Unit 4 Dont eat in the class测试题

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.检测题



1.I often go to bed late because I have homework to do every day. A.too many B.too much C.many too D.much too 2.Look at the school rule.It ,“Don’t eat in class.” A.writeB.writingC.saysD.was

3.The teacher is very strict his students. A.withB.in C.forD.to

4.Dave,you have to wear--- shoes for P.E. A.sportB.sportsC.to sport D.sporting

5.Don’t listen to music in the classrooms the hallways. A.andB.orC.yetD.but

6.Sorry,you--- play basketball in the classroom. A.can’t B.don’t C.don’t have to D.aren’t

7.Don’t eat in class ——don’t leave your seats in class. A.orB.so C.butD.and

8.He does his homework before going to bed ---school nights. A.for B.in C.at D.on 9.Don’t __ in the classroom.

A.noisy B.be noisy C.is noisy D.be noise 10.Daisy has to the classroom after ----school. A.cleansB.cleanedC.cleaningD.clean Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)

John is an American boy. He likes 11 football matches, 12 he doesn’t h ave enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches 13 TV at home when he has 14 homework. He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he misses a lot of important matches.

A big football match will be held in the afternoon

tomorrow. 15 wants to watch it very much,but he can’t. He will have a physics test(考试)in 16afternoon.“Can we have a video,Mum?”John asks his mother 17 he goes to school.“Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”“I’m 18 we can’t afford(买得起) one,”sighs(叹


息)his mother. The next morning John comes home with a smile, 19 a new video.“But where do you get the money,John?”his mother asks in surprise. “That’s 20 ,Mum. I’ve sold our TV set.” 11.A.watchingB.seeC.looking at D.hearing 12.A.andB.so C.butD.though 13.A.inB.onC.atD.with 14.A.fewB.a few C.littleD.quite a little 15.A.MotherB.FatherC.TeacherD. John 16.A.the same B.the different C.a D.an 17.A.afterB.beforeC.because D.as 18.A.gladB.afraidC.pleasedD.frightened 19.A.carryingB.carriesC.carryD.to carry 20.A.difficultB.easyC .difficulty D.easily Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分) A The Wenhua International School You must Arrive at school by half past seven every morning. Hand in your homework by eight. Look clean and tidy. Be quiet in the library. Stay on the playground at break time. Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom. 21.What can’t you do when you are in the school buildings? A.Eat or drink.B.Run or shout.C.Talk loudly.D.Listen to music. 22.Can you bring your MP3 to school? A.No,we can’t. B.Yes,we can. C.No,they can’t. D.Y es,they can. 2

You mustn’t Wear jeans. Eat or drink in the classroom. Bring MP3 to school. Run or shout in the school buildings. Talk loudly in th e hallways. Fight. 23.What do you have to do when your teacher comes into the classroom?

A.Hand in my homework.B.Be quiet. C.Stand up.D.Clean the classroom. 24.Can you fight in the school? A.I don’t know. B.No,we can’t. C.Yes,we can. D.Yes,we must.

25.When do you have to get to school every morning? A.By half past seven. B.By eight. C.By half past eight. D.By seven.


Hi,boys and girls! Welcome to our museum. It’s free.You don’t have to pay any money.But we have some rules for you. Please remember them and do as I say. Firstly,don’t have food or drink here. You may make our museum dirty. Secondly,you can take photos here, but don’t touch (触摸) the things here. Thirdly, keep quiet in the museum. Don’t talk loudly. Fourthly,the museum is not open after five o’clock in the afternoon. Please leave (离开) before five. Have a good time here! Thank you.

26.There are some rules for a . A.storeB.parkC.schoolD.museum

27.What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “free” in the article? A.免费的 B.迅速的 C.高兴的 D.自由的 2 8.Students can in the museum. A.have food and drink B.take photos C.touch the things D.talk loudly 29.Students can stay in the museum . A.all dayB.before 5:00 a.m. C.before 5:00 p.m.D.after 5:00 p.m. 30.We can learn from the article that . A.students don’t want to pay any money B.the museum has five rules for the students

C.the speaker who tells the students the rules is a teacher


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