小学英语粤人版六年级上册Unit 4 Keeping Clean《Lesson 3》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案

小学英语粤人版六年级上册Unit 4 Keeping Clean《Lesson 3》优



知识目标:1. Can read the article and answer some questions.2.Can use the correct sentences to complete the passage.

技能目标:初步掌握阅读的技巧,能利用关键词阅读按意群阅读等方法获取文中信息。 情感目标:通过学习这篇文章让学生了解到不管世界怎么变,都要保护地球。




Can read the article and answer some questions.

Can use the correct sentences to complete the passage.


4.1 Step1 Review Play a game :Sharp eyes Free talk.

1.What day is it today

2.What day was it yesterday Check the homework.(导学案)

Step 2  Presentation. A:

1.Show up the picture and ask: Which city is it

2.Teach the words:the Pearl River,Guangzhou Tower,Five-goat statue.Then groups.

3.Ask:What was the air like before What is the air like today Get the Ss to answer.Teach the sentences.

4.Ask:What was the air like in Guangzhou before Clean or dirty What is the weather like now Get the Ss to answer.Teach the sentences. 5.Ask:What is Guangzhou like today What was Guangzhou like before Get the Ss to answer.Teach the sentences. B: Task 1: Listen and answer. Some people are talking about their cities.How many people talk about their cities Who are they Now listen to the tape and then answer the questions.

Step 3 Practice A Task 2:Read and fill in the blanks. 1.Wang Yan is talking about his city Read and fill in the

blanks.Ask a S to answer the questions,teacher shows up the sentence cards,and then read after the T.

2.Sam is talking about his city.Read and find out :What were the roads like before What are the roads like now Ask a S to answer

the questions,teacher shows up the sentence cards,and then read after the T.

3.Judy is talking about her city.Read and find out :What were the shops like before What are the shops like now Ask a S to answer the questions,teacher shows up the sentence cards,and then read after the T. B: Task 3: Read and fill in the blanks.

1.Now read again and fill in the blanks with the correct sentences from the box.Then ask some Ss to answer.

2.Match the pictures with people. P51 C: Read after the teacher. D.Read after the SA

Step 4 Consolidation

1.T:Now look at the pictures.Which country is ti Ss:Yangshan. T:Yes,let’s talk about our country--Yangshan.Let’s talk with your partner.One is talking about Picture1,the other is talking about

Picture2.For example,What was/were the government like before What is/are the government like now

2.Pairs work. 3.Ask some pairs to show their conversation.

Step 5 Summary

1.能用这两个句型谈论现在与过去 There is/are... There was/were... 2.能抓住关键词进行阅读。

Step 6 Homework

1.Read P50-51three times(其中一次到小组长处读)。 2.P51.3。

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