹吉他 play basketball打篮球 play sports做运动 eat/have lunch吃午餐 after school放学后 after class下课后 go home回家 eat/have dinner吃晚餐 take a walk去散步

do one’s homework做某人的家庭作业 clean one’s room打扫某人的房间 go to bed上床睡觉 got to bed early/late睡的早/晚

on weekends在周末 on weekdays在工作日on school days在学校上课日 best friend好朋友/最好的朋友eat ice-cream吃冰淇淋eat vegetables吃蔬菜 play computer games玩电脑游戏eat a nice/good breakfast吃一份不错的早餐 fruits and vegetables水果和蔬菜

(2)about 表示“大约”

E.g. She always exercises about seven ten.

It’s about 5 kilometers from my home to the school.

(3)from...to... “从....到...”

E.g. She works from nine a.m. to five p.m. everyday.

(4)介词for表示“为了...;对于...” for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner E.g. I sometimes eat chicken and rice for lunch.

Mike eats fruits and vegetables for dinner.

(5)after 表动作时间的先后,表示“在...之后”after school/class/lunch/dinner before 表示“在...之前” before breakfast/ lunch/ dinner E.g. I often play sports before breakfast.

Mr. Li usually takes a walk after dinner.

(6)much;many;lots of/ a lot of都表示“许多”;

区分:much+不可数名词; many+可数名词复数;lots of/ a lot of+可数名词复数/不可数名词

E.g. I don’t have much time for breakfast. = I don’t have lots of/ a lot of time for breakfast. (time时间为不可数名词)

Linda bought many new pens. = Linda bought lots of/ a lot of new pens. (pen为可数名词)

(7)either A or B 表示“要么A要么B”,做主语时,根据就近原则来选择动词


E.g. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.

Either you or he goes to work at seven o’clock.

(8)be good for... “对...有好处” be bad for “对...有坏处” E.g. Fruits and vegetables are good for your health.

Eating much ice-cream is bad for your health. (9)be late for.... “迟到...”

E.g. He is always late for school.

You should be late for work.

(10)taste 尝起来;look 看起来;sound 听起来;smell 闻起来

都是系动词,后面跟形容词 E.g. The cake smells nice.

It tastes good!


(1)— What time is it? — It's ...

E.g. a; What time is it?

b: It’s half past ten o’clock.


1. 纯数字,无介词。点钟数 + 分钟数 7:20 seven twenty 8:55 eight fifty-five

2. 分钟数不超过30分钟时,分钟数+ past +点钟数 9:10 ten past nine= nine ten

10:30 half past ten= ten thirty

6:15 one/a quarter past six= six fifteen

3. 分钟数超过30分钟时,差分钟数+ to +点钟数+1

11:40 twenty to twelve= eleven forty

8:45 one/a quarter to nine= eight forty-five 【注】

①特殊时间段的表示法: 30分钟可用______代替;15分钟可用______代替。 5:30 half past five 9:45 a quarter to ten ②在某一时刻使用介词at

E.g. Scot usually takes a shower at eight o’clock in the evening. ③提问时间使用: “What time is it? ” 或 “What's the time? ”

(3)用于表达时间,介词in, on, at的用法区分


in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening (at night)可放在具体的时刻后,表示上午、下午或晚上的具体时刻。

12点之前的具体时刻后用a.m.; 12点之后的具体时刻后用p.m.

E.g. Mike usually runs at six in the morning.= Mike usually runs at six a.m.. Linda usually usually watch TV at half past eleven in the evening. ②on 用于具体的哪一天前;

E.g. I usually play football with my friend on Sunday. ③at用于具体的时间点前。

E.g. Bob usually goes to school at seven ten.


①用来表示动作频率的副词叫频度副词,包括:always总是;一直,usually通常,often经常,sometimes有时候,seldom很少,never从不。按频率高低排列为: always(100%)>usually(80%)>often(60%)>sometimes(40%)>seldom(20%)>never(0%)除了这些词外,还可以用once a week(一周一次),twice a month(一月两次)等来表示频率。

②频度副词常与一般现在时连用 ③对频度副词提问要用How often 如: I usually take a walk after dinner. He never goes to school late.

They sometimes eat lunch at school. (对划线部分进行提问) → How often do they eat lunch at school?

(5)— What time do you usually...? — I/We usually...

E.g. A1: What time do you usually get up? B1: I/We usually get up at seven o’clock. A1: What about your mother? B1: She gets up at six o’clock.

A2: What time does he / she usually eat breakfast? B2: He/ She usually eats breakfast at seven o’clock. 【注】When与What time的区别

when与what time都可以用来询问时间,相当于汉语的“什么时候”,它们之间的异同点如下:

①询问做某事的具体时间(钟点)时两者可以互换如:你什么时候去上学? — When / What time do you go to school? — I go to school at seven o’clock.

②询问钟表所显示的时间时,只能用what time

e.g. —What time is it? (=What’s the time) 几点了? —It’s eight thirty.八点半。 ③询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非非钟点性时间时,只能用when, 而不能用what time。

e.g. —When is your birthday? —My birthday is February 6th. —When is Teachers’ Day? —It’s September 10th. 总结: What time 几点了?准确到分;When既指具体的时间,也可指大范围时间。

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