
Unit 2

Inside view Conversion 1

Janet Hey, look at that! It’s just like I’ve seen it in the films!

Andy Welcome to London, my hometown. We are in Shoutwark, south of the

river. there’s London bridge off to your left, and there’s Tower Bridge.

Janet I’m really impressed. How old is it? Andy It’s only about 120 years old. Janet Andy Janet Andy Janet Andy Janet Andy Janet Andy


珍妮特 安迪 珍妮特 安迪 珍妮特 安迪 珍妮特 安迪 well, that’s quite old.

the London Docks used to be around this area. What happened was that

about three or four times a day, they raised Tower Bridge, so the bigger ships could come right into London. But because they couldn’t go under London bridge, they had to stop and unload here.

Does Tower Bridge still open?

well, not so often. When I was a kid, I think I saw tower bridge go up

fairy often, all the traffic had to wait for the ships to pass through the bridge. Anyway, just this side of London bridge were lots of warehouses, where they kept their cargo. But during the second world war, there was lots of bombing over London…

yes, I read about that…the Blitz?

that’s right. And even when I was a kid, I remember that many of the

buildings were still damaged. But in the late 1980s and 90s, this whole area was redeveloped, you can see for yourself, it’s a trendy place to live now.

is the river thames still polluted?

well, it certainly used to be polluted. I remember it had a very distinctive

smell, if you fell in, they used to take you to hospital.

that’s sounds revolting!

yes, but in the 1960s, they cleaned it up, and in fact it’s now one of the

cleanest city rivers in the world.

嘿,看那!和我在电影里看到的一样啊 ! 欢迎来到我的故乡伦敦。我们现在是在河的南边---southwark,在你的左


真让人叹为观止啊!他有多长的历史了? 只有大概120年吧。 已经很久了。






珍妮特 是的,我在书上看到过,德国空袭,对吧? 安迪 没错,甚至在我小的时候,还有许多遗留下来的被毁建筑,但在80年


珍妮特 泰晤士河现在还是污染的吗?

安迪 以前是,记得以前这有股很特别的味道,你一旦掉下去,就会被送去医院。

珍妮特 听起来有点恶心。 安迪 是的,但60年代已经被清理干净了,实际上它现在已经是世界上最干净的河流之一了。

Conversion 2

Janet It is very different from the parts of London I know.

Andy The thing about Southwark is that it’s a typical suburb of London, full of old

buildings and shops. And this is where I grew up. I used to live in that building there.

Janet It’s amazing. It looks very old. Andy Yes, it’s about 80 years old

Janet And where did you go to school?

Andy Let me see. Yes , it was about a mile away from here. From about the age of

eight, I used to go by bike. We all made our way to school on our own, meeting up with friends along the way until there was a large gang of us kids as we got closer to school. These days parents are much more protective and take their kids to school by car. It’s safer, but it’s not as much fun. Anyway …where was I?

Janet You were telling me about your schooldays.

Andy That’s right. Anyway, I stayed at school until I was 16,and then I went to a

college of further education, and did my A levels. And after that, I decided to go to university.

Janet Your parents must have been proud of you.

Andy Yes, I think so. I was the first person in my family to go to uni. Janet That’s fascinating. Andy And what about you?

Janet Oh, it was a typical childhood in Anshan, nothing much to tell. Andy But I have no idea what a typical childhood is like in China. Janet OK, I will tell you. Let me think…

Andy Oh, hang on! Do you mind waiting here for a minute? Let me go up to my flat

and get my research, and then you can tell me about it while we’re on our way back to the studio.

Janet OK

Andy Back in a minute…

珍妮特 这和我看到的伦敦的其他地方很不一样啊。

安迪 守特瓦是一个很典型的伦敦郊区,这有许多古老的建筑和商场。这是我


珍妮特 哇!看起来很古老。

安迪 是的,有大概80年了吧。 珍妮特 对了,你去哪上学的?

安迪 让我想想… 对了,离这大概一里远。八岁起我就开始骑车上学,我们


珍妮特 你在讲你的学生时代。

安迪 对了,而且我在学校呆到16岁后又进了进修学校,并且参加了大学入


珍妮特 你父母一定为你感到骄傲吧!

