中国历史大事记年表(Chronicle of events in Chinese history)

中国历史大事记年表(Chronicle of events in Chinese history) About 1 million 700 thousand years ago, people living in Yunnan, Yuanmou, Yuanmou area

About 70-20 years ago, people living in Beijing, Zhoukoudian, Beijing area

About 18 thousand years ago, the cave men began to live in the clan commune

About 0.5-0.7 million years ago, the Hemudu Site, the Banpo matriarchal clan commune

About 0.4-0.5 million years ago in the late Dawenkou Culture, patriarchal clan commune

More than 4000 years ago, the legendary Yan Di, Huang Di, Yao, Shun, Yu period

Two, slave society (from 2070 BC to 476 BC)

Summer BC, 2070 to 1600 BC

2070 BC Chuanyu Yu Kai, the establishment of the Xia

1600 BC to 1046 BC

1600 BC Shang Tang destroyed Xia, Shang Dynasty established

In 1300 BC, Wang Pangeng moved the capital to Yin

Western Zhou Dynasty from 1046 BC to 771 BC

1046 BC, King Wu of Zhou Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty

Chinese riots in 841 BC

In 771 BC Quanrong scored Haojing, the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty

The spring and Autumn period from 770 BC to 476 BC

770 BC King Ping of Zhou Yi moved to Mindoro, began the Eastern Zhou

Three, feudal society (475 BC to 1840 AD)

The Warring States period (475 BC to 221 BC)

In 356 BC, Shang Yang began political reform

Qin (221 B.C. to 206 BC)

In 221 BC the Emperor Qin unified, established the system of prefectures, unified currency, weights and text

In 209 BC, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising broke out

Battle of Julu in 207 BC

In 206 BC, Liu Bang invaded Xianyang and died in Qin Dynasty

206 BC - 202 BC Chu battle

The Western Han Dynasty (202 BC to 8 AD)

In 202 BC, the Western Han Dynasty was established

In 138 BC, Zhang Qian was first sent to the Western Regions

In the year 8 Wang Mang to the Western Han Dynasty regime, changed the name of the new

Eastern Han Dynasty (25 to 220 years)

25 years, the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty

73 years beyond to the Western Regions

In 105 years, Cai Lun improved papermaking

132 years Zhang Heng invented the seismograph

166 years of Qin Wang Dun sent envoys to Chinese

184 years of leading angle of the Yellow turbans

The battle of Guandu in 200

208 years Chibi battle

Three Kingdoms (220 to 280 years)

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