牛津译林版七年级上册Starter 《Visit my school》导学案(1)

Unit5 第一课时


1. 掌握以下单词:

computer, football field, how many, building, office, toilet, library, playground 2. 学习there be 结构:

1) —Is there a computer room in your school? —No, there isn't. 2) —Is there a football field? —Yes.

3) —How many classrooms are there in your school? —There are twenty. 3. 掌握可数名词复数的变化。 【课前预习】

一 请同学们预习课本第24页的单词,把你不会读或不会默的单词列在横线上。


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、用所给名词的正确形式填空。

1. There are some __________ (library) in Beijing. 2. Are there any __________ (building) in your school? 3. Who are these __________ (boy)?

4. Are there two __________ (office) in our building? 5. There is a (黑板) on the wall.

6. Are there any __________ (窗户) in the wall?

7. How many __________ (学生) are there in the room? 8. There is a (钢笔) and some books on the desk. 【课堂训练】 一 选择

( ) ① --- How many clocks are there on the wall? ---There is _______ one. A. some B. a C. any D. only ( ) ② Is there an English book in the bag?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, there’s. D. No, there isn’t.

( ) ③ Look at the apple tree. There’re many apples ________ it. A. to B. in C. at D. on ( ) ④ There is ________ in her bedroom.

A. two doors B. some students C. a old picture D. a big desk ( ) ⑤ A: How many ________ are there behind the desk? B: There are twelve. A. chair B. boxes C. balles D. boxs

( ) ⑥ A: __________reading rooms are there in your school? B: Two. A. What B. How C. How old D. How many ( ) ⑦ There ________ a pencil in my desk.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

( ) ⑧ There is ______ book on the desk. _______ book is small. A. a, The B. an, The C. the, The D. an, An

( ) ⑨ There are some doors ________ the wall.

A. on B. in C. at D. of ( ) ⑩ There’s ________ “u” in the word “uncle”. A. a B. an C. the D. / 二.同义句

(1)Her friend is English. Her friend is _________ ___________.

(2 ) Jim and David are twins. Jim and David are _________ __________.

(3 ) Building C has seven floors. ________ ________ seven floors ________ Building C.

(4 ) Open the door, please. _________ ________ the door, please. 三 词汇

① A: _________ __________ girls are there in here class? B: There are 23. ② There is o_________ one bird in the tree.

③ There’re many big __________ (图书馆)in our school. ④There are twelve tall __________(大楼) in their school.

⑤Look, Li Lei and his friends are playing football in the football f__________. ⑥There’re two doctors in an o___________.

⑦Excuse me, is there a ___________ (洗手间)near here? ⑧There are many girls playing on the ____________.(操场) 四.完成对话

A: __________ that?

B: __________ a picture _________ my friend’s school. A: __________ it very big? B: Yes, _______ ________.

A: ________ _________ any buildings in your school? B: Yes, ________ _________ 12.

A: ________ _________ a swimming pool in your school?

B: No, ________ _________. But __________ a football field in our school. A: Thank you

B: You are welcome. 【课后巩固】


Hi, I’m Sammi. My family are in Beijing now. We h_________ two friends. They are Mr. White and Mrs. Black. Mr. White is an American d__________. Mrs. Black is an E___________ teacher. They are p________ and h__________. Mr. White is b________ and tall. He is a s________ man. Mrs. Black is a small and s_________ woman. She’s very p__________. They are in China now. We all like them. 二 改错。

(1) ---What is your mother? ---She’s fine, thank you. ___________________ (2) There are three librarys here. ____________________

(3) You’re late today. Don’t late again. ___________________

(4) On the small desk, have a pencil and two rubbers. ___________________ 三.根据汉语完成句子。


________ ________ _________ _________ _________ in your class? There are __________.


________ ________ a _________ _________ in your school? ③这是游泳池吗?不,不是。

_______ ________ a swimming pool? No, _______ _________. ④这幢楼里有一个办公室和一个美术室。

There is _______ ___________ and ________ _________ room in this build

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