安迪 我想是吧,在家里我是第一个上大学的。 珍妮特 你太棒了。

安迪 你呢?你怎么样?

珍妮特 噢,那是在鞍山一个很典型的童年,没什么太多可讲。 安迪 但还不知道在中国典型的童年是什么样的啊! 珍妮特 好吧,我来告诉你,让我想想……

安迪 噢,你先停下,在这等我一下好吗?我先回宿舍拿下调研资料,然后在


珍妮特 好吧。

安迪 我马上回来。

Outside view


Around the world,many children are living in poverty.Many children live in countries where there's war.Many children do not get enough to eat.Some of these children are suffering from malnutrition.

Many children in the world can’t go to school.One agency that is helping these children is UNICEF.UNICEF means the United Nations Children's Fund.UNICEF has more than seven thousand people working and one hundred and fifty_seven countries around the world to help children.One country where they are doing a great deal of work is Afghanistan.A whole generation of children in Afghanistan has never known peace,until recently.Now UNICEF is bringing food for malnourished children.They're bringing medicine.Here A medical team travels on horseback to bring medicine to a remote mountain village.And UNICEF is helping the children get an education.\the time of Taliban ,we have made a survey among 40000 kids.And ,they all say that the first thing they want is peace,and the second thing that they want is ,was education.\Taliban destroyed almost 2000 schools.Under the Taliban ,girls weren't allowed to attend school at all.\50 percent of the school has been destroyed completely,in the rest of the 50 percent schools which,eh,eh,needs repair.We are trying to accommodate all the children in the schools.\of these schools are in people's home.This is a home school in

Kabul.The teacher,Habiba Kilwati,has been running the school for 12 years.She supervises 26 other schools like it.\want to learn,so wo can become teachers,doctors,or engineers,and be like normal students.\was dangerous for children to go to school.Under the Taliban,police punished families whose children went to school.Today,children are happy to be in school.\and an egg,and came to school.I have notebooks ,pencils,erasers,and friends,and fun here.“UNICEF is helping rebuild the educational system in Afghanistan in many ways.UNICEF is helping to train teachers.They're rebuilding schools,they're printing textbooks,and delivering books and other supplies to schools.This girls school was closed under the Taliban.Now,it's opening again.It has room for 960 students.These girls are happy to be back to school.\years.There was no education then.I tried to study then with my parents,but it's not the same.It wasn't so bad,but now I'm much happier because the schools are reopening.\school,and to give them back their education so they can read and write.\Taliban came to power and closed the schools,girls stayed at home.Now there's an oppotunity for them to continue their education.We are very happy about this.We can be proud of our girls,our young people.They can go back to school.UNICEF is working on its mission to bring food,medinine and education to the children of Afganistan.In the process,they're also bringing hope.


当今世界,很多儿童生活在贫困中。他们生存在充满战争的国家。很多孩子食不果腹。他们中的一些人甚至营养不良。他们不能上学。UNICEF是一个帮助这些孩子们的组织,是各个国家联合帮助儿童的机构。现有700人在这里工作,157个国家联合帮助这些儿童。 其中需要做最多工作的国家是阿富汗。这里的孩子们甚至从不了解和平,直到不久前。现在UNICEF为营养不良的儿童们带来了食物和药。医疗队骑马为遥远山村里的人们送去药物。并且,他们还帮助孩子们重获教育。“在塔利班时期,我们在40000孩子中做了调查。他们都说最渴望的事情是和平,然后是教育。”塔利班摧毁了将近2000个校园。在这形式下,女孩们根本不允许上学。“多于一半的学校被完全摧毁,另一半的,则需要重修。我们正努力使孩子们都能上学。”一些学校设在人们家里。这是一个在喀布尔的家庭学校。这位教师Habiba Kilwati,已经管理这家学校12年了。她像这样同时主管其他26所学校。“我们想学习,这样我们可以成为教师,医生,或者工程师,就像其他正常的学生一样。”孩子们上学其实是很危险的。在塔利班控制下,警方会惩罚那些有孩子上学的家庭。现在,孩子们因为能上学而高兴。


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