


小学英语五年级下册第三单元单元测试题 (时间:60分钟 满分:100 分) class name score

一、写出下列单词的缩写。(10分) __________________3. they are _________ ________ __ ___ ______

__ _ 8. what is_____ not_____ 10 september____

二、找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1. a. holiday b. who c. which

( )2. a. birthday b. children’s day c. national day ( )3. a. monday b. tuesday c. may day ( ) 4. a monday b. june c. march ( ) 5. a. april b. autumn c. august

三、读一读,判断划线部分读音相同写“t”否“f”。 (10分)

( ) class b. card c. march

( ) b. lunch c. child ( )3. a. rain b. april c. may

) b. sheep c. cheap

( )5. a. fly b. why c. july 四、单项选择。(20分)

( )1. my birthday is ___________ may. a. at b. in c. on d. of

( )2. ___________ is the first month of a year. a. february b. december c. october d. january ( )3. ___________ is children’s day a. when b. what d. why

( ) 4. ___________ is the first month of a year. a. february b. december c. october d. january ( )5. ——is your birthday in june ——__________________.

a. yes, it is. b. yes, it isn’t. c. no, it isn’ no, it is. ( ) 6. ——how old are you —— i’m ______________.

a. first b. twelve c. second d. fifth ( )7. ——when is your birthday ——it’s in ____________.

a. third b. january c. 20th d. 8:30

( ) _______ your birthday

a. am b. is c. are d. be

( ) birthday is in july. aunt mary’s birthday is in july,_________.

a. either b. to c. too d. two ( )10.——when is national day ——____________________.

a. it’s september 10th. b. it’s march 12th. c. it’s december 25th. d. it’s october 1st. in on at

五、选词填空。 (10分)

china’s national day is ______ ’s have lunch ______ 12: often watch tv ______ the do you have ______ sundaysi can make a snowman ______ winter.

六、连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点符号。(15分) 1. we an easter have party in april will (.)

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