
教学内容:Recycle 1 教学目标和要求: 1、 2、

Try to understand the story Try to cat the story

教学重点:Let’s act 教学难点:Let’s act 教学用具:Tape/recorder 教学过程: Step1: Revision 1、 2、

Sing a song Greeting ?

Step2: Let’s act 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、

Look at the pictures Try to understand the story Listen to the tape

Read the dialogue after the tape Try to understand the sentences Read the story together Act the story

Step3:A match 1、

Group work

Act the story out

2、 Retell the story

Step4:Summary and homework 板书设计:

Let’s share!! 作业布置: 1.Listen to the tape 2.Read the sentences 教学后记:

Good idea!! Thanks!!!

